Friday, August 08, 2008

FYI: Brad Padula; US Agent Importing Toothbrushes From China

Brad Padula

Brad Padula, pictured above is US Agent for FDA Approved Toothbrushes imported from a company in China called Shanghai Songyang Import and Export Company, LTD. See document from

Shanghai Songyang Import & Export

One might ask, so who cares? What's Brad Padula got to do with any of this anyway?

Well, I'll tell ya. I can connect him directly (can't show you that just yet, but I will) with Smile Starters in North Carolina. That's the Michael DeRose company that was fined the $10 Million dollars back in April for Medicaid fraud, over treating children (16 stainless crowns in one sitting..and more). Remember Michael DeRose is part owner of Forba/Small Smiles (on the board of directors too).

He's the upper management that Arcaptia Bank, out of Bahrain, just outside of Saudi Arabia is doing business with in all these Small Smiles Clinics across the US.

It's uncle Adolph (Rudy) Paula's (Brad's dad, Michael and Dan's uncle) that puts his licenses up in various Small Smiles clinics across the US even though he's not seen a mouth of teeth in years!

A word about Songyang (China International Intellectech Corporation, Shanghai Songyang Import & Export Co., Ltd). As you might know all heavy industry and agriculture in China (The Peoples Republic of China) is State owned. Some large western companies such as General Motors have opened plants in China. These are joint ventures where the State owns the land and GM might own as much as 49% of the joint venture. Only mom and pop size retail establishments can be said to be owned privately. Songyang is State owned. Songyang was established by the State to market the production of the State owned businesses. Add to that the fact that manufacturing labor cost in China is 1/8th (one eighth) that of the United States or Europe.

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