This morning I awoke to hear news about the big snow storm in the Rockies. Next thing that was talked about was the flight cancelations and so forth. Then it was mentioned a private jet had already slid off the runway in Pueblo due to the fierce snow storm.
Pueblo! The sudden adrenaline rush woke me on up, since I was still in bed half asleep. When I hear Pueblo, I think DeRose.
Being the meanie I am, I thought, “Oh, please let that be a DeRose jet.”
Then the newscaster said, “luckily no one was injured.” Again, being the meanie I am I thought, “dang”. That little devil on my shoulder shows up every now and again, ya know. (it does for everyone, I just might admit it more…lol)
That was the end of the report and the newscaster moved on.
The devil side of me disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. I came to my senses and thought, there has to be dozens of private jets in Pueblo.Then, just moments ago a reader sent me a link to the following story!