Saturday, May 10, 2008

New York Kicking Small Smiles To The Curb

May 8, 2008
Steve Flamisch

The New York State Office of the Medicaid Inspector General is terminating Small Smiles Dentistry from the state Medicaid program effective May 24, CBS 6 News has learned.

A spokeswoman would not confirm any additional details, citing the need to preserve the integrity of the ongoing investigation.

Three former employees and the parents of 82 patients accuse the Colonie children's dentistry clinic of performing rushed and unnecessary procedures on its young patients, all to make money. The ex-employees claim the dentists and other staff members earn lucrative bonuses for achieving certain "production numbers," though the company patently denies that claim.

Government sources confirm that Attorney General Andrew Cuomo's office is also investigating Small Smiles. Cuomo has the power to bring civil and criminal charges in Medicaid cases, though it remains to be seen whether that will be the case.

The State Education Department, which licenses all dentists in New York, would not confirm an investigation, but did file a subpoena requesting all of the information CBS 6 uncovered. The station is cooperating, and - at the request of the parents - sharing that documentation with other state agencies, as well.

Small Smiles spokesman Don Meyer would not confirm the state's action, nor would he explain how 82 parents had come forward to corroborate allegations the company has dismissed as "baseless." In an email, Meyer said, "I have no additional information to share with you at this time."

Video Interview of Parent Forum

Finally a state has stepped forward and working on putting an end to Small Smiles/FORBA barbaric back alley dentistry and abusing children in the process.

I'm looking for more states to follow New York's lead in the near future. Let all keep our fingers crossed and hope that North Carolina realizes Smile Starters is owned and operated by the same people and kicks Smile Starters to the curb as well.

Ok, let see what states follows New Yorks lead.


On a side note:

Dr. Randall W. Ellis, DDS referred to as reviewing the patient files internally for FORBA's (Small Smiles) is a Professor at (drum roll please...... ) Creighton!! And lives.....(drum roll again)...... Pueblo!


Anonymous said...

NEWSFLASH for the uninformed, irresponsible person that's posts the BS here. Smile Starters in NC is no longer owned by DeRose and his crew!

Anonymous said...

Glad you brought that up. You don't think I know that Dr. Rivera took over so to speak on May 1st. But go ahead, tell us all about it, since you know so much.

Tell us all about Dr. Raf Rivera, and Ryan Root Management.

Ryan Root, let's start with him, tell us about him, smartass.

Give us a bit of history, why don't ya.

Anonymous said...

Shoot a few months back, DeRose said he sold them to FORBA too, and guess who owns FORBA.

You need to be looking for another job!

Anonymous said...

You need to get a LIFE!!!!!

Debbie said...

Shutting down these dental mills is my life, and I can see it's upsetting yours

Anonymous said...

I understand the concept of smallsmiles and understand what they are trying to do. But personally, you have to love what you do and be very pasionate about treating the underserved children. I think FORBA is pasionate about taking lots of money from medicaid.

Anonymous said...

maybe when you work in one of these hell holes and see the set up that Mr. Edward DeRose and his dear old dad set up you'll get what is going on here. Mr. Edward DeRose got out when he could and sold it while he could still get out from under the mess. thanks FORBA for being a wonderful employer!

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