Friday, April 13, 2012

Texas Board of Dental Examiners–Drilled; the truth hurts

Well, it appears Wednesday-April 11, 2012-was an eventful day in Texas, at least when it comes to Corporate Dentistry practices that has invaded the state. The Texas state legislature is finally asking question why these places are in business and who is in charge of letting them do as much damage to the children as Mad Cow does to cattle.

The Texas State Board of Dental Examiners says it’s not them, just like the Georgia Dental Board. Below there are three articles from around the web on the happenings yesterday.

I just have so much to say about this, but I don’t have time today. Smile

Wednesday April 11, 2012

Statesman. Com
Watchdog group, others doubt effectiveness of dental board

Published: 9:19 p.m. Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Patients, dentists and lawyers told a Texas legislative committee Wednesday that the state agency that regulates dentists does a weak job of protecting the public from bad care.

But board officials said the Legislature hasn't provided enough money to better regulate 60,000 licensees in Texas.

The problems go beyond that, said members of Texans for Dental Reform, a Houston-based group that monitors the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners and has long sought to air its grievances before the House Public Health Committee.

The group, and other members of the public, came to the committee Wednesday with recommendations and complaints. Among them: The board protects dentists and lacks a standardized way of disciplining them; it defines standards of care on a case-by-case basis, rather than following established care guidelines when investigating dentists; and it allows dentists who have been in serious trouble to get a new license number, making it exceedingly difficult for the public to connect the dots to previous disciplinary actions.

They also said that board members should never act as expert witnesses in lawsuits involving dentists and asked for action against unregulated dental clinics that "overtreat" children to take advantage of increased payments from Medicaid, the state-federal program for the poor.

"Over the past three years, we have found the board resistant, abusive and arrogant towards the public and unwilling to make the changes needed to protect public safety and health," said Gwen Mitchell, president of Texans for Dental Reform.

Dr. Tammy Gough of McKinney, presiding officer of the 15-member dental board since December 2010, said the board has strengthened various rules and is developing a standard way to review complaints and discipline violators. She said she has no problems with a law banning board members from acting as expert witnesses because none do.

But the volunteer board is hamstrung in its work by too little staff, not enough money and a lack of authority over corporate-owned dental clinics accused of exploiting Medicaid, said Glenn Parker, acting executive director of the agency.

Medicaid fraud complaints are turned over to the attorney general, inspector general and law enforcement officials, Parker said.

"We understand there is room for improvement," said Gough, who won praise from various members of the public for her openness to change.

The board could do better if the Legislature allowed it to keep more of the $9.6 million it collects in license fees and other work, Parker said. Instead, its current budget is just $2.7 million, and although it is authorized to employ 36 people, it employs just 29 because it can't afford more, he said.

Board officials also said some changes Texans for Dental Reform and others are pressing for would require legislation.

Houston lawyer Jim Moriarty disagreed that the board lacks authority to go after the corporate-owned clinics that are abusing Medicaid. He has filed suits in New York and Colorado against a network of clinics with operations in Texas and said the board should discipline the dentists in those practices, he said.

Lawyer Charlie Gustin of Houston has sued the Smile Center in San Antonio and told the committee of one case involving a 5-year-old boy who received 20 "baby" root canals and 20 steel crowns in 48 minutes. The boy left the clinic with cement in his mouth, and 14 of the crowns have since popped off, Gustin said.

Smile Center spokeswoman Debbie Clarke said the owner of the practice was unavailable to comment Wednesday "due to his professional responsibilities."

At the hearing, committee Chairwoman Lois Kolkhorst, R-Brenham, said that she wasn't interested in revisiting past problems but that the panel recognizes that the board needs lawmakers' help to get the tools it needs to do a better job.

Dentist Douglas Terry, a Houston-area member of the reform group, said he was encouraged.

"Things are going to change," he said.

Contact Mary Ann Roser at 445-3619

The Texas Tribune
Texas Dental Board is Accused of Ineptitude

  • by Becca Aaronson
  • April 12, 2012

    Texas toddlers being held in restraints as dentists at corporate-run clinics performed unnecessary root canals were among the dental horror stories told Wednesday at a House Public Health Committee hearing at the state Capitol. 

