Monday, February 15, 2010

Park West Dental; Padula ring any bells?!

Will this never end. Is this horrible family and their offspring going to spread their deceit, fraud and mistreatment of children for ever more. We are now into the 3rd generation with no end in sight. Dr. Ed DeRose and his wife, Neta's neice, Juliann and her husband are now dipping her hand in the medicaid pan.

There's a new DeRose related dental office opening in Pueblo, and yes, they take Medicaid. Awe, hell you follow the links and check it out, I've got a headache! Don't forget the Secretary of State site to search for the corporation papers, and check out the property and who owns it. And note in all your looking around, you'll see N. Grand Street, Pueblo, Colorado! Let me save you a bit of trouble. Click here, and as we are so accustom to finding, Dan DeRose's name it's associated with 409 N. Grand Pueblo, Colorado!! No big surprise there! Oh, there is another company on the horizon...I'll talk about it later. I have come to loath these people, every last one of them.

Park West Dental

John Millea D.D.S, Juliann Padula Millea D.D.S.
3470 parker Blvd
Pueblo, CO 81003
(719) 543-4022

Here, they will introduce themselves.

Just how damn many generations of DeRose and Padula's are citizens going to have to suffer through. Will one of you PLEASE get fixed and stop procreating!!!

Have any of you thought about a new line of work, honestly you're wearing this dentist thing out! Have you ever thought about Park Ranger or something???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The thing I find amazing is that two young dentists could afford such a fancy building. I am not aware of many other young dentists who can foot the bill for such a fancy building. So.....obviously daddy paid for most of it. It is also interesting to note the prominent ads for Medicaid patients as they try to build up the practice. It's just amazing that the Medicaid system would be designed to enrich dentists. The whole building and set up is obviously from laundered money from the DeRose/Padula dental fraud empire. I guess all that can be said is that parents should be aware before they step into the plush waiting room---your child will be paying for it, so don't be surprised when they walk out with a mouth full of stainless steel. Oh, a nod to D and D marketing who has made the slick TV ads. Keep the sleaze in the family. Way to go.

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