Business Entities (ARS 32-1213(N))
The following language was added to Business Entities. No individual currently holding a surrendered or revoked license to practice dentistry or dental hygiene in any state or jurisdiction in the United States may have a majority ownership interest in the business entity registered pursuant to this subsection. Revocation and surrender of licensure shall be limited to disciplinary actions resulting in loss of license or surrender of license instead of disciplinary action.
Investigation/Complaints (Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS) 32-1263.02)
Investigative Interviews have been eliminated. All cases will be investigated through the chief investigator or an outside dental consultant. The Board will review the summaries of the investigations and if it appears that the licensee engaged in unprofessional conduct the dentist may be invited to attend a formal interview before the Board. Additionally, the Board may resolve more cases through consent agreements.
Powers and duties; executive director; immunity; fees; definition (ARS 32-1207(C))
Language was added to allow the Executive Director or the Executive Director’s Designee to issue and renew licenses, certificates and permits to applicants who meet the requirements; initiate an investigation if evidence appears to demonstrate a licensee may be engaged in unprofessional conduct or unable to safely practice; initiate an investigation if evidence appears to demonstrate that a business entity may be engaged in unethical conduct; subject to Board approval, enter into a consent agreement with a licensee if there is evidence of unprofessional conduct; and subject to Board approval, enter into a consent agreement with a business entity if there is evidence of unethical conduct.
To read all the new changes, click here