Thursday, April 10, 2008

Ocean Dental - Dr. Chad Hoecker-Another Medicaid Dental Chain

At the regular February 2008 meeting of the Board Of Dentistry State Of Oklahoma the board considered the following :

14. Consideration and possible action to initiate investigation, adopt Statement of Complaint, and
schedule hearing involving CHAD BRANDON HOECKER, D.D.S. [RPHoopes/

The next meeting is scheduled for May 16, 2008.

At this time this blogger is unable to find out exactly what the "Statement of Complaint" including but rest assured will continue to investigate this.

Source: Zoom Info Business People Information
Dr. Chad Brandon Hoecker:

Dr. Chad Hoecker is a 1991 graduate of Oklahoma State University, earning a degree in Finance. Following graduation from OSU, Dr. Hoecker successfully operated a real estate and advertising business in Dallas, Texas. A continuing interest in dentistry led Dr. Hoecker back to school to complete his science requirements. Once his requirements were filled, he applied to and was accepted by the Baylor College of Dentistry.

After graduating with
his D.D.S. in 1998, Dr. Hoecker opened his fee for service practice in Stillwater, Oklahoma. Shortly following the start of his practice, he recognized there was an unmet need for dental care amongst the lower socioeconomic group in the community. This knowledge and his desire to help led him to open his traditional practice to Medicaid.

Over the next few years
Dr. Hoecker used his business/finance background to help him develop a business model focused on Medicaid only clinics. In 2002 he opened his first Medicaid only clinic in Enid, Oklahoma. His second such clinic opened in Oklahoma City in late 2003.

his business model has allowed Ocean Dental the opportunity to offer dental services to children in nine different clinics in Oklahoma. Because of Dr. Hoecker's vision, drive, and compassion, Ocean Dental professionals are currently treating thousands of children each year in Oklahoma and will soon open offices outside of the state.

The current COO of Ocean Dental is Joe Akin, former director of International Marketing of Stillwater Designs, Stillwater, OK.

The airplane hanger for Ocean Dental's Corporate jet/jets, being built as mentioned in a previous post, is on land leased under the name Stillwater Storage LLC., PO Box 98, Stillwater, Oklahoma, 74076, as seen here.

As of the date of this post there are 25 Ocean Dental Clinics in the following states:


There just seems to be a whole lot of Medicaid dollars, federal and state distributed, to keep so many of these clinics in business; Small Smiles, Kool Smiles, Medicaid Dental Center, Smile Starters, Ocean Dental to name a few.

Evidently there is some serious money to be made abusing our children , (with unnecessary dental work, and strapping the children down in papoose boards) and milking the medicaid system via dental treatment in the guise of treating the needy.

It sickens me beyond belief that these corporations represent themselves as loving, caring and wanting to really help our under underprivileged children.

As I see it these Dental Chains are frauds on many levels.


Anonymous said...

Restraints such as papoose boards have never been used at any Ocean Dental clinic.

Anonymous said...

I use to work at Ocean Dental. The Dentist are Great. its the work enviroment. I was a hygienist that did not get a break. saw 20-40 patients a day. they were billed out in hygiene even if i didnt see them. Which is fraud!! I wonder if joe told DR. chad that. employees do not get breaks and are constantly harrased.5-10 min. the most with patients. lack of care. I felt so bad, i couldn't sleep at night. I still can't kids putting plastic bags over their head. Ocean dental piled the kids in like cattle. Depressed R.D.H>

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