Tuesday, April 22, 2008

DeRoses, Mueller Reprimand over Dental Management

Osama Bin DeRose Terrorist Training Camp!

This explains why they have so many so called “Dental Management” companies in various states in which they operate.
Up until 2004 the DeRose/Mueller company FORBA, LLC opened up clinics in various states, hired dentists fresh out of school, brought them to Colorado for 2-4 weeks of “training”, taught them their “drilling for dollars” “techniques”, not just in classroom settings but had them in actual clinics tying up children in restraints and teaching them how to con parents into letting them have at their children, taught them how to over bill Medicaid and other various illegal and unethical practices. Dr. Adolph Padula DDS is also a part of this mess, his name in on the Articles of Incorporation of 6th Street of Denver Dental Clinic. Was he the main trainer? Hmmm I just love it when I see new names cropping up.
For this the only thing the Colorado State Board of Dental Examiners could only get them on participating, aiding and abetting the unlawful practice of dentistry without a licenses since the dentist they brought in did not have a valid Colorado Dental License.
According to documents at Colorado Department of Regulatory Agency website www.dora.state.co.us/doraimages/ (search by last name, “DeRose & Mueller) Edward DeRose is/was President and Vice President of FORBA, LLC. Documents reveal that Edward DeRose, Michael A. DeRose and William Mueller all were reprimanded for bringing dentist from all over the country to Colorado, letting them work (training them to tie down and abuse children) without a licenses.
In a Cease and Desist Order case number 2004-000131 is says:
“The Respondent (Edward DeRose, D.D.S participates and trains dentists in the “new hire orientation and education program” for dentists hired to perform dentistry in the clinics owned by Respondent, and by Michael DeRose, D.D.S. and William Mueller, D.D.S. This program is only offered to dentists hired to perform dental services at these clinics. Respondent states that the purpose of the orientation/education program “is to ensure that all newly hired dentists are comfortable and professionally competent with the operation of the clinic and that they can successfully provide routine general dental care for our children.” According to Respondent, this program provides “all newly hired dentists into our organization an opportunity to spend 2 to 4 weeks in one of our Colorado clinics to observe, understand and perform routine general dental services for children.” Once the dentist completes the program “they will be moved to the appropriate clinic where they were hired to work”
The dentists in the “new hire orientations and education program” are employees of DeRose Children’s Dental Clinic and 6th Street of Denver Dental Clinic and many of these dentists are NOT licensed to practice in the State of Colorado.”

Another Smoking Gun! - You just can't deny that the DeRose Family of Dental Clinics, Smile Starters and Small Smiles Are All Related!

Adolph Padula is in with Michael DeRose (Meaball Mike), Edward DeRose,(Spaghetti Eddie) and William Mueller and is listed on the Articles of Incorporation of 6th Street of Denver Dental Clinic.

Adolph Padula is listed at least in one state, probably more as a dentist accepting medicaid patients in the MassHealth program.

Dr. Padula is also licensed in Colorado, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Ohio and others.

Now look, we've got Dr. Tran and Dr. Pham coming out of Pueblo, for Kool Smiles

We've got Dr. Padula, (who is an uncle) to Dan and Michael DeRose, in various states with Small Smiles, how much more clear can it be!

Here's the story on the "connection" saying Dr. Padula is Dan and Michael DeRose's uncle.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Dr. Michael DeRose, Dr. Ed DeRose-are not pediatric dentists

If you go to the American Acadamy of Pediatric Dentistry there is NO Dr. Michael A. DeRose nor Dr. Edward DeRose listed as being pediatric dentists, HOWEVER here is where they are listed as Pedodontists! Aren't they only supposed to report themselves as General Dentistry for children?

Click here for this Denver Provider List.

MassHealth Small Smile/Kool Smiles Charted Increase In Claims

Sorry but this is hard to make out under these conditions but you can view it personally at this link: click here

In the following chart filed in a Remediation Monitors Report that has to do with recommendations with MassHealth and dental reimbursements. Note the number of dentist from 2003 and 2006 are 842 and 845 respectively: a difference of 3 providers.

