Friday, July 06, 2012

Does your dental malpractice insurance have a $75,000.00 per claim deductible? If you work for Small Smiles it does!

Dentists currently employed by Small Smiles know they are open to lawsuits. The hundreds of malpractice suits on file in three states should make that crystal clear. What might not be so clear is exactly what kind of malpractice coverage they have. It’s not at all what it used to be.

Are you aware you have a $75,000.00 deductible per claim?





One single claim could ruin you and once again, Small Smiles the company, walks away unscathed.

The current policy is set to expire in September. I’m thinking getting your own coverage might be the best option. Never trust that wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Indiana AG filed complaint against Allcare Dental and Dentures


Complaint filed against Allcare Dental & Dentures

Jul 06, 2012

allcareThe Indiana attorney general's office has filed an administrative complaint against Allcare Dental & Dentures President Robert Bates for multiple licensing violations.

In January of last year, Allcare Dental & Dentures, which is a national chain of dentist offices, abruptly closed its locations including one in Mishawaka.

According to the complaint filed before the Indiana State Board of Dentistry, the president gave a two-day notice to his Indiana employees that offices would close for two weeks.

Days before the offices were supposed to re-open, he notified his workers that the offices would be closed permanently.

Indiana's attorney general says patients were left without their dentist, their records, dental devices and did not get a refund.

The Indiana State Board of Dentistry will decide if a violation occurred and if so, what disciplinary action there will be.

The board is tentatively scheduled to hold a hearing on the complaint in October.

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

“We’re finding that these dental practices, under pressure from owners who are not licensed dentists”–Sen.Chuck Grassley.

Senator Grassley says the problem is rooted in the structure of these chains, “I’m finding in this investigation that there are people that know nothing about dentistry are saying you got to see so many people, you got to do so much work for each one, and in a sense, gaming the system,” There are legitimate concerns that children are receiving unnecessary care, sometimes in a traumatic way, and taxpayers are paying for it.”3– Sen. Charles Grassley (R) Iowasaying that it claims that dentists own the practices but in reality they do not have control.1

The Senator also states, “These “owner dentists” are effectively ghost owners who maintain none of the traditional aspects of ownership of their operations, allowing the corporate investors to have control over clinical operations,” 2

Ghost owners, fake owners, throw away owners, call them what you like.

They are, in truth, are criminals, assisting, aiding and abetting the commission of serious crimes. Crimes against children and crimes against American citizens. Not for free, but for a piece of the pie. They willing lend their name, their professional license and their signature to assist in child abuse, insurance fraud and Medicaid fraud.

lockwoodOn June 21, Robin Lockwood, DDS of the Ocean Dental chain was arrested for Medicaid fraud. She could face up to 10 years in Federal prison.  Robin looks to be about the same age as the Small Smiles dentist below.

As Robin Lockwood, of the Ocean Dental Chain, can attest, when the law comes knocking, they are not going to be knocking on the door at 618 Church Street, Nashville, Tennessee or at NCDR, LLC’s headquarters in Atlanta…

Here is one of Small Smiles Dental Centers “ghost dentist”, that Senator Grassley was referring to – Dr. Jodi B. Kuhn


Doesn’t look much like a criminal does she? She looks like she could be a very loving and protective mom.


She seems to not be loving enough to make sure she is not the next Robin Lockwood facing 10 years of prison time. 

Dr. Jodi B. Kuhn claims to own 7 dental clinics, quite a feat to be so young. She claims to own:

Small Smiles of Louisville PSC 6-13-2012

  (I see they are still using her rubber stamp signature…and even with all eyes upon you swearing you don’t own the Louisville dental center…this was just filed 2 weeks ago!!)

Dr. Kuhn worked at the Roselawn clinic until October of 2011 when she transferred to the Denver clinic. The Denver clinic was having production issues after a little x-ray scam went belly up and Kuhn is a top producer. Being a top producer, Dr. Kuhn got VIP  tour of the Colorado clinic by Mike Lindley in the flesh. She agreed to the deal and moved to Colorado.

Dr. Elizabeth Kay Geier, another “ghost owner” is the newest co-owner with Dr. Kuhn-there have been others. Dr. Geier comes from the Albuquerque –1 clinic. Geier has been with Small Smiles since August 2007 and was granted a dental license in Ohio in July 2010.

Hey owner dentists, like Jodi Kuhn, Gloria King, Monica Switzer, Randy Ellis, Karen Chu, and others you need to see this. YES, they will throw your butts under the bus in heart beat!!


