In Columbia, SC the IP Address leads you to Children's Dental Clinic, LLC at 3000 Two Notch Road, which when I was there Monday, had Small Smiles on the Building.
According to a business search at the South Carolina Secretary of State's Website, the Small Smiles in Florence is Children's Dental Clinic of Florence, LLC.
The Children's Dental Clinic of Columbia, LLC (Small Smiles on Two Notch Road) filed a Domestic LLC company 2-21-2003 and is current in all it's filing. Prior to May 12, 2003 it's name was Children's Medicaid Dental of Charleston, LLC. On 8-17-2008 this was filed "CHG AGT & ADD FR MICHAEL T SMITH".
Looks like one "Michael T. Smith" was once the registered agent for Children's Dental Clinic, (Small Smiles) as well as the Small Smiles in Florence and they were both changed to National Registered Agents, Columbia, SC.
As for the Small Smiles in Florence, SC. It was first established 1/23/2004 and it's first name was actually Florence's Children's Dental Clinic, LLC then changed it's corporate name to Children's Dental Clinic of Florence, LLC 3-5-2004, a short two months later.
Honestly, it must take an army to keep track of all of the names. I bet if you asked the employees who they worked for, they might be able to come up with some name, but it probably isn't the right one.
Does anyone on here remember Dr. Kevin P. Ward who amazingly had a child break his leg (the femur bone) while in a dental chair at the Children's Dental Center of Union City, New Jersey back in February of 2000? Another child came out of his office with a broken wrist. The state revoked his license for a short time for injuring 13 children. Look at the name of this clinic!