Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Small Smiles Dental Sexual Harrassment Suit Filed in 2006

I found this the other day and thought it was worth keeping in the Archives for later use.  Wasn't it the NM clinics where they were playing "wheel barrow", "69" and "chicken fight".  I bet if the plaintiff had these videos back when she sued, things might have turned out differently.  One of the videos is below, the others are here:

Employees at play 1
Employees at play 2

One last comment, someone was waaaaayyy off when they referred to Dan DeRose as a Dr! 

Suit targets alleged sexual harassment, discrimination
Sent on 26-09-2006.
The clinic, which caters to poor children, is one of many offices operated by Colorado-based FORBA. The company's attorney described the plaintiffs as four disgruntled former employees.
``We have conducted one thorough investigation of all of those exact allegations, as set forth in the letter from their attorney, and (found them to be) absolutely unsubstantiated,'' Joe Bower said. He said FORBA interviewed more than 20 employees at the St. Michael's Drive office, but no patients.
The attorney spoke on behalf of Drs. Patrick McQuitty and Melvin Takaki, who continue to work at the Santa Fe office; dental assistant Josh Neil, who now works at Small Smiles in Albuquerque; and Dr. Daniel DeRose, who works in the company's Colorado office.
_One dentist using physical force to stop patients from crying, on one occasion causing one child to gag.
_Dentists touching workers in one sexual manner, such as cupping one breast underneath one plaintiff's bra.
_Dentists groping themselves and making lewd sexual comments about workers and patients.
_One dentist engaging in sex on the job with consensual workers and maligning those who refused his advances.
Instruments were not properly sterilized between patients, the lawsuit says, and unqualified workers were allowed to write prescriptions and operate the X-ray machine.
``Absolutely, 100-percent untrue,'' Bower said. ``It's one general fabrication. Unbelievable.''
The women were fired out of retaliation and have suffered financially, the lawsuit says. Bower, however, said two were fired for allegedly violating attendance policies. He said the others resigned voluntarily.

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