Small Smiles Letter to Senator Grassley 11 29 2011

Small Smiles letter to Senator Grassley's investigators -12 16 2011




1,2,3 Heath, David. (2012, June 30). “Evidence of overtreatment at dental clinics serving poor children”. Center for Public Integrity -

No one has stopped the “Child Abuse for Medicaid Fraud” scheme; not yet anyway.

1997 – Drs. Michael and Eddie DeRose along with Dan “put coke machines in schools” DeRose started opening dental centers to abuse children so they could defraud Medicaid, then build a football stadium in their own honor.

2001 – Dr. Tu M. Tran and Dr. Thien Chi Pham were dentists working at Smile High Dentistry in Colorado. Smiles High Dentistry is part of the Small Smiles Dental chain.

2002 – Tran and Pham were convinced to move to Atlanta and open up Kool Smiles, starting with 2 centers.

2004 – Friedman, Fleishcher and Lowe bought the centers and established NCDR, LLC to be the dental management division of FFL.

2006 – First Islamic Bank (aka Arcaptia aka Crescent Capital) gave the DeRoses $435-million for the dental centers.

2007 – In Georgia two companies who over saw Georgia's Medicaid benefits kicked Kool Smiles out of their network of dental providers for it’s Medicaid patients. Kool Smiles said it was because Wellcare wanted to cut it’s own costs! Wellcare said it was because children being abused for profit and fraud. Georgia agreed with Wellcare, and found over 6% of all Kool Smiles patients files didn’t need the care they received and over 3% of the treatment was substandard.

2012 - We are still where we were in 2007 with Kool Smiles – children abused, substandard treatment, fraud.

With Small Smiles nothing much has moved either. Pretty close to the same as in 2003 when reports of its child abuse first surfaced – 11 very long years have passed and we are zooming toward year number 12.

Kool Smiles continued to grow to over 120 dental centers today Small Smiles topped out at 72 or 73. Hundreds of dentists, who likely worked for one of these mills, broke off and opened their own smaller versions of this business mode- Abuse and Defraud for Profit. Adventure Dental and Vision is just one example. Their “owner” also worked for a Small Smiles Dental Center.

Small Smiles alone, treats 1-million children a year.

There have been numerous news reports on Kool Smiles Dental Centers since it’s beginning. There have been at least 72 73 news reports on Small Smiles Dental Centers since 2003.

Each report, from coast to coast, contained the exact same allegations:

  • Children being restrained and physically assaulted.
  • Unnecessary overtreatment.
  • Parents filing complaints and nothing being done.
  • A State or Federal Agency is Investigating.

There have been a few letters mailed out scolding the business practices, a tiny weeny fine or two – (that has not been paid yet) and a couple of Corporate Integrity Agreements that the executives wiped their asses on. (well, it’s true!) An a few “official” reports. Personally I’m not sure what a “report” actually accomplishes.

Here is reporter, Sydney Freedberg's report for Bloomberg, published just last week!

Today is July 4, 2012 and hundreds of these little houses of horrors will open their doors tomorrow.

So far Small Smiles has seen:

  • $24-million dollar fine they have not paid
  • A 66 page Corporate Integrity Agreement they have not followed
  • A few scolding letters with no bite
  • A $230,00 fine – they have not paid. (the actual fines for all the violations amounted to millions, but they got a discount)
  • One measly dental center in Manassas, Virginia they swear they do not own had to be transferred to a new owner
  • The Oxon Hill dental center closed for two days of training! I’m NOT kidding!!
  • Checks from the Medicaid fund still arriving in their bank accounts daily.

Hell, no wonder everyone wants in on the action.

CSHM Breach of Corporate Integrity Agreement March13 2012 <p>&nbsp;</p>

On March 7, 2012, just days after filing bankruptcy, their independent monitor did a check of the Oxon Hill Small Smiles and turned up all kinds of problems. On May 15, 2012 HHS once again sent out another letter, telling them to shut Oxon Hill down for a two day training session.

The letter stress HHS’s concern that just days prior to the March 7, 2012 monitor visits, that the Chief Compliance Officer – Lorri Steiner,- the Chief Dental Officer, Steven Adair or Gus Ghassen or both – the SVP of Operations, Kevin Reilly,- the Executive Director of Operations,Lisa Mullinix or Scott Nearing maybe- the Compliance Attorney, Sheila Sawyer, and the Regional Director, Dr. Marlene Navedo had been to Oxon Hill Small Smiles and couldn’t find a thing wrong. NOT ONE THING! How can that be???

Are they incompetent or criminals, it has to be one or the other. Are the same folks still running the show down there? Yes indeed…several of them are still there.

