Thursday, May 15, 2008

Kevin P. Ward, DDS-Back In Business

A New Jersey dentist, Dr. Kevin P. Ward's dental licenses were suspended November in 2000 after media reports of him breaking the leg of a child put pressure on the dental board. Until the media broke the story, the dental board had done nothing even though several other patients reported injuries and broken bones. His licenses were reinstated with limitations in 2005 according to records with the New Jersey Dental Board and in April 2007 dental board minutes I found the following:

Kevin P. Ward, DDS - Dr. Ward appeared before the Board with Richard Tanner, Esq., concerning a request for limited reinstatement of his New Jersey dental license. On July 20, 2005 Dr. Ward’s license was reinstated with restrictions. He was permitted to engage in the administrative practice of dentistry but not in the clinical practice of dentistry.
Dr. Ward discussed his administrative duties since the filing of the July 20, 2005 Order to the present. He also discussed his progress in therapy with Richard Reichbart, Ph.D., and discussed the evaluation performed by Alberto M. Goldwaser, M.D.
With regard to future plans, Dr. Ward indicated that if his license is reinstated, he would like to do part-time orthodontics on adolescent patients. He indicated that he has continually taken courses in orthodontics and sees it daily at the practice. The Board requested that he provide a copy of the proof of completion of the courses taken for this renewal period.
At the conclusion of all testimony by Dr. Ward and questions from the Board, the inquiry was ended.
The Board moved this matter to Executive Session for deliberation.
Upon returning to Public Session, the Board determined to table a decision pending receipt of a more complete report from Richard Reichbart, Ph.D. A copy of the transcript of today’s appearance will also be provided to the Board.
In October 2000 NBC's Dateline reporter Hoda Kotbe reported on Dr. Kevin Ward and the many children he had traumatized, broken bones, and even had one child, Kelly Givens, die while under his care.

By checking for his licenses it looks like he's back in business

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