Friday, May 02, 2008

Report on Tish Ballance Still Going After Medicaid Dollars-ABC 13 news.

I told you guys a few weeks ago, that Tish Ballance was opening up a new 'State of the art" clinic in Ashville. Finally it's hit the news on Ashevilles ABC13, Frank Fraboni reporting (requires IE not Firefox). See Here for the video report.

This reports says that this particular Smile Starters wasn't involved in the 10 million dollar law suit, but failed to mention that every dentist in ALL Smile Starters go to the same boot camp for training. This particular office just didn't have any parents step forward.

Note how those employees look like deer caught in the headlight. Wonder why no reporter has ambused DeRose over the years. Come on guys, let's get on that one.
(see that's what's this site is all about, gathering information for reporters and agencies so they don't have to spend the same hundreds of hours researching this whole mess and it's all in a nice package right her to pick through and decide what each wants to report on, or agency wants to file what chargers, call it my gift to the world)

In the report above documents show that even today, DeRose and Ballance still own Smile Starters, even though they say it's been sold to Dr. Raf Rivera. They employees still acknowledge DeRose and Ballance still own Smile Starters, and DeRose said months and months ago he sold them or they were under "new management", depends on who he's talking to at the moment. Wouldn't you hate to have him for a client. Honestly he can't tell the same story twice.

"Mike DeRose, this is to you personally: Changing the name over the door, does not mean "New Management"....duh! And how many dental management company names do you have now, I'm up to at least 5 or 6 in the management area alone. Let's see, BBJ (your relatives) Root Management (your accountant) FORBA, LLC (you and your brother) FORBA Management, LLC (you and your brother) ...shoot I've done lost track. You know, I myself would love to have you on the witness stand, oh what a joyous day for me that would be."

According to other reports Dr. Rivera took over ....clearing throat.... I mean bought all the Smile Starters across the area. (Funny wonder how many times DeRose can sell the same clinics..didn't he once say he sold them to FORBA, Oh wait, forgot....FORBA is owned by DeRose...excuse me)

My guess they've already hired a new ad agency to come up with another new name for Smile Starters, design another sweet little logo and look for new signage to arrive at any time. Of course I could be wrong.

When it comes to this bunch I'm usually not too far off. So I guess they can advertise "new management" right? (Rolling on the floor laughing) that has taken over Smile Starters.

Of course this is standard procedure for DeRose, say they've been sold or at the least under new management (picking myself up off the floor) as pretend he's wiped his hands of the whole thing. I've uncovered at least 25, or was it 27 different names where he's done this exact thing.

Dr. Rivera will now be the so called owner and Root Dental Management to run the terrorist camps, as known as, dental management. Don't think for a minute that Michael DeRose is not involved or getting a cut off the top, he's now the probable "consultant". It's not hard to figure out the business model since it's been status quo for years.

Dr. Rivera is an old employee of Medicaid Dental Centers-Carolina Dental Centers-Smile Starters, I would bet money he's as guilty as Tish Ballance or Heather Berkheimer in gross overtreatment of the children's teeth as well as tying them up on papoose boards.

My guess (and I guess pretty well) is that the only reason he was not officially sanctioned and named in the current lawsuits is that no patient seen by him in particular came forward with complaints. ?This is where you parents out there have to step up.

That would make him the perfect candidate to take over wouldn't it. He's trained well in the standard procedure, yet not named in lawsuits. The we have the new "Root Dental Management" with Ryan Root in charge of that. Knowing full well Ryan Root has been the sidekick of Dr. Michale (Mike) DeRose for years. Actually Ryan Root is the staff accountant for FORBA I do believe. Bob Root's company, Ryan's dad, Rice/Root or something like that , then Ryan came on over to work exclusively for FORBA.

I sure hope DeRose pays Ryan Root well, since DeRose has conned Ryan into sticking his neck out there to be cut off and it will.

Tish, honey this is to you: Look, your name is mud in the dental world. It's time for you to just get back in school and find another profession. And I'd lose the "Tish" in your name. I know you've been brainwashing by DeRose, thinking you are as Teflon coated as he's been through the years, but his reign as Teflon king in the dental world in rapidly coming to an end and you need to just find something else outside the dental profession to do with your life. Now I know you are a strong person and can start over, preferably in another country....say Bahrain maybe.

(I was just thinking... I've got a lot of vacation time this summer, and I've had a few suggestions on where I could go...he he he. I also have a very nice expensive sony video recorder, and I know Colorado is very nice this time of year..... )

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