Well of course he's a happy man. He's on the advisory board of Small Smiles & Church Street Health Management. The Governor kept the coffer open for him and his buddies today!
There are 7 Small Smiles locations in Ohio~
Maybe Dr. Casamassimo didn't have this run across his desk.
Burns Ohio Complaint
Dr. Paul Casamassimo has been with Church Street Health Management since 2007 when it was FORBA Holdings, LLC, along with Dr. Arthur Nowak, and Dr. Joe Bernat. Other than adding Dr. Anupama Rao Tate. Dr. Tate was the only addition to the board after the $24 million fraud settlement and Corporate Integrity Agreement was implemented.
With the budget crunch in so many states, to get Governor Kasich, whom I really like, to NOT cut some of the wasted funding to adult and children Medicaid dental programs is astounding. However, like us all, he is a layperson when it comes to "dental" needs, and can't tell fact from fiction. No fault of his own. It's the perfect example of letting the "professional" take the reins.
Now, if Ohio, like all states, would cut the reimbursement fee just for stainless steel crowns by 30% it might, just might, get the Medicaid fraud from these dental mills back under control.
No, I do NOT apologize to Dr. Paul Casamassimo, he was the fool who put out this video, he's the fool who hooked up with Dr. Adair and Small Smiles all by himself. In this video statement what was he trying to suck or kiss?
Small Smiles Quality Initiatives are Rubbish