Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Passages From Moriarty-Leyendecker Comfort My Soul Today

This morning I've been reading articles over at Moriarty-Leyendecker  and I've found one paragraph that I absolutely loved and just had to share it in reference to FORBA Holding and their Small Smiles dental clinics.

Here ya go:

These are numbers that require more sedation than simple Novocaine.  Perhaps a large dose of Nitrous Oxide?  No, that is laughing gas and this is no laughing matter.  Moriarty Leyendecker and team are preparing to administer a painful dose of reality to FORBA, without medication.
(and to think, FORBA thought I was a bad dose of

I found it in the article titled "Numbers and Novociane", you should take a minute to read it.

Here are other reports at Moriarty-Leyendecker worth reading:

Moriarty Leyendecker Law Firm has begun assembling its legal team to take action against Small Smiles on behalf of the children subjected to Small Smile's torturous practices. Moriarty Leyendecker is challenging the definition of quality care and compassionate caregivers, as identified on FORBA's web site: "This year, hundreds of thousands of children in underserved and low-income communities nationwide will receive quality care from the compassionate caregivers at our associated dental centers."
For the sake of the children, Moriarty Leyendecker is taking steps to ensure that no child will endure Small Smile's substandard compassion in the future.

When Drilling For Dollars Are More Lucritve Than Drilling For Oil

 These stories are like oil slicks on a clear blue pond.  Children so upset they vomit during procedures.  Radios played loud enough to cover up the screams.  Bewildered parents, who are not allowed to accompany the child during the treatments, discover their child with a mouthful of silver crowns instead of a simple filing.  Lifelong anxiety towards dentists and doctors for children and parents are a result.
Legal attention by the firm of Moriarty Leyendecker will begin a cleansing process for this oily and slick operation.  It is time to cap that investment reservoir and protect our children. 

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