Tuesday, April 22, 2008

DeRoses, Mueller Reprimand over Dental Management

Osama Bin DeRose Terrorist Training Camp!

This explains why they have so many so called “Dental Management” companies in various states in which they operate.
Up until 2004 the DeRose/Mueller company FORBA, LLC opened up clinics in various states, hired dentists fresh out of school, brought them to Colorado for 2-4 weeks of “training”, taught them their “drilling for dollars” “techniques”, not just in classroom settings but had them in actual clinics tying up children in restraints and teaching them how to con parents into letting them have at their children, taught them how to over bill Medicaid and other various illegal and unethical practices. Dr. Adolph Padula DDS is also a part of this mess, his name in on the Articles of Incorporation of 6th Street of Denver Dental Clinic. Was he the main trainer? Hmmm I just love it when I see new names cropping up.
For this the only thing the Colorado State Board of Dental Examiners could only get them on participating, aiding and abetting the unlawful practice of dentistry without a licenses since the dentist they brought in did not have a valid Colorado Dental License.
According to documents at Colorado Department of Regulatory Agency website www.dora.state.co.us/doraimages/ (search by last name, “DeRose & Mueller) Edward DeRose is/was President and Vice President of FORBA, LLC. Documents reveal that Edward DeRose, Michael A. DeRose and William Mueller all were reprimanded for bringing dentist from all over the country to Colorado, letting them work (training them to tie down and abuse children) without a licenses.
In a Cease and Desist Order case number 2004-000131 is says:
“The Respondent (Edward DeRose, D.D.S participates and trains dentists in the “new hire orientation and education program” for dentists hired to perform dentistry in the clinics owned by Respondent, and by Michael DeRose, D.D.S. and William Mueller, D.D.S. This program is only offered to dentists hired to perform dental services at these clinics. Respondent states that the purpose of the orientation/education program “is to ensure that all newly hired dentists are comfortable and professionally competent with the operation of the clinic and that they can successfully provide routine general dental care for our children.” According to Respondent, this program provides “all newly hired dentists into our organization an opportunity to spend 2 to 4 weeks in one of our Colorado clinics to observe, understand and perform routine general dental services for children.” Once the dentist completes the program “they will be moved to the appropriate clinic where they were hired to work”
The dentists in the “new hire orientations and education program” are employees of DeRose Children’s Dental Clinic and 6th Street of Denver Dental Clinic and many of these dentists are NOT licensed to practice in the State of Colorado.”

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