Tuesday, March 23, 2010

FORBA Rented Your Dental Licenses?

For you dentists that have been fool enough to 'rent' out your licenses to FORBA Holding, LLC here is what they are telling media in regards to who really really really owns the clinics:

"It is not uncommon for doctors and dentists to hire or outsource various professional and specialized services, including advertising, computer technical support, legal advice, and even human resource specialists to assist them in managing their practices.  For example, the Kansas Medical Society created a practice management firm to provide a broad range of office management services to physician practices around the state.  Such services are provided under a management services agreement, include a variety of services and are done for a negotiated fee, much like our agreement with Dr. Reza."

They didn't mention that Dr. Mohammad Reza Akbar doesn't even live in Kansas! 

This is why it's going to be you guys to take the fall and Michael G. Lindley, all the FORBA guys and certainly Michael, Dan and Eddie DeRose will still be running free.

Michael Lindley has been making a living off the skins of children in the US for years.  Her deserves a who blog to himself:

Just to name a few:
Keystone Education and Youth Services (at various locations and under various Keystone names)
Ameris and KIDS merged into Children's Comprehensive Services/Pricor, Inc
...and more

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