    The Texas State Board of Dental Examiners, which regulates dental licensing in Texas, was the subject of criticism by members of Texans for Dental Reform and unaffiliated residents, who called for legislative reform while levying accusations of ineptitude, a pattern of withholding or obscuring negative information about dentists, and failure to act against corporate-run dental clinics committing Medicaid fraud and harming patients.

    But others came to the board’s defense, saying that the new leadership is trying to fix mistakes from the past and that the board lacks the resources to do its job well. 

    “We have an underfunded and understaffed state board that is not able to accomplish all that we’d like them to accomplish,” said Richard Black, the legislative chairman for the Texas Dental Association and an El Paso dentist. Although it is taking time, the leadership of the board has made “substantial progress,” he said. 

    Both Black and members of the dental board expressed concerns about the recent outcrop of corporate-run dental clinics — and the board’s limited ability to protect the public when unlicensed operators at such clinics interfere with patients’ treatment.

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    The clinics in question often serve only Medicaid patients and pay one dentist to act as a prop by claiming ownership. The real owners of the clinics — usually private equity firms — are in the dental business for profit, and encourage overutilization of Medicaid services by dictating a “one-size-fits-all treatment plan” or setting quotas for the number of procedures that dentists should perform, said Black.

    Dentists drilling for Medicaid gold is a national issue, as one Washington TV station documented, and more corporate-run dental clinics popped up in Texas after lawmakers raised reimbursement rates for dental procedures in 2009 to motivate dentists to accept Medicaid patients. Joyce Sparks, general counsel to the dental board, said the board has also seen an increase in complaints of dentists violating standards of care since then, which could be linked to the rise in reimbursement rates.

    Jim Moriarty, a Houston lawyer, detailed reports of torturous procedures at corporate-run clinics, in which children as young as 2 are immobilized, sometimes with a restraining device called a papoose, while the dentist inserts multiple stainless steel caps or performs root canals rapidly.

    “They won’t let the parents be present because the parents would be tempted in Texas to pistol-whip them if they knew what they were going to do,” Moriarty said. He’s currently suing one company that operates six dental clinics under various names in Texas and said the dentist who claims to operate those clinics — but actually works and treats patients in Oklahoma — bills Texas $12 million a year to treat Medicaid patients.

    “We want to be part of the solution, but right now we have no tools with which to combat this,” said Glenn Parker, the dental board’s acting executive director. The board only has the authority to license and sanction individual practitioners, which inhibits its ability to monitor or regulate clinics owned by private equity firms or corporations. The only recourse for the dental board is to notify the Office of the Inspector General and other state and law enforcement agencies when they’ve received an accusation of Medicaid fraud.  

    Unless someone comes forward “willing to testify they’re a cover for the private equity fund, so sanction me because I’ve been defrauding you,” the board can’t do anything, Sparks said. “It just doesn’t happen.”

    The board has identified the corporate practice of dentistry as an issue for lawmakers to address in the next legislative session, Parker said, adding that the board wants to get legal authority to regulate those clinics. The board also wants adequate funding to resolve the complaints it receives.

    Unlike the Texas Medical Board, which pays consultants and doctors to investigate allegations of medical misconduct, the dental board relies on volunteers to investigate complaints. There are usually 15 to 20 active consultants — dentists who apply to the board, undergo background checks and training, and then receive approval from at least two board members — to review complaints about standard of care. 

    Parker estimates the dental board receives 500 to 600 standard-of-care complaints a year. At least two of the volunteer dentists must review a complaint and agree on whether a standard of care violation occurred before the case is closed. 

    Board members said they've opened communication with Texans for Dental Reform to address their complaints, but ultimately, the agency needs more investigators and staff. Parker admitted the volunteers often "cherry pick" the easier complaints. “When you have staff turning over, some people do what’s easiest to do, not what’s best to do." 

    The Dallas Morning News

    Texas board says it’s falling short in regulating bad dentists

    Austin Bureau
    Published: 11 April 2012 11:19 PM

    AUSTIN — The agency that polices Texas dentists told lawmakers Wednesday that it doesn’t have enough resources or legal authority to crack down on careless and abusive dentists.

