Saturday, March 01, 2008

DeRose Padula Enterprises

It appears the DeRose Dental Conglomerate has yet another couple of names to add to the ever growing cauldron. First there is DeRose Padula Enterprises, LLC, a dental clinic located at 1560 Bonforte Blvd, Pueblo, CO, valued at $141096. They've had this property for several years and I'm not sure what name this clinic actually goes by, other than it's owned by DeRose Padula Enterprises, LLC with consists of Ed DeRose, Neta DeRose, and Adolph Padula, well you can see for yourself by clicking here.

Then there is another building said to be a dental clinic, was a church at one time, located at 1022 Liberty, Lane, Pueblo valued at close to 1/2 million dollars. This one is owned by DeRose Padula Enterprises (no LLC). You can look at it for yourself by clicking here.

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