Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Rahm Effect

Once again, FORBA and it's Small Smiles clinics are involved in benefit to aid those less fortunate. Why am I surprised, it's their entire business plan. I see it as preying on those in need or as they like to say, 'underserved'.

To me it's the Rahm effect. No, not this quote "I wake up some mornings hating me too"- however that might fit- but this one:
You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.

I guess if I knew they really did have children's best interest at heart I would applaud them.....maybe and that's a huge maybe.

Here they are set up at a benefit to raise money for fire victims. I guess there is no place they won't go to 'patient shop', at least that's the way I see it.

Fire victims aided by Holyoke event

Sunday, February 21, 2010

HOLYOKE - A benefit for Lyman and Beech streets fire victims was held Saturday at the War Memorial, featuring services available for the displaced tenants and information for the public.

A box for monetary donations for the fire victims also was at the event, which was sponsored by Centro de Restauracion Emanuel Church.

A fire relief fund has been set up at New Alliance Bank for the 15 families affected by the Dec. 23 fire at 103-105 Lyman St., and the donations will be split evenly among them, said Felicita "Nina" Lopez, outreach coordinator for the complete story here.

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