    An advocacy group led the charge against the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners, telling a legislative panel that the regulatory board doesn’t do enough to discipline bad dentists or alert the public which dentists have been sanctioned.

    “We’ve found [the] board to be resistant, abusive, arrogant toward the public and unwilling to make changes needed to protect public safety and health,” said Gwen

    Mitchell, president of Houston-based Texans for Dental Reform. “The consensus is that it only has one agenda, and that is to protect its own.”

    The board, which oversees 15,000 dentists, 32,000 dental assistants and 12,000 hygienists, has long been dogged by complaints of shoddy oversight that leaves patients suffering and dentists unaccountable.

    In response at the House Public Health Committee hearing, board leaders said the agency needs more funding and staff to keep up with the demands of approving licenses and reviewing the 500 to 600 cases it gets each year.

    They can range from pulling the wrong teeth to injuring a patient, from abusing drugs to sexually assaulting a patient.

    Mitchell’s group and others want the board to disclose all complaints filed against dentists and to get rid of those providing dental care without a license.

    But board officials said the Legislature wrote the law so that it can’t disclose complaints lodged against dentists if they are dismissed.
    They said they’ve been limited in enforcement tools and largely depend on the attorney general’s or inspector general’s office to pursue and remedy cases of fraud, especially in Medicaid.

    “It’s not the charge of the board itself to be the lead agency in investigating Medicaid fraud,” said Glenn Parker, the acting executive director. He said that if disciplinary action is taken by the attorney general’s or inspector general’s office, the board takes action.

    He said the dental board collects $9 million annually in fees, but the Legislature allots it about $2 million for its total budget. “We could use a lot more funding,” he said, although he did not give a specific figure.

    Licensing actions The board’s sanctioning method is to revoke or suspend dentist licenses, so board leaders say that leaves them without a way to punish those practicing without a license to begin with.

    Dr. Tamela Gough, presiding officer of the board, said the board regulates individual practitioners but has no authority over clinics or owners of clinics. “We regulate the licensed dentist who is performing dentistry in these clinics — they’re not running willy-nilly as far as patient care,” Gough said. “But in order for us to regulate the actual corporate entity, it would require legislation.”

    Jim Moriarty, a Houston lawyer who prosecutes Medicaid fraud cases, argued that the board is taking the easy way out by saying it doesn’t have the power to punish private entities and those practicing without a license.

    “I’m appalled when I hear the board say they have no control over these people. Texas has some of the best regulations in the country, but the law is just not being enforced,” Moriarty said. “The board sits like an ostrich with its head in the sand saying, ‘If they don’t have a license, we can’t do anything.’”

    Charlie Gustin, a San Antonio lawyer who works with children on Medicaid, told lawmakers about a boy he represented who went in for dental work and ended up worse off than he started.

    He was given double the amount of local anesthetic required for a child his body weight and received 20 baby root canals and 20 stainless steel crowns in less than
    an hour.

    When he went to another dentist for remedial work, 14 of the 20 crowns popped out and the dentist noticed excess cement left in his mouth that can cause infection.

    The dentist filed a complaint with the board and found that the first dentist’s license had been suspended in New York before he came to Texas.

    “But the state board online lists no disciplinary actions,” Gustin said. “We need more disclosure to the public when you have a dentist that’s been kicked out of another state. But according to our state board of dental examiners, he’s clean. And that’s a problem.”

    More fraud complaints
    Joy Sparks, the board’s general counsel, said that over the last two years, Medicaid fraud complaints have increased, probably because reimbursement rates have gone up.

    “The state increased the reimbursement rate to make it more lucrative for dentists to take Medicaid patients. … Once that occurred, there were those who took advantage of the system because it became more profitable to participate in Medicaid.”The House panel said it would consider efforts in the next legislative session to overhaul the dental regulations.

  • More on dental “practitioners”

    Yes, there is a war, but not sure this is the one that should be at the top of the list. However, I Thought this should be kept around for reference.

