Saturday, March 01, 2008

Is Ocean Dental Another Small Smiles?

Well, this particular blogger doesn't know too much about Ocean Dental at this point other than the small bits I've posted. What I do know is they have entered an industry riddled with bad press, bad reviews, serious child abuse accusations, and federal fraud accusations.
So what can they expect really?

If they are on the up and up and have very clear guidelines and have set the highest degrees of standards of care it will still take them decades to shake the stigma brought on by the DeRose Family of Dental Clinics, namely Small Smiles, Smile High, SmileStarters, Carolina Dental Center, DeRose Dental Center, Medicaid Dental Center, Kool Smiles and the various other names in which the DeRose's carry on business.

Dentists throughout the land should be furious about this black eye the DeRose's have bestowed upon them. However, all dentists bare some responsibility in this.

If not for private pay dentists failure to accept mediciad patients, the DeRose's would not have had the door opened quite as wide for them to stroll through now would they?

I say that Ocean Dental has a very long and hard road ahead of them before they can even come close to calling their venture into treating medicaid patients a success.

As of right now there are more mediciad dental treatment clinics cropping up than Starbucks. One one street in any given poor community there could be a Small Smiles on one corner, a Kool Smiles on the next and Ocean Dental on the other. Worse the Rite Aid and CVS. These clinics are popping quicker than mushrooms after a spring rain.


Anonymous said...


Date of Meeting: July 9, 2007
Subject: Land Lease with Stillwater Storage, LLC
Purpose of Report: To obtain City Council approval of a long-term land lease with Stillwater Storage,
LLC for private hangar construction at Stillwater Regional Airport.
Background: A standard land lease was approved by the Airport Authority during its May meeting and
forwarded to the City Council for review, recommendations, and approval. The standard lease was
approved by the City Council with the addition of a 10% cap on annual lease reviews. The standard lease
contained the following basic terms:
􀂃 Twenty-five (25) years with two individual five (5) year options;
􀂃 Lease rate reviews will occur on an annual basis and increases will be based on
the National CPI with increases limited to 10% annually or the CPI, whichever is
Discussion: Chad Hoecker of Stillwater, Oklahoma has requested to lease land to build a hangar for his
aircraft under the name of Stillwater Storage LLC., PO Box 98, Stillwater, Oklahoma, 74076. The purpose
of the land lease will be to construct a metal hangar facility to house his aircraft or other aircraft as desired
by the lessee. The proposed hangar will include an office area and rest room. Mr. Hoecker received a
copy of the standard land lease and has reviewed the lease agreement with his legal counsel.
Mr. Hoecker has proposed the following changes to the lease, which are incorporated in an addendum to
the lease prepared by the City Attorney:
i. 35 year term rather than 25, 5, & 5;
ii. 14 cents lease rate rather than the new rate of 15 cents that took effect July 1,
iii. First right to lease the facility from the Authority at the conclusion of the lease; and
iv. Approval to install utilities to the hangar (temporary easement).
Mr. Hoecker is proposing the 14 cents rate since the lease could have been consummated prior to July 1.
The Airport Authority, however, was unable to meet before July 6. The land lease will include a parcel of land
135 feet by 120 feet (Exhibit A & B) and will accommodate a hangar up to 75’ x 80’.
The Airport Authority will consider the preceding items during a July 6, 2007 special meeting. The
recommendation from that meeting will be presented to the City Council at the July 9, 2007 meeting.
Staff is very interested in assisting the applicant with this project, and stands ready to work with Mr.
Hoecker and Development Services in the rapid approval of site plans, drawings, and permits.
Budget: The addition of long-term revenue through land rental provides a positive effect on the overall
revenues for the airport. Initial revenue will begin at $2362.50 per year.
Recommendation: Staff will report to the City Council at the July 9 meeting the action taken by the
Airport Authority during its July 6, 2007 special meeting.
Prepared by: Gary Johnson, Stillwater Regional Airport Director
Reviewed by City Attorney’s Office: John E. Dorman, City Attorney
Date of Preparation: July 3, 2007
Recommended by:
Dan Galloway
City Manager
Attachments: Lease addendum
Proposed Hangar Layout
Related Reports: SRAA 07-47
Lease No: SRA 2007-01
Lessee: Stillwater Storage L.L.C.
Section 2.1 of the Agreement is hereby amended and modified to read as
Section 2.1 Term of Agreement. The Term of this Agreement shall be
for thirty-five (35) years, commencing on July 9, 2007, and expiring on
June 30, 2042, unless otherwise terminated or canceled as provided
Section 2.3 of the Agreement is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with
the following:
Section 2.3 Extension of Agreement. SRA hereby grants to Lessee a
right of first refusal to enter into a new lease of the Leased Premises upon
the expiration of the Agreement. Should Lessee exercise this right of first
refusal, the rental rate shall be the same as that established by SRA for
similar properties at the time the lease is executed.
Section 3.1 of the Agreement is hereby amended and modified to read as
Section 3.1 Initial Rental Rate. From the commencement date of this
Agreement, Lessee shall pay, in advance to SRA, the annual base
ground rental rate of Fourteen Cents ($0.14) per square foot. The
Leased Premises contain 16,875 square feet for an initial annual rental of
$2362.50. Lessee shall pay a pro rata amount for any possession of the
Leased Premises for less than one (1) year. The first rental payment
shall be made by Lessee on or before the commencement date hereof
and all subsequent annual rentals shall be paid in advance on or before
the 1st day of July of each year of the Term.
Section 3.1 of the Agreement is hereby amended and modified to read as
Section 3.8 Utility Service. Lessee, at its own expense, shall be
responsible for the installation, relocation, modification and maintenance
of all utility services on the Leased Premises. Lessee shall pay as the
same becomes due, all utilities and other charges incurred in the
operations, maintenance, use, occupancy, repair and upkeep of the
Leased Premises and the improvements located thereon. SRA will grant
to Lessee through a separate instrument a temporary utility easement
over, under, through and across certain Airport property for the express
purpose of connecting electric, water, wastewater, and
telecommunication utilities the Leasehold Improvements. The term of
such easement shall run concurrently with this Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, SRA and Lessee have executed this Addendum at Stillwater,
Oklahoma, on the ______ day of ____________________, 2007.
This instrument was acknowledged before me this ___ day of ______, 200__, by
__________________________, Manager of Stillwater Storage L.L.C. , an Oklahoma
limited liability Company.
Notary Public
My Commission Expires: ___________________
The Stillwater City Council hereby authorizes the Stillwater Regional Airport Authority to
enter into lease agreement SRA 2007-1, dated July 9, 2007, and 2007, between
Stillwater Regional Airport and Stillwater Storage L.L.C., Lessee.
City Clerk

Anonymous said...

I hope Ocean Dental does become a success story. We need more clinics who will provide good health care to children of low income families. Both my children go to Ocean Dental and I do know Ocean Dental does not use papoose boards or any type of physical restraints. I have never been told that I wasn't allowed to be with my child during treatment.

Anonymous said...

Dental mills like OD walk a tight line between being helpful to the poor to outright dental fruad. This particular company does not attempt to treat every child. They do make use of referral to appropriate specialists. Any dental office suffers when the true owner is not present some of the time. How about chainging the practice act to "encourage " the true owner to be present in the office treating patients at least a portion of the the year in each clinic? Of course it would be impossible to build an empire that way. I guess that has been tried already in Kansas?

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