Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Knott The Dentist

Ya know, all of this crap just burns my butt to no end. I just can't talk about it enough.
Let's take Kenneth Eugene Knott, Dentist At Large.
I'm using him as an example, he certainly isn't the only one doing this for Small Smiles or Kool Smiles either for that matter. There are bunches and bunches of them out there! Rudy Padula, (Adolph Padula), Robert Andrus, Michael DeRose, the list just goes on and on.

On Delta Dental's PPO list he's listed as a dental provider for the Small Smiles in Fort Wayne, IN. If you made an appointment with that clinic I can tell you with 100% certainty that you would NOT see Dr. Knott, nor is he in the building and probably never has been.
He's listed as the dentist at the Small Smiles in Washington, DC, the ones in Cincinnati, and in Kentucky and in Oklahoma and on and on...Arizona, New Hampshire...more and more.

Now look, Dental Boards, what the matter with you people?
If there is a dentist who is applying for a licenses in a state he clearly does not live it that should raise some enormous red flags and I just don't get how it's gotten this outta hand.
It's time to clean this mess up! And I'm not talking about next meeting time either, I'm talking last week.
We all know Kenneth Eugene Knott does not practice dentistry in all of these states, well unless he has one of those cool magic red capes like Superman!

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