    The War of the Dentists and their Competitors
    A shout-out to Kansas Public Radio
    By Trudy Lieberman

    Campaign Desk — April 13, 2012 06:15 AM  Every once in a while an interesting, well-done piece from public radio comes along that makes you think. This week came a story about a new war in the Great Plains region. You might call it The War of the Dentists and their Competitors. Kansas Public Radio health reporter Bryan Thompson examined a simmering dispute between traditional dentists—the ones who like to treat well-heeled patients in big city suburbs—and those professionals who want to become licensed as Registered Dental Practitioners (RDPs). These practitioners’ training places them somewhere between a regular dentist and a dental hygienist, and they would be able to fill cavities and perform simple extractions of children’s teeth.

    Dr. Russell Hurst, Jr wants his licenses back in South Carlolina

    SC sex offender dentist tries for full re-instatement

    By JOHN MONK By John Monk -

    A Sumter dentist convicted of child molestation and found to have possessed child pornography 12 years ago is trying to regain the privilege he once enjoyed of practicing dentistry without restrictions or reduced restrictions, including treating children as patients.

    The case of Russell Hurst Jr. is now playing out in the S.C. Court of Appeals, where his lawyer is arguing in a legal brief that Hurst has in effect been pronounced rehabilitated by a behavioral expert and should be free of all restrictions placed upon him by the S.C. Board of Dentistry – restrictions that currently allow him freedom to oversee a Sumter dental practice but only see adult patients.

    Wednesday, April 11, 2012

    Texas Dental Board Meeting

    Just a reminder today is the day of the big Texas Dental Board Meeting, the one where the Dental Board Executive Director didn’t want to attend, so she resigned.

    I look forward to a report on the action.

    Sherri Meeks resigns.

    Update on April 11, 2012 – the condensed version:

    1. Legislature wanted to talk “Corporate Dentistry”
    2. Dental Board claims not to have a clue nor the authority to have a clue.
    3. Riled up a well versed audience member or two
    4. Fire in the Hole!

    I’m sure the reporters that were there will have more detail on this tomorrow, hopefully but it might take a day or two for them to get up to speed.

    Here’s an idea, close down the illegal operations. Every treatment they deliver within their walls is illegal to do! Every x-ray taken, is being done so, illegally.

    Since there seems to be confusion in the world of prosecution and regulation as to whether these corporate dental companies, such as Kool Smiles, Aspen, Heartland and now Wal-Mart, are legal or illegal there is a comprehensive review of all 50 states ready, just for the clicking. Go ahead, try it. CLICK HERE 

    Dental boards say they don’t regulate the corporate mills in any way, however, North Carolina is proving that not to be true. So far, it’s the only state taking the initiative but it’s unclear as to whether they are only targeting Heartland Dental or all, and I mean, ALL corporate dental practices. [I say this since I know there are some regional clinics operating at full speed down there with dollars headed directly to Colorado’s Michael DeRose’s pockets. By the way, he’s on the List of Excluded Individuals and Entities, where he’s not to profit from Medicaid in any way. But, heck, I know that’s small potatoes, right?] 

    Persecutors, on every level, from the local city or county prosecutors all the way to “The” Attorney General of the United States, seem to ignore the fact that the corporate dental mills are just flat out illegal operations. Every bill they send the US taxpayer is a fraudulent bill!  Every one of them!! Every treatment they deliver within their walls is illegal to do! Every x-ray taken, is being done so, illegally. What is not to understand and what are they failing to “get”? Anything?

    The corporations should not be ripping the taxpayer from stem to stern, using taxpayer dollars as toilet paper on their $10 million jets and authorities should be lined up outside these place with warrants and handcuffs.

    This dragon has been slayed and quartered on this website, time after time, after time, after time, for well over 4 years now and Medicaid fraud is still a run away train when it comes to dentistry.

    Since December there has been a noticed increase in individual dentists getting nailed for Medicaid fraud, with most of them getting some jail time along with their fine and repayment. Remember, the Medicaid fraud in dentistry is mostly treatment on children in case anyone has forgotten that!

