Saturday, May 03, 2008

Kool Smiles Turned Away in Arkansas March 2007

I'm wondering how Kool Smiles PC was able to skirt the laws and get two offices opened in Arkansas.

In March 2007, Drs. Tu Tran, Thien Chi Pham and Dr. David M. Strange, Jr. went before the Arkansas Dental Board to apply for licenses, they were turned down.

From the Minutes Dated 3-2-2007
Drs. Thien Pham and Tu Tran each appeared before the Board for an Arkansas dental license by examination. After some discussion, a motion was made and seconded to grant Dr. Pham a license. With 4 Board members voting in favor of granting him a license and 4 Board members voting against granting him a license, the Board President broke the tie and voted against granting a license to Dr. Pham. After additional discussion, a motion was made and seconded to table Dr. Tran’s application until the Board office receives a copy of his dental school diploma and New York license verification.

David M. Strange, Jr., DDS appeared before the Board for an Arkansas dental license by credentials. After some discussion, a motion was made to grant him a dental license, but the motion died for lack of a second.

Maybe Drs. Thien Pham and Tu Tran, two Vietnamese dentists finally came up with copy of his dental school diploma. However as you can tell, at first it was a no go for these two, then it was decided that if they came up with actual diploma's they would reconsider.

As for Dr. David M. Strange, Jr, DDS, it was a flat NO.

To see the minutes of the meeting click here.


Looks like Dr. Pham came back on September 14, 2007 with Paul Walker and got Kool Smiles in the door.

Click here to see the minutes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If Kool Smiles is in Arkansas or Alabama or anywhere else it is because of the Kool Smile's Chairman Doug Brown's brother in law lives there and they merged together having the brother in law the principal owner on paper.

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