In the second chart please note the great increase in claims! 302,469 was noted for Small Smiles/Kool Smiles in 2006. It was such an increase and large portion of the claims it was worth noting separately! That's a whole lot of unnecessary work don't you think!

Root Dental Management-FORBA Smell The Same

Ryan Patrick Root is another cohort of Michael A. DeRose, period.

Notice the rdm in the email address, Root Dental Management. Ryan Patrick Root is just Michael A. DeRose's front man, who in the end will take the fall.

I don't understand how this ugly man sways so many people in so many states to do so much of his dirty work by allowing him to use their names! Just blows my mind!
Here is an ad placed 3-29-07 linking Ryan Root-Root Dental Management to SmileStarters:

Contact: Roger Walters


c/o Root Dental Mgmt

Phone: 704-395-6000



Associate Dentists – Opportunities available in several areas of North Carolina in state-of-the-art general practices treating under served children and young adults. A desire to work in a positive, team oriented environment a must. Full-time positions in a number of our seven NC locations. Excellent salary and benefits package.

New grads encouraged, a great place to start your career!!!

I've also showed you where Ryan Root is the contact person for Michael A. DeRose, DDS, PC in New York, I even included a link to see for yourself.

Does Root Dental Management smell like FORBA, LLC Dental Management? Of course it does.

We know FORBA, LLC (Small Smiles) is the child of Michael, Ed, and Dan DeRose.

Small Smiles-Smile Starters, Carolina Dental Clinic, Smile High, and more are all children of the DeRose gang of outlaws.

They are releasing information saying Smile Starters is under new management. Where?

What new management?

Dr. Raf Rivera? Well, no! He's been with them for years! Root? No, he's been with Michael for years too!

Just another name change for Michael A. DeRose.

Root Dental Management was formed 3-21-07

It is a corporation formed in Delaware

Wanna take a guess where it's principal mailing address is:


Question is, who is Daren R. Root, his name is appearing on some of these documents.

Daren Root is an account with Rice Root

Who Is Dan DeRose-Cashing In On Kids-Another Disgusting DeRose

Ed (Eddie) DeRose, Michael DeRose and Dan DeRose are your children's worse Nightmare!

I'll say one thing:
"These DeRose's have cornered the market Cashing In On Kids!"

Dan, pictured right, is the man who puts the junk food in our schools. As put in one article "Dan DeRose will go down in nutrition infamy", what they didn't know what his part in the trauma and torture of children at the hand of the dental clinics he, his father, Ed, and his brother Michael owned.

Marketing to Children and Young People
(Excerpts from Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser, pp. 42-46; 51-57. Sections in blue print are paraphrases and summaries. Words in bold print are important marketing vocabulary.)

