Sunday, August 12, 2012

Did Levine Leichtman unload a sinking ship in InterDent?

I can only hope so. Not that I’m all tore up and concerned about Levine Leichtman. I just find it lip smackin’ good to see another private equity firm that may well get burned over the illegal practice of “Corporate  Dentistry”. Levine Leichtman operated dental clinics under the following names:
Gentle Dental
Smile Keepers
Capital Dental
Blue Oak Dental Group
Mountain View Dental
Affordable Dental Care
Dedicated Dental Systems Incorporated
Also associated with InterDent is Northwest Management Services.
Levine Leichtman Capital Press Release:
LOS ANGELES, Aug. 8, 2012 -- /PRNewswire/ -- Levine Leichtman Capital Partners (LLCP) announced today the closing of the sale of InterDent, Inc. to H.I.G. Middle Market, LLC
InterDent, Inc. is a leading dental practice support organization ("DSO") in the United States. The Company  provides support services to over 145 affiliated dental offices in eight western states including California, Oregon, and Washington. InterDent's affiliated offices benefit from professional management, economies of scale, superior information systems, and specialization of functions. Its network delivers comprehensive dentistry to over one million patients annually, including general, orthodontics, periodontics, endodontics, pedodontics, prosthodontics, and oral surgery.
"The InterDent investment has been very successful for our partners, our management team and all of the Company's stakeholders.  We are proud of the successes the company has achieved over the past years and believe the growth will continue with HIG's support," said Lauren Leichtman, CEO of LLCP.  "We are also pleased to provide a very attractive return to LLCP's investors through an exit that underscores our commitment to investing in the middle market."

Seriously?!  According to the WSJ, Levine Leichtman Capital Partners invested in 2000.  They filed for bankruptcy in 2003. Prior to the bankruptcy they owned and operated 226 dental offices in 14 states and now operate 145 dental offices in 8 states.
In 2008. InterDent entered into a 5 year Corporate Integrity Agreement with the Office of Inspector General due to fraudulent billing by at least two of it’s Dedicated Dental clinics in California.  They also agreed to pay $364,500 in restitution and pay $364,500 in damages. The 5 year Corporate Integrity Agreement expires on June 20, 2013.
John Steinbrun signed the Corporate Integrity Agreement as President and CEO of InterDent, Inc and InterDent Service Corporation and Scott Breman signed as President and CEO of Dedicated Dental Systems Incorporated.
I’m sorry, but bankruptcy, a corporate integrity agreement with the OIG, downsizing by 1/3, and numerous lawsuits is considered “very successful” for partners, management or stakeholders.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Special needs child kidnapped off the street and taken for dental treatment at All About Dental clinic in Texas. Still no handcuffs on dentists or kidnappers.

WFAA – Byron Harris

August 3, 2012

DALLAS - "Something needs to be done before one of these children dies," Brenda Flores said.

Flores is tough, smart, and protective of her grandson, Isaac. When he didn't come home until after dark one day last March, she was about to call for an Amber Alert.

It turns out, fifteen-year-old Isaac had been taken from his neighborhood to a southeast Dallas dental clinic without her permission.

Isaac, who has severe ADD and asthma, was approached on March 6 by a man in a van.

"'I can give you $10, and a $50 dollar gift card later, and a pizza to take home,'" Isaac quoted the man as saying.

All Isaac had to do was go to the dentist. The man drove him to All About Dentistry on Scyene Road in Dallas. Billing records show All About Dentistry billed Medicaid for 25 procedures on Isaac Flores, totaling $2,041.
Medicaid rules do not allow treatment of