Friday, August 08, 2008

Small Smiles Pays School District To Advertise

According to an article in The Colorado Springs Gazette (see here) Small Smiles paid the El Paso County school district 11 $7,000 to advertise on buses, to send post cards home with students in 2004.

This was just prior to the state enacting very strict guideline on papoosing a child for dental work.  The state had to enact this rule due to all the complaints it received from parent about Small Smiles torturous treatment practices.
Michael DeRose didn't speak at the hearing when this new rule was being read however Sen. Maryanne Keller said, "To Voluntarily restrain another individual against their will is the seond worst thing we can do to them."
I bring this up now to show that as far back as 2004 the DeRose's, Forba, Small Smiles and all of it's affiliates knew that people felt this was wrong on so many levels but did they stop before laws and regulations had to be passed?  NO!
Colorado didn't tolerate this behavior for very long   So what did Small Smiles do, they ventured out to other states to find more children to papoose, abuse and traumatize and they've yet to stop!
First I think there is just something wrong with companies being able to solicit their wears to young school children, dental, coke, pepsi, or whatever.
Second, it's clear, unless a state pass regulations that prohibit Small Smiles and those like them to stop abusing children they will continue!  It's 2008 and they are still at it in those states that do not have regulations!
So, States!  What are YOU going to do to stop these people?

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