Like other school systems in Colorado, District 11 faced revenue shortfalls, thanks to growing enrollments and voter hostility to tax increases for education. The initial Burger King and King Scooper ad contracts were a disappointment for the district, gaining it just $37,500 a year – little more than $1 per student. In 1996, school administrators decided to seek negotiating help from a professional, hiring Dan DeRose, president of DD Marketing, Inc. of Pueblo, Colorado. DeRose assembled special advertising packages for corporate sponsors. For $12,000, a company got five school-bus ads, hallway ads in all fifty-two of the district's schools, ads in their school newspapers, a stadium banner, ads over the stadium's public-address system during games, and free tickets to high school sporting events.
Within a year, DeRose had nearly tripled Districts 11's ad revenues. But his greatest success was still to come. In August of 1997, De Rose brokered a ten-year deal that made Coca-cola the district's exclusive beverage supplier, bringing the schools up to $11 million during the life of the contract (minus DD Marketing's fee). . . .
District 11's marketing efforts were soon imitated by other school districts in Colorado . . . Administrators in Colorado Springs did not come up with the idea of using corporate sponsorship to cover shortfalls in a school district's budget. But they took it to a whole new level, packaging it, systematizing it, leading the way. Hundreds of public school districts across the United States are now adopting or considering similar arrangements. Children spend about seven hours a day, one hundred and fifty days a year, in school. Those hours have in the past been largely free of advertising, promotion and market research – a source of frustration to many companies. Today the nation's fast food chains are marketing their products in public schools through conventional ad campaigns, classroom teaching materials, and lunchroom franchises, as well as a number of unorthodox means.
The proponents of advertising in the schools argue that it is necessary to prevent further cutbacks; opponents contend that schoolchildren are becoming a captive audience for marketers, compelled by law to attend school and then forced to look at ads as a means of paying for their own education. America's schools now loom as a potential gold mine for companies in search of young customers. "Discover your own river of revenue at the school house gates," urged a brochure at the 1997 Kids Power Marketing Conference. "Whether it's first-graders learning to read or teenagers shopping for their first car, we can guarantee an introduction of your product and your company to these students in the traditional setting of the classroom."
Dan DeRose tells reporters that his work brings money to school districts that badly need it. By pitting one beverage company against another in bidding wars for exclusive deals, he's raised the prices being offered to schools. "In Kansas City they were getting 67 cents a kid before," he told one reporter, "and now they're getting $27." The major beverage companies do not like DeRose and prefer not to deal with him. He views their hostility as a mark of success. He doesn't think that advertising in schools will corrupt the nation's children and has little tolerance for critics of the trend. "There are critics to penicillin," he told the Fresno Bee. In the three years following his groundbreaking contract for School District 11 in Colorado Springs, Dan DeRose negotiated agreements for seventeen universities and sixty public school systems across the United States . . .
Want to know more and how Dan ended up mentioned in the explosive movie Fast Food Nation, search Dan DeRose Coke.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Michael A. DeRose-Fingers in the New York Medicaid Pot?

Why does Michael A. DeRose need to be an "elector" of New York's State Health Care Reform Act?

What "health care" is he providing in New York under the name of one of his many corporations "Michael A. DeRose, DDS PC that he must "participate in the funding of these initiatives"??

Is there any state Michael A. DeRose is NOT trying to scam money from, or train young naive dentists to torture and traumatize children? Why? "cause Michael Needs The Money" all in the name of poorer families not having access to dental care??

Honestly, the cause sounds noble doesn't it? However anyone who has taken the time to read this blog knows if it's got the stamp of approval from Michael DeRose, Ed DeRose, William A. Mueller or Dan DeRose it's not anything close to a noble cause.
HCRA is a major component of New York State's Health Care financing laws which governs hospital reimbursement methodologies and targets funding for a multitude of health care initiatives. The law also requires that certain third-party payors and providers of health care services participate in the funding of these initiatives through the submission of authorized surcharges and assessments.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Another Child Files Law Suit Against Smile Starters-Medicaid Dental Centers-Tish Ballance-Michael DeRose-Heather Berkhiemer

April 19, 2008

Child sues dentists over care: Lawsuit alleges malpractice in treatment at Medicaid practice

Karen Garloch
Apr 19, 2008 (The Charlotte Observer - McClatchy-Tribune Information Services via COMTEX) --

A Charlotte child who got 14 "baby root canals" and stainless steel crowns on the same day in 2003 has sued three dentists with Medicaid Dental Center, claiming dental malpractice.

The suit against the privately owned chain of dental clinics was filed a week after the clinics' owners agreed to pay $10 million to resolve allegations that they made fraudulent claims to the N.C. Medicaid program for unnecessary dental work on poor children.

In the suit filed Friday in Mecklenburg Superior Court, Antavia Digsby, through her mother, Angela, alleged the treatment by dentist Heather Berkheimer "fell below the accepted standards of dental care."

Digsby also sued Letitia Ballance of Mooresville and Michael Anthony DeRose of Pueblo, Colo., dentists and co-owners of Medicaid Dental Center, alleging its policy was to "perform as much treatment as possible in one appointment."

