Monday, April 21, 2008

Who Is Dan DeRose-Cashing In On Kids-Another Disgusting DeRose

Ed (Eddie) DeRose, Michael DeRose and Dan DeRose are your children's worse Nightmare!

I'll say one thing:
"These DeRose's have cornered the market Cashing In On Kids!"

Dan, pictured right, is the man who puts the junk food in our schools. As put in one article "Dan DeRose will go down in nutrition infamy", what they didn't know what his part in the trauma and torture of children at the hand of the dental clinics he, his father, Ed, and his brother Michael owned.

Marketing to Children and Young People
(Excerpts from Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser, pp. 42-46; 51-57. Sections in blue print are paraphrases and summaries. Words in bold print are important marketing vocabulary.)

Like other school systems in Colorado, District 11 faced revenue shortfalls, thanks to growing enrollments and voter hostility to tax increases for education. The initial Burger King and King Scooper ad contracts were a disappointment for the district, gaining it just $37,500 a year – little more than $1 per student. In 1996, school administrators decided to seek negotiating help from a professional, hiring Dan DeRose, president of DD Marketing, Inc. of Pueblo, Colorado. DeRose assembled special advertising packages for corporate sponsors. For $12,000, a company got five school-bus ads, hallway ads in all fifty-two of the district's schools, ads in their school newspapers, a stadium banner, ads over the stadium's public-address system during games, and free tickets to high school sporting events.
Within a year, DeRose had nearly tripled Districts 11's ad revenues. But his greatest success was still to come. In August of 1997, De Rose brokered a ten-year deal that made Coca-cola the district's exclusive beverage supplier, bringing the schools up to $11 million during the life of the contract (minus DD Marketing's fee). . . .
District 11's marketing efforts were soon imitated by other school districts in Colorado . . . Administrators in Colorado Springs did not come up with the idea of using corporate sponsorship to cover shortfalls in a school district's budget. But they took it to a whole new level, packaging it, systematizing it, leading the way. Hundreds of public school districts across the United States are now adopting or considering similar arrangements. Children spend about seven hours a day, one hundred and fifty days a year, in school. Those hours have in the past been largely free of advertising, promotion and market research – a source of frustration to many companies. Today the nation's fast food chains are marketing their products in public schools through conventional ad campaigns, classroom teaching materials, and lunchroom franchises, as well as a number of unorthodox means.
The proponents of advertising in the schools argue that it is necessary to prevent further cutbacks; opponents contend that schoolchildren are becoming a captive audience for marketers, compelled by law to attend school and then forced to look at ads as a means of paying for their own education. America's schools now loom as a potential gold mine for companies in search of young customers. "Discover your own river of revenue at the school house gates," urged a brochure at the 1997 Kids Power Marketing Conference. "Whether it's first-graders learning to read or teenagers shopping for their first car, we can guarantee an introduction of your product and your company to these students in the traditional setting of the classroom."
Dan DeRose tells reporters that his work brings money to school districts that badly need it. By pitting one beverage company against another in bidding wars for exclusive deals, he's raised the prices being offered to schools. "In Kansas City they were getting 67 cents a kid before," he told one reporter, "and now they're getting $27." The major beverage companies do not like DeRose and prefer not to deal with him. He views their hostility as a mark of success. He doesn't think that advertising in schools will corrupt the nation's children and has little tolerance for critics of the trend. "There are critics to penicillin," he told the Fresno Bee. In the three years following his groundbreaking contract for School District 11 in Colorado Springs, Dan DeRose negotiated agreements for seventeen universities and sixty public school systems across the United States . . .
Want to know more and how Dan ended up mentioned in the explosive movie Fast Food Nation, search Dan DeRose Coke.

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