Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Parents Overbilled For Pediatric Dental Care

Below is snippet from a blog of another parent complaining about being ripped off by a pediatric dentist. The dentist is out of Colorado Springs, CO of all places. If you've been keeping up with my blog you know there are many references to children's dentistry and the great state of Colorado.

If the dentist had not been so greedy hitting the parents up for more money they probably would have gotten away with over billing the insurance company.

I encourage EVERYONE to really look over the statements your insurance company sends you showing the amount they paid your dentist. Don't hesitate to call your dentist and ask about items you don't recognize or clearly understand.

If you find charges you feel are fraudulent file a complaint with the following:
Your State's Dental Board
The Federal Trade Commission
Your Insurance Company
Your State's Attorney General

Also the ADA has procedure codes (standardized codes used to bill insurance companies for each procedure). Don't hesitate to call other dentists and ask what they charge for the particular code of interest. You can also do this to "shop around".

We reviewed the bills, they charged us for 5 cavities and told us they going to do one. They charged significantly over what the insurance considers reasonable and expect us to pay the difference.

We are still trying to figure out why they charged $300 for sedation when our regular dentist charges $45. Why we have a bill for 5 cavities when one was fixed. Until we figure this out DO NOT GO TO COLORADO SPRINGS CHILDREN'S DENTISTRY.

We have paid almost $1000 for one infected tooth. I believe they are taking advantage of us by overcharging and billing for work that wasn't done.

Steer clear of Derek Kirkham DDS, and the rest of Colorado Springs Pediatric Dentistry. This practice is out to rob you blind.

Check out the full complaint here.

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