Medicaid Dental Center, now called Smile Starters, has clinics in Charlotte, Raleigh and Winston-Salem.

Antavia was 5 on May 9, 2003, when her mother took her to the Charlotte clinic to have her teeth cleaned. Antavia, now 9, was insured by Medicaid, the state-federal health program for low-income and disabled residents.

On that day, the suit says, Berkheimer performed 14 pulpotomies, similar to root canals, and mounted 14 steel crowns on the child's baby teeth.

Employees at the center restrained Antavia by tying her down on "a papoose board" and refused to allow her mother to be in the room, the suit says. Berkheimer documented that Antavia was "very uncooperative and could not follow directions," the suit says.

Berkheimer, who lives in Southern Pines, could not be reached for comment.

Charlotte attorney James Wyatt, who represents Medicaid Dental Center and its owners, said the suit is "utterly without merit. All the dental work that was done was not only necessary but imperative."

He said the child's mother "consented to all of the work. The real question that needs to be asked is why a parent would bring a child in with her teeth in that condition."

Wyatt said last week that his clients agreed to the $10 million settlement to avoid expensive litigation, but they did not admit the government's allegations.

In 2003, WCNC-TV, now the Observer's news partner, revealed allegations that Medicaid Dental Center had performed unnecessary dental work on children.

In 2005, the N.C. Board of Dental Examiners disciplined nine dentists after an investigation of the clinics.

Ballance and DeRose were placed on probation for three years.

Berkheimer and six other dentists who worked in the clinics received written reprimands that will remain permanently in their N.C. files and with the National Practitioner Data Bank.

The other dentists are: John Lyons, Jeffrey Zieziula and Erron Brady, all of Charlotte; Lori Petree and Christopher Ballinger of Winston-Salem; and Michelle Wilkerson of Raleigh.

According to board documents, at least eight children, some as young as 4, had multiple teeth pulled and root canals performed during single appointments at MDC clinics. Some had as many as 16 pulpotomies and stainless steel crowns during the same visit.

Darren Dawson, a Greenville, N.C., lawyer who filed the Digsby suit, said he represents nine families of children treated at MDC clinics in Charlotte and Winston-Salem, and says he'll file more suits claiming that excessive and unwarranted dental work was done.

Board investigators have made unannounced inspections at each of the MDC clinics since 2005, and authorities said they have been "substantially in compliance" with standards.

I would think it might be a bit difficult for the attorney's for Medicaid Dental Center and The DeRose clan to get them out of this mess, since this blogger alone can tract these exact same kind of complaints and allegations dating back years in the DeRose past and current connection to Small Smiles/FORBA, LLC.

With that, and the vast number of complaints that will likely be coming soon against Small Smiles/FORBA maybe finally the DeRose Reign of Terror demise and not one minute too soon!!

Michael A. DeRose is now and always has been directly associated with Small Smiles, as is his father, Dr. Ed DeRose, his brother, Dan DeRose and Dr. William Mueller just to name a few on the short list.

I hope soon to hear that the State of North Carolina and it's Dental Association have ran Tish Ballance, Dr. Michael DeRose and each dentist in the news report above out of the state on a rail. At the least I call on the state to remove, revoke, and ban these dentist from ever practicing dentistry in this state or any other for that matter.

As I have posted on this very blog, Tish Ballance and "others" as well as Dr. Michael DeRose are advertising for employees right this minute to come work at yet another clinic, Access West and more Smile Starters, designed to do exactly for what they are now being sued!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Australia's Policy Statement on Corporate Dentistry-It's Frowned Upon

ADA Policy Statement 4.3 Page 1 of 2 November 21/22, 2002

1 Introduction

1.1 The Australian Dental Association [ADA] believes that the oral health needs of the
community are best met by a clinically efficient and ethically conducted dentist-owned
practice. This model provides community-based care with adequate opportunity for
continuity of care and patient records [single patient record]. It is possible to facilitate
quality and efficiency gains within the existing framework of dentist-owned practices, and
without the need for equity investment by non-dentists or corporate owners.