    So for any prosecutor with a set of balls out there, even if you have a teeny weeny set, that just might want actually bring criminals to justice-criminals who are not only stealing from the taxpayer, but physically hurting children-click here and check your state laws. It’s all laid out for you, it just cant’ get any easier, truly. Then get a warrant and shut these places down. If you need assistance, call me. Hell, I work for free!

    50 State Review of the Corporate Practice of Dentistry and the Laws that prohibit it.

    If you need further assistance, click here on how the scam works.  It’s been told every way I know to tell it. Honestly, it’s not that confusing.

    Kellogg Foundation v. The AAPD

    I don’t know a thing about it, but thought this should be kept around for those “eat your words” moments that usually come up at a later date.   lol

    Yesterday the Kellogg Foundation issued a report about using mid-level providers for dental treatment and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry responded.  Both are below.  I’m not exactly sure what the issue is with “mid-level” providers. A whole heck of a lot of the Medicaid dentists are barely “mid-level” in training, so that can’t be the issue. (sorry, I couldn’t help myself)

    Most comprehensive review of dental therapists worldwide shows they provide effective dental care to millions of children

    Suggests greater role for mid-level dental providers in the United States

    Apr 10, 2012

    Contact: Mary Darby
    Lowell Dempsey

    BATTLE CREEK, Mich. – An extensive review of the literature documenting care provided by dental therapists and clinical outcomes worldwide indicates that they offer safe, effective dental care to children.  Released today by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the study reviews more than 1,100 reports regarding dental therapists and their work in various countries. 
    The report documents evidence that dental therapists can effectively expand access to dental care, especially for children, and that the care they provide is technically competent, safe and effective.  In addition, the review also showed that the public values the role of dental therapists and there is strong patient and parental support for their work.


    Tuesday, April 10, 2012

    Would you fill your child’s mouth with a mixture of embalming fluid and crude oil or photo developing fluid? What about adding some rat poison? Neither would I.

    Disclaimer - I am no dentist. I am no Chemist. I am no Writer. 
    Yesterday there was a report about the direct relationship between low-level radiation exposure from dental x-rays and brain tumors. The article tried to reassure us that the tumor were “usually” benign, though, so don’t worry.

    It’s starting to look like the children that can’t be maimed with brain tumors, may well be killed off with cancer.

    What am I talking about?

    “Formecresol”, sold under the brand name Formo Cresol.

    I mention the rat poison because of the fluoride controversy, since rat poison is all but 100% fluoride, at least one state has out lawed it’s use in drinking water!  More on Fluoride here. Hawaii addressed this back in 2003.

    But back to the Formacresol. Formacresol is a mixture of Formaldehyde (embalming fluid) Cresole (used in Sharpie markers) and glycerin. (Formocresol: 48.5% formaldehyde, 48.5% cresol, 3% glycerin.) Buckley's Formocresol: 19% formaldehyde, 35% cresol, 17.5% glycerin. It is used as a “medicated dressing” within the tooth chamber after the pulp has been removed.

    In 2011 Formaldehyde was listed as a “known human carcinogen- i.e. it’s known to cause cancer in humans.

    The National Institute of Health says this drug has NOT been found to be safe and effective by the FDA, nor has it’s labeling been approved. Link here

    In January 2010 the FDA issued a recall on several lots of Formo Cresol manufactured by DSHealthcare, Inc. d/b/a as Sultan Health Care, Hackensack, NJ. The lots were sold by Henry Schien and Super Dent.

    There are other bactricides to use inside the tooth that do the exact same thing as formacresol, only safer and better, but guess what? Formacresol is cheaper! Guess what the dental mills who are supposedly saving the teeth of the poor children are using? Here is a search for substitutes.

    Although Formacresol remains within the standard of care, it has been debated about its safety for years, and each year that passes, more and more are calling for its ban, kind of like the amalgam fillings thing.

    There are a lot of issues that happen from formacresol, including “necrosis of the crestal bone, allergic reactions, and it causes sever burns on the skin, mouth and throat. Many times the pain a patient still suffers after a root canal could well be from formacresol!  See here 

    During the recent media blitz on sedation dentistry for children, namely the one on March 12, 2012 on The Denver Channel. Dr. Mark Koch said he was about to treating 16 out of 20 baby teeth on a patient. Janine Consantini said that the day before they had a child who had something done to every tooth in his head.

