Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Forba To Participate In Study; Shouldn't They Be Doing Something Else With All Their Spare Time!

OH, Dear Lord Above, Please Protect Us From More Forba! Amen.

560 unlucky patients to be recruited for Forba experiment, I mean 'study'!
PEARL Network-Practitioners Engaged in Applied Research and Learning; Forba and the words 'applied research and learning' all in the same paragraph cause one to choke, does it not?

1. Who is funding this?
2. You would think a company needs to be of much higher quality than Forba/Small Smiles before they get into research. And Forba/Small Smiles going to 'study' 'treatment' of anything whatsoever is beyond me believing!
3. Let me 'examine' some 'treatment'!
4. What makes them think they are going to be in business long enough to complete any study!
5. Let me see, isn't Forba the one being 'studied' ...oh say by.... all kinds of State and Federal Agencies!!!!!!!!
6-100. What's wrong with people?
101. Shouldn't a company have qualified dentists to actually participate in a 'study'?!
103. If  PEARL ever had any credibility at all it's gone now!
104.-200. What's wrong with people!

FORBA-Managed Dental Centers to Participate in PEARL Network Study
Multi-year study will examine treatment of deep caries
July 22, 2008 - Nashville, TN – The lead dentists of three FORBA-managed dental centers have volunteered to recruit patients for a multi-year study conducted by The PEARL Network (Partners Engaged in Applied Learning and Research) that will examine treatment of deep caries nationwide.
Management of deep caries close to the dental pulp presents a challenge to both clinician and patient because the prognosis for recommended treatments is not well documented. The PEARL Network study, called Complete versus Partial Removal of Deep Caries: A Comparison Study of Treatment Outcomes (Deep Caries Study), will attempt to shed light on the most effective treatment options.
“The working relationship between FORBA and the PEARL Network will allow for a broader base of clinical studies to include a wider consideration of the population,” said Dr. Frederick Curro, New York University College of Dentistry’s Chief of Pharmacotherapeutic Investigations, who is conducting the PEARL study.
In a survey of PEARL Network members, 80 percent of dentist practitioner-investigators reported removing all caries from deep lesions and 20 percent reported that they only partially remove caries. Based upon this survey’s results and the recent publication of a report that found outcomes of both treatment approaches produced similar outcomes, the PEARL Network designed this effectiveness study to assess treatment outcomes for both procedures in PEARL Network practices.
The specific aims of this research are to:
• Compare the effectiveness between complete and partial caries removal in deep Class I lesions for maintaining tooth vitality at one year post-treatment.
• Assess the effects of deep caries treatment on patients' Post-Operative Hypersensitivity (POH) and Oral Health Related Quality of Life (OHRQoL)
• Evaluate cavity lining and bonding techniques for non-vitality outcome trends in order to design a follow-up prospective intervention study.
The study, currently in its early phases, will recruit 560 patients who will be monitored at 6 and 12-month intervals to examine treatment efficacy.
“FORBA provides dental care to a unique population which provides an opportunity for the PEARL Network to be more inclusive of its clinical studies,” said Dr. Curro. “The synergy between Forba and the PEARL Network will be manifested in the breadth of the patients considered for the clinical studies and in translating the clinical data to all socioeconomic levels.”
Contact: Don Meyer
(202) 898-0995
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