Friday, April 25, 2008

DeRose Admits To Pueblo Newspaper FORBA, LLC is "Primarily Owned " By DeRose Family

Here's a link to the article if it's not been pulled by now, if the link doesn't work try googles cache. Every now and then I come across an old article or news report that was here one day and gone the next.... hmmm. Anyway if you have access to the newspaper at libraries etc it was in the business section of the April 10, 2008 edition. At this point I think they have reqested google remove the full story from the cashe, but I might be wrong.

Seems like in denying one he's admitting to even more sins!

In this article he's trying to say that the DeRose family still owns the FORBA Small Smiles clinics and this time it's the Medicaid Dental Clinics-Smile Starters-Carolina Dental Center, whatever name he's using this week, that he sold to Tennessee FORBA in 2006 or whenever it was! Let's face it, he's not sold anything to anybody now has he?

I bet one thing about now, not a sole at Arcapita has a clue to what they "invested" in.

What he failed to disclose is that his "Tennessee based" FORBA is also DeRose, offices in the exact same building, the exact same suite number as DeRose Children's Dental Center back in the day!!! I've got links to documents across the land showing this in great detail.

Plus, to top it off, didn't DeRose say just a few days ago to another reporter that he sold those North Carolina Medicaid Dental Clinics-Smile Starters to Dr. Raf Rivera!

I guess by now one can see that it's easy to tell if any DeRose is lying.

His mouth is moving!

Have they not got a dorm in a Federal Prison for Ed DeRose, Michael DeRose, Dan DeRose, William Mueller and Adolph Padula yet?


The clinics in North Carolina are co-owned by a Pueblo dentist.

CHARLOTTE, N.C. - A chain of dental clinics in North Carolina has paid $10.05 million to the federal government to resolve allegations of Medicaid fraud.
The settlement, announced Wednesday by the U.S. Department of Justice, involves Medicaid Dental Center, co-owned by Drs. Michael DeRose of Pueblo and Leticia Ballance of North Carolina.
The federal government had alleged that the clinics presented "false or fraudulent claims . . . to the North Carolina Medicaid program by billing for medically unnecessary dental services on indigent children."
DeRose told The Pueblo Chieftain that the clinics had no connection with the dozens of FORBA clinics nationwide owned primarily by Pueblo's DeRose family. Those clinics were sold in fall 2006 to the Tennessee-based FORBA company for an undisclosed amount.
"MDC was not required to, nor did it, admit any of the government's allegations in order to resolve this matter," DeRose said. "The treatment that is the subject of the settlement was rendered more than 4 years ago. Since that time period, MDC has voluntarily implemented a number of measures to ensure that its dentists are providing quality dental care which meets or exceeds the standard of care in North Carolina."
The Department of Justice said the conduct at issue occurred between 2001-03, and that "the settlement is limited to claims submitted to the North Carolina Medicaid program and does not involve other states . . . During this period, MDC operated dental clinics in Charlotte, Raleigh and Winston-Salem, N.C."
The government claimed that MDC obtained reimbursement for pulpotomies that allegedly were not needed. Pulpotomies, sometimes referred to as "baby root canals," are considered medically necessary in pediatric dental cases when an infection spreads into the pulp chamber of the tooth, requiring the pulp's removal, the Department of Justice explained.
The government also alleged that the clinics placed stainless steel crowns that were not medically necessary.
As a result of the MDC settlement, the North Carolina Medicaid program established a limit of six stainless steel crowns per appointment that it would reimburse, and a limit of six pulpotomy procedures per patient per appointment, the Department of Justice said.
DeRose said in his statement that "we are pleased this matter is resolved . . . The philosophy of the dental clinics is to provide top quality care for children regardless of their economic or social condition. We believe in treating our young patients and their families with the utmost dignity and high quality care."
The settlement required MDC to reimburse the government for "the amount deemed wrongfully billed to the Medicaid program, and to pay substantial penalties to the program. MDC payment to the government represents over twice the amount that MDC allegedly received improperly from the North Carolina Medicaid program."
DeRose and Ballance were disciplined by the North Carolina Board of Dental Examiners in 2005, the Department of Justice said, adding however that regular inspections since then "have found MDC's clinics to be substantially in compliance with its standards since 2005."
Daniel Levinson, inspector general of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, said in the Department of Justice statement: "The Medicaid program is intended to assist the most vulnerable Americans and to help ensure that they receive necessary health services, not to unjustly enrich others at the expense of indigent persons."
DeRose said the settlement was reached "to avoid the delay, uncertainty, inconvenience and expense of protracted litigation."

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