    I’m wondering if anyone is assessing or tracking the children who have been treated by the mass treating Medicaid dental mills and their patients increase in cancer? This formacresol is being place on an open blood source, via a soaked cotton pellet and left there, then a crown placed on top of it and there until the it’s absorbed into the child’s body and/or the tooth falls out. If no one is looking at this, I ask why not!

    Is it the same reason no one is tracking these sedation deaths? 

    Related Articles:

    Journal of the Tennessee Dental Association 89-4 – Are You Still Using Formacresol? An Update. 

    Is Formacresol obsolete?

    CDA Journal Says Ban It! 2010

    California Dental Association – The Obsolescence of Formocresol – 2010

    Fluoride Ban

    Dental X-Rays causing tumors? Highly likely, but Medicaid Dental mills don’t care, it’s part of their bread and butter or it is?

    I’m highly suspicious about articles like the one below or the latest sedation dentistry media blitz. I have to wonder if these are meant to drive home the request the ADA and the AAPD made to Centers for Medicare and Medicaid dated July 12, 2011 where they were crying and whining about the audits being “too aggressive”.  Evidently they made a home run in NY since it was recently announced NY relaxing it’s audit.
    Are Dental X-Rays Causing Brain Tumors?


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    (NEW YORK) -- “It’s time for your annual X-rays.”  This is what millions of Americans are told when they visit the dentist.  But new research out of Yale finds dental X-rays may be linked to increased rates of brain tumors.

    Meningioma is the most common type of brain tumors that originate in the brain and spinal cord, making up one third of these.  People who were diagnosed with meningioma were compared with healthy individuals.  They were asked how often they had the most common type of dental X-ray, called a bitewing, which involves placing an X-ray film between the teeth and shooting the film from outside of your cheek.  In those who reported having this type of X-ray once a year or more the risk for meningioma was 1.4-1.9 times increased depending on their age.

    Another type of dental X-ray, called the Panorex, that rotates around your head taking a picture of all of your teeth from outside your mouth was associated with an almost five-fold increase in rates of meningioma when the X-ray was performed before age 10.  For those older than 10 there was a 2.7 to 3 fold increased risk when this X-ray was performed once a year or more.

    Current recommendations by the American Dental Association do admit that there is little use for dental X-rays in healthy people without any symptoms, but still recommends X-rays of healthy children be taken every 1-2 years and every 2-3 years for healthy adults.  The authors think these guidelines may need to be reevaluated in the wake of their findings.

    Reactions to the study have been mixed. For critics, the design of the study has some serious flaws. The main weakness is the failure of the researchers to obtain any of the patient’s dental records to verify that the number of X-rays they reported having was true, says Dr. Richard Besser, ABC News' chief health and medical editor.

    “People with cancer are more likely to remember having dental X-rays,” explains Besser. “They are searching for some cause of their cancer and may incorrectly attribute it to any number of factors.”  Dr. Besser also points out that the study failed to find any connection between having braces and risk for meningioma.  “When you have braces you remember that clearly, and people who have braces on average undergo more x-rays than people without braces,” says Besser.

    Dr. Alan G. Lurie, a Ph.D. radiation biologist who specializes in cancer induction and is president of the American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, agrees with Dr. Besser that the study has a serious flaw.

    “They’re asking people to remember (in some cases) a couple of radiographs they had 30 years earlier when they were kids. They’re not going to be able to tell you what kind of X-ray machine was used…what kind of film, were there any retakes?" Lurie says.

    Other doctors see this as a strong study and think that it raises valid concerns.  “The current study is well-done and confirms that even in the ‘modern era’ radiation exposure from repeated dental X-rays conveys an increased risk of these tumors,” says Dr. David Schiff of the Neuro-Oncology Center at the University of Virginia.

