Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Database Is Growing

Just as an example of all the information I've been gathering and putting together in a very large data base let's look at Dr. Gillian Allison Robinson Warner, DDS:

She has a licenses in Ohio, Maryland, Virginia and DC for example.

Actually 2 in Maryland, one is pending.

In Ohio her licenses number is 30.022442 and gives an address in Maryland ( I won't make that public, you can get it at the Ohio Dental Licenses site if you want to search for it yourself.)

In Maryland, one of her licenses gives a completely other Maryland address and the second licenses lists Cleveland Ohio as the address.

Her Maryland licenses under the name Gillian Robinson-Warner is pending with Ohio address
Her Maryland licenses under the name Gillian Robinson Warner is 14233 with Maryland address
Her Virginia licenses under the name Gillian Robinson Warner is 0401411804 Maryland address
Her DC licenses under the name Gillian Robinson-Warner is DEN3015675437 Maryland address
Her Ohio licenses under the name Gillian Allison Robinson Warner is 30.022442 with another Maryland address.
....and so forth.

Now when you get to checking into these 500ish licenses and crossing them across states very interesting patterns appear.  Then you look at each state provider lists, check that with state corporation filings and it's not hard to figure out which dentists has their asses...I mean licenses on the line.

There are a few that get very interesting when you check the 'Actions' taken against them and see how they have floated up and down the east coast at Small Smiles clinics...such as Sean Edmond Barnwell, DDS and others.  

It's also amazing just how many have their licenses address as 415 N. Grand, Pueblo, CO....  and in some states they list email addresses on their licenses and WOW, they are jwatson@forba.com addresses and one is kwest@ddmktg.com of all things. 

Some states, the actual clinics have to be licensed and I know of one that has expired big time!  

Wake up, Dr. Karen Leung Chu Gongora and Dr. Zane O. Palmer and Dr. Khaleda Imroz you guys have issues in various states that need to be lined out, at least it appears that way.  If I were you guys I'd be checking on them.  Question is, can you figure out in which states you have licenses issued?  Could be like before and you could have been 'credentialed' in states you weren't even aware.....

...and one that really has me concerned is Janis P. Madkins, DDS.  This one has licenses here and there and back again...down to Karuk Tribe Happy Camp, CA

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