1.2 The existing dental workplace landscape includes non-dentist owned facilities for
provision of dental services, including health fund clinics and mutual organizations,
which, in the main, are not-for-profit entities.

1.3 Recent changes to some Australian State and Territory Dental Acts provide opportunities
for the ownership of dental practices by non-dentists and/or corporate entities.

1.4 The ownership of dental practices by entities other than dentists raises significant issues.
2 Community and Professional Interest Issues

2.1 It has been claimed that corporation's will deliver improved economies of scale,
improved patient focus and increased competition. The existing practice profile in
Australia already addresses these areas.

The introduction of an additional management layer and the need to give a return on
shareholder or owner equity -
! could compromise the individual dentist’s ability to practice patient-centered
dentistry, including the formulation of treatment plans and referral of patients,
! could compromise the ethical standards of an individual dentist and patient
treatment outcomes by requiring an agreed turnover, thus affecting the quality
and time needed to be spent with patients,
! could see the achievement of a return on shareholders’ funds or owners’ equity
being placed above the interests and needs of the patient, and
ADA Policy Statement 4.3 Page 2 of 2 November 21/22, 2002
! could result in the development of vertical and horizontal integration structures
and the resultant tendency to inappropriately refer patients and thus increase
the cost base to patients.
2.2 Rural and remote areas with lower population densities could be disadvantaged by the
loss of dentists deciding to work for corporations in larger population centres. This is of
particular concern where patients, because of age, access or equity reasons, would find
difficulty utilising dental services.
3 Primary Legal and Accounting Advice Required Prior to Selling a Dental
Practice to a Corporate Entity
The ADA strongly recommends that any dentist considering the sale of a dental practice to a
corporate entity should seek independent legal and accounting advice. Experience has
highlighted a number of risks when selling a practice to a corporate entity, especially where the
sale is for shares in that entity, or when the dentist contracts to continue to provide dental
services for a new owner.
Policy Statement 4.3
Adopted by Federal Council, November 21/22, 2002.

Trish Ballance and Michael DeRose: North Carolina's Responsibility To Their Citizens

Now that the state of North Carolina is fully aware that Tish (Letitia) Ballance and her partner in crime Michael DeRose are clearly still trying to open and operate more dental clinics will nip that idea of theirs in the bud!

It would most certainly be a HUGE miscarriage of justice to let these two or any of those involved in their crimes back into the business from which they were fined $10 Millions Dollars.

These clinics are designed specifically to entice low income children into their lair for strapping down and drilling out teeth "at will" all for no other reason than to see how much money they can once again defraud from the federal-state medicaid system.

After this blogger found and alerted the media, surly goodness and mercy the people of North Carolina lay down their swords and say enough!

If these two are allowed to treat children and again be allowed to dip their greedy fingers or have access to North Carolina state dental insurance program, well it would just be beyond outrageous!

And anyone with a brain would have to question why they even investigated these two crooks in the first place! Why waste even more tax dollars to investigate for at least 4 years something that you are once again going to turn your back on and pretend didn't happen.

It is unbelievable that these two are only on probation for their cruelty to children, yet allowed back in public to continue their quests. If you've kept up with this blog at all you can see there is a very wide and very very long trail of this kind of behavior from Dr. Michael DeRose, he's not going to change his spots! He and his father and brother, among others created a whole multi-million dollar industry doing this!

These two are no better than any sexual predators that society insists be tracked and kept as far away from children as possible!

Beware of The Following Dentists in North Carolina:

BEWARE of These Dentists:

Dr. Michael DeRose

Dr. Letitia Ballance

Dr. John Lyons

Dr. Jeffery Zieziula

Dr. Erron Brady

Dr. Lori Petree

Dr. Christopher Ballinger

Dr. Heather Berkheimer

Dr. Michelle Wilkerson