    Overall, doctors are not surprised that dental X-rays could cause this type of tumor because the type of radiation that X-rays give off is known to be associated with brain tumors. “Ionizing radiation is the only well-accepted environmental risk factor for development of meningiomas," says Dr. Schiff.

    However they warn that this study cannot prove that dental X-rays cause brain tumors.  It can only reveal a possible association between dental X-rays and tumors.

    Still, there are some important things people can do to minimize their exposure to dental X-rays.  For example, patients can ask their doctors whether X-rays are completely necessary, or how much radiation will be delivered by the various options available.

    “All health professionals should be thinking that for our patients, each exposure must be beneficial and we should be of a mindset to do the fewest exposures possible to obtain needed diagnostic information," explains Paul Casamassimo DDS, professor and chair of pediatric dentistry at the Ohio State University College of Dentistry and chief of dentistry at Nationwide Children's.

    Overall, experts hope that as a result of this study the public gains new awareness of a potential risk and will take their concerns to their dentist.  

    Dr. Paul Casamassimo is on the Advisory board of one of the nations worst offenders- Small Smiles Dental Centers, owned and operated by the bankrupt Church Street Health Management.  Dr. Casamassimo should heed his own warnings!

    He should be asking his colleague, Dr. Steven Adair about the unnecessary x-rays taken at the Small Smiles Dental centers, and the fraud involved in said unnecessary x-rays, especially at the Denver dental centers with Dr. Minh Tia and his office manager! I believe that amounted to some $200k between June 2010 and June 2011! Just saying….


    In an article about “Dental Therapist” dated April 10, 2012, it mentions Dr. Paul Casamassimo is the AAPD Pediatric Oral Health Research and Policy Center Director.

    American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Responds to Kellogg Foundation Report on Dental Therapists

    Academy of General Dentistry  Responds to Dental X-Ray Warning:
    Thursday April 12, 2012

    CHICAGO, April 12, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- On Tuesday, April 10, 2012, in the journal Cancer, the American Cancer Society published an article entitled "Dental X-Rays and Risk of Meningioma," which summarized a study that sought to develop a correlation between dental radiographs and brain cancer.

    According to the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD), a professional association of more than 37,000 general dentists dedicated to providing quality dental care and oral health information to the public, the study's findings are not applicable to modern dentistry because the study was based upon an examination of outdated radiographic techniques, which produced considerably more radiation than patients would be exposed to today.

    "Modern radiographic techniques and equipment provide the narrowest beam and shortest exposure, thereby limiting the area and time of exposure and reducing any possible risks while providing the highest level of diagnostic benefits," said AGD President Howard Gamble, DMD, FAGD. "Today, patient safety is always maintained with the recommended use of thyroid collars and aprons."

    The article from the American Cancer Society, which received attention from many reputable news outlets, could cause the public to decide to limit or even refuse X-rays in an effort to keep their families safe.

    "It is regrettable to think that an article based on outdated technology could scare the public and cause them to avoid needed treatment," said Dr. Gamble. "With the radiography techniques in use today, the amount of radiation exposure is reduced and more controlled than it was in years past."

    The AGD supports radiographic guidelines provided by the American Dental Association (ADA) and the U.S. Food & Drug Administration, and concurs with the ADA that dentists should order dental radiographs for patients only when necessary for diagnosis and treatment.

    The AGD encourages patients to discuss their concerns with their dentists in order to determine what's best for them. The AGD also encourages dentists to communicate with their patients and address any unexpressed concerns of radiographic risks in order to reduce fear and promote a better understanding of the benefits and the risks associated with the specific needs of each patient.

    "Neglecting one's oral health has serious oral and systemic risks," said Dr. Gamble. "Radiographs play an important role in improving the oral health of the public, and patients should not be deterred from seeking oral health care due to misperceptions from this study."

    The Cancer study contained many inconsistencies and possibilities for error, including the fact that its findings were based upon a population-based case-control study. This means that it relied upon the patients themselves to recall and self-report past events, many of which were from decades earlier.

    The AGD supports ongoing scientific research on any correlations between dental radiographs and incidents of disease in an effort to provide the most accurate information to the public and to correct any misperceptions created by the Cancer study.

