Friday, August 15, 2008

Small Smiles In New Albany Still Treating and Mistreating Children; Collecting Medicaid Dollars Once Again!

New Albany Small Smiles Clinic Still In Business. The sign simply says Dentist Clinic, but the new name actually is Albany Access Dentistry as I've reported on here before.

Thank goodness more parents are suing Forba/Small Smiles! Their Legal Eagles of King and Spalding should be quite busy right about now.

Of course Forba is going to say they no longer own this clinic but that simply is an out right lie. They know they own it, I know they own it and others know damn well they own it!

If you do a 'who is' for who owns and administers the Albany Access Dentistry website you will see that it's FORBA. Yeah, they registered that name just days following the Albany clinic being shut out of the medicaid program in NY.

Anyone who reads this blog knows that Small Smiles/Forba always seems to find a way to skirt the laws of every state in which they operate. But something tells me this is all coming to a swift end very soon. These reports are not going away, and I certainly am not going away, not as long as Forba insists on abusing children for profit!

1 comment:

xemployspeakingout said...

Something must be wrong. First they were running a coopration dental office in a state that needs to be dr owned practice to running in nys. Then someone from this copration states he is the owner of it. So now the two remaining doctor are still running the show. Mean while the lead dentist dr Mazier gets his medicaid back after so many accusations. Whats wrong here. Who are we protecting our children or forba and its doctors. I hope the gov. agencies are still doing there jobs and take this jerk out of office and slap some cuffs on him.
and really who is this doctor that owns it, where is he. Is he even a doctor that practices in nys. Or is he some doctor that works at forbra corp. office who liences in 6 other states, but only pratices in one state. They keep finding all these grey areas to make and break the laws. Something ought to change. if you and I break the law, our asses would be jail. But becuase this is a multibillion company they get a second chance to hurt our kids, as those look away.

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