Something big happened that was quite serious, I don’t know what, by the Oral Surgeon at the Oxon Hill Small Smiles on February 20,2012. I don’t know if I want to know either.

CSHM Agreement with Office of Inspector General May 15 2012

Next Wednesday, July 11, 2012 is the dead line for CSHM to have reviewed and report past overtreatment at the Manassas clinic. As Bloomberg Businessweek reported, with 42% of all the root canals checked, (104 unnecessary root canals out of 244) deemed unnecessary I’m guessing that report will not look good for the dentists working there, or the company.

This company has been under the watchful eye of government regulators since 2007, when the investigation first began. Can you get your head around the fact they have not changed their ways in 5 years!!!! 

Arrests next week?

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS)–Raising capital for more dental center purchases?

July 3, 2012
Today OMERS is in the news because it sold a hunk of it’s private equity funds investments to AXA for $850-million.  OMERS says it likes “direct” investment much better. Citing – “direct investments give it more control over its assets than investments through third-party private equity funds, and keep investment costs lower.”

 In October 2011 Canadian OMERS purchased Great Expressions Dental Centers (GEDC) from Audax .

In March 2012, OMERS again put its money where your mouth is, with the purchase of Exceldent. Which added another 19 private equity owned dental centers to NY, CT and NJ.

Related -

About OMERS Private Equity
Operating under the OMERS Worldwide brand, OMERS Private Equity manages the private equity activities of OMERS and has over $6.3 billion of investments under management. The group’s investment strategy includes the active ownership of businesses in North America and Europe. OMERS Private Equity is headquartered in Toronto, with offices in New York and London. For further information visit:

OMERS is one of Canada’s largest pension funds with over $55.1 billion in net assets. It provides first-class pension administration and innovative products and services to almost 420,000 members. Approximately one in every 20 employees working in the province of Ontario is an OMERS member. Through the OMERS Worldwide brand, our team of investment professionals uses a direct drive, active management investment strategy to invest in public and private market assets, including publicly-traded equities, fixed-income, infrastructure, private equity and real estate. For more information, please visit, or


21 Oct 2011

US private equity firm Audax has sold Great Expressions Dental Centers (GEDC) to OMERS Private Equity for an undisclosed sum.

Headquartered in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, GEDC is a dental practice management company that provides general and specialty dental services through 152 affiliated practices in Michigan, Georgia, Florida, Massachusetts, Ohio, Virginia and Connecticut.

The company was founded in 1982 by Dr Knysz, who served as chairman. Audax acquired a majority interest from Dr Knysz in May 2008 and, along with management, subsequently sourced and integrated ten add-on acquisitions.

Geoffrey Rehnert, co-CEO of Audax, said, “Rich Beckman and his management team did a terrific job working with us to build the company through add-on acquisitions and by establishing best practices across the company.

“We implemented financial controls and reporting systems to improve operating efficiencies, enabling affiliated dental providers to remain focused on patient care and clinical excellence. We wish Rich and his team continued success,” he added.

Small Smiles Dental Changing It’s Ways… HA! –that’s what they said the last time they changed their name, and the time before that and the time before that…

Small Smiles is saying it’s changed it’s ways, I beg to differ, since we’ve heard that before…several times. This company has been under the watchful eye of government regulators since 2007, when the investigation first began. Can you get your head around the fact they have not changed their ways in 5 years!!!!
It’s changed it’s name a few times, but not it’s ways!
Struggling dental chain looks to mend its ways
By Rob Goszkowski, Assistant Editor
July 4, 2012 -- Church Street Health Management, a private-equity-backed company managing 63 dental centers under various "Smiles" brands in 21 U.S. states, has emerged from bankruptcy with new owners, a new identity, and a new strategy for staying in the dental game.
Now going by the moniker CSHM, the company has a history of legal problems that forced it to file for bankruptcy earlier this year and prompted additional federal scrutiny.
For example, in January 2010, while still known as Forba Holdings, the company paid $24 million plus interest to settle allegations of Medicaid fraud with 22 states and the U.S. Department of Justice. The fine resulted in part from a policy of "converting" patients, whereby dentists were systematically urged to perform additional procedures and the number of procedures performed was tracked.
Read the rest over on Dr. Bicuspid

Senators Chuck Grassley and Senator Max Baucus inquire into illegal ownership of dental chains.

Did the Senators get nothing but lies from Small Smiles Dental, Kool Smiles Dental, Reachout Healthcare America, and Aspen? I'll let you decide.