    About the Academy of General Dentistry
    The Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) is a professional association of more than 37,000 general dentists dedicated to providing quality dental care and oral health education to the public. AGD members stay up-to-date in their profession through a commitment to continuing education. Founded in 1952, the AGD is the second largest dental association in the United States, and it is the only association that exclusively represents the needs and interests of general dentists. A general dentist is the primary care provider for patients of all ages and is responsible for the diagnosis, treatment, management, and overall coordination of services related to patients' oral health needs. For more information about the AGD, visit

    SOURCE Academy of General Dentistry

    All I have to say here is that the AGD or any other of the D’s are not to quick to come out against reports that are loaded to the brim with “old” and “outdated” studies if it could possibly generate revenue.

    Survey of State Laws Governing the Corporate Practice of Dentistry

    Ever wonder what the laws say about a corporation practicing dentistry in any one state?  Well, now we have a fantastic reference for this information.

    Rob Walton, and Wal-Mart version of “owner dentists”, Dr. Andre Bruini and Dr. Chris Comfort, should read these before they delve much further into the abyss and Land of Oz.
    BTW, this Wal-Mart thing might get a bit “sticky” besides being “shady”.  I’m seeing Stark Law issues-if they take Mediciad-Medicaid, or Anti-Kickback issues, IRS issues on “employee vs. contractor”.  Lots of stuff on this to come.

    Sunday, April 08, 2012

    Catching up on Church Street and Small Smiles bankruptcy this Easter weekend finds whistleblowers still waiting on their good citizen reward.

    I decided to read over some more of the thousands of pages filed on the Church Street Health Management/Small Smiles dental bankruptcy filings as we did our family travels this weekend. What caught my eye was a 140 page Affidavit of Service. The list was very interesting, and what,or should I say who, was on this listed was what really made an impression.

    First, in my loose estimate there are some 800 to 1000 minor children who have lawsuits pending against this criminal enterprise for abuse, mistreatment or overtreatment and blatant malpractice.

    Second, you know those whistleblowers who blew the lid off this particular criminal enterprise back in 2007 The one that finally reached a settlement in January 2010. Well, they are on the “notify” list, meaning they are to be “served” copies of all these documents, or most of them anyway.

    Now, that means not only did Church Street Health Management and their host of Small Smiles dental centers fail to pay the fines (they call it a settlement) imposed by several states-some states have been paid more than others-but the whisleblowers have not received their full rewar$ for the hell they went through, filing lawsuits and turning these bastards into the Department of Justice.

    There were two or three in the Virginia and DC area as well as Mr. Haney in South Carolina.

    I think this issue on Whistleblowing needs some tweaking! One thing for sure, is criminals aren’t good credit risks.

    Speaking of credit, Church Street Health Management and their Small Smiles centers sure have a lot of people to whom they owe a shit load of money. For a criminal enterprise to go belly up just over a year after the Feds begin keeping a much closer eye on their operations, by way of that Corporate Integrity Agreement, the CEO Michael Lindley signed, says a lot. A WHOLE LOT!

    To me it says, unless we break the law, and commit malpractice on most of the children we profess to care so much about, to rip off Medicaid this business model is not for the profit minded.

    I’ve not downloaded and read all the documents of the bankruptcy yet, but, I certainly will. I’ve not found their detailed list of Assets and Liabilities just yet. Last I read said basically they were working on it. I’m just guessing, but I bet this one has to be the one of the most creative “assets” lists the Federal Court system has ever seen.

    I’m sure there will be some sort of “pecking” order to settle up these debts, whether there is some fool ass Wall Street firm or Private Equity scumbags to snatch up this hot mess company, which I doubt, by the way.

    But the children they have abused and the ones still waiting out there to be compensated for their pain and suffering should be number one, the taxpayers number two and the whistleblowers number three and it would be a tie between, Al Smith, Michael Lindley or Steve Adair down there in Hilton Head last, and should be barred from any claim whatsoever! 

    Some other notables on the list are:

    Lisa DeRose;
    Ameris – Lindley’s other business and the one that owns the plane and the condo in Florida; and,
    Jake and Jenna Kochenberger