Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Only The Best Dentists for Small Smiles (sarcasm)

Dr. Troy T. Bates, Peyton, Colorado, a former Small Smiles lead dentist, Colorado license number DEN-8450, had his license suspended a mere 30 days for drug abuse in October 2007. His licenses is now Active-With Conditions. He's now under probation for 5 years and practice monitoring for 2 years.

What they should have also checked into, but guess they didn't since there was no formal complaints, was his treatment of children at the Small Smiles in Colorado Springs. This is where formal complaints to dental boards come in and are so important.

Again, I have to ask parents, employees or anyone, Who Will Save The Children, If Not You, Then Who?

If you are a dentist working for FORBA or any of these places, Kool Smiles whatever....and I've not made it to your name yet, not to worry, I will get there. A good way to stay off this list would be to come forward tell all you know to anyone who will listen and stop abusing the children, otherwise you are open game to me.

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