Small Smiles Dental attorney's, King and Spalding, respond to Senator Grassley’s Investigators - November 29, 2011

Second response letter from Small Smiles Dental Centers to Senator Grassley’s Investigators - December 16, 2011

Kool Smiles Dental responds to Senators Grassley and Baucus Inquiry - February 3, 2012

Reachout Healthcare America responds to Senators Grassley and Baucus inquiry- February 23, 2012

Reachout Healthcare America's second response to Senators Grassley and Baucus - March 22, 2012

Aspen Dental response to Senators Grassley and Baucus inquiry -February 13, 2012

Aspen Dental's second response to Senators Grassley and Baucus - April 18, 2012

Sunday, July 01, 2012

Aspen Dental Defrauding the poor and elderly esposed


$2,540 for 2 fillings? Poor hit by high fees at chain

By David Heath

The Center for Public Integrity

updated 7/1/2012 2:41:00 PM ET

Surviving on a meager $1,300 a month, 87-year-old Theresa Ferritto fretted about the cost when her dentist told her she needed two teeth pulled.

She figured an oral surgeon would be too expensive. So she decided to try out a dental chain that promoted steep discounts in its advertisements. She went to an Aspen Dental office just outside Cleveland.

Ferritto said Aspen Dental wouldn’t just pull the teeth but insisted on a complete exam. She was bewildered when they finally handed her a treatment planfour pages long. Total price: $7,835.

Ferritto could not afford it, but Aspen Dental signed her up for a special credit card, with monthly payments of $186 for five years. She blames herself for signing the papers.

“I made a big mistake going there,” she says. “I should have known better.”

After a day of cleanings and two fillings, Ferritto asked her son for help. He called Aspen Dental to complain but said he got nowhere. So they turned to the state Attorney General.

Aspen Dental took all charges off her credit card for treatments she hadn’t yet received. But said the $2,540 she was charged for two fillings and cleanings was appropriate.

Read the rest at

Bill Brigham – Chief Operating Officer for Kool Smiles Dental Centers is said to have “resigned”.

brainbinghamComing two days after scathing exposé by FRONTLINE and the Center for Public Integrity of the fraud, child abuse and corruption at Kool Smiles Dental Centers and NCDR, LLC.

Of course I’m not 100% sure, but I’m “pretty dang sure”, he’s gone.

Bill has been with Kool Smiles since 2007, so his hands are plenty dirty one would suspect. Where was he before Kool Smiles Dental? He was with Kohls, Home Depot, Macy’s and Belk’s department stores.
(me shaking head)

I don’t think there would have been much fan fair as he slithered out the back door, do you?

Should we be on bankruptcy watch? Maybe so.

Bill Brigham - Former COO of Kool Smiles Dental Centers

Academy of General Dentistry and American Dental Association Responces to “Dollars and Dentists” Program on PBS

Considering the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) and the American Dental Association (ADA) are in the same building in downtown Chicago, my mouth actually fell open when I read this statement from the AGD.

Academy of General Dentistry Responds to “Dollars and Dentists” Program on PBS

AGDChicago (June 27, 2012)—On Tuesday, June 26, the PBS “Frontline” documentary series aired “Dollars and Dentists,” a special program that investigated what it referred to as the “broken nature of the dental care system” in the U.S. According to the PBS piece, more than 100 million Americans currently do not have dental insurance and cannot afford treatment. “Dollars and Dentists” attributed this lack of patient care to the Medicaid system, stating that it did not provide enough of a profit margin to dentists treating children at Medicaid rates. The segment implied that there are very few solutions available to solve this access to care problem. However, extensive analysis conducted by the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) and other dental organizations has found that this is not the case.

“Dollars and Dentists” showcased the plusses and minuses of high-production dental franchises, which many claim will help to decrease the cost of care for Medicaid rates. The AGD shares the concerns voiced by “Frontline” that, as a business model, dental franchises that focus on quantity before quality may not be in the public’s best interest.

“I am concerned by business models that emphasize production quotas and do not individualize treatment for every patient,” says AGD President Jeffrey M. Cole, DDS, MBA, FAGD. “The focus becomes the company’s revenue rather than personalized care. Each patient deserves the type of time and attention provided by the traditional dental team business model, which promotes better oral health.”

In the “Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) Barriers and Solutions to Accessing Care” white paper, the AGD renews its call for proven dental care solutions and quality care, which were originally outlined in its 2008 “White Paper on Increasing Access to and Utilization of Oral Health Services.” The AGD calls for an increase in Medicaid reimbursement rates, greater efforts to improve oral health literacy and education, expansion of water fluoridation, and the creation of loan forgiveness programs for dentists working in underserved areas, among numerous other solutions that preserve the focus of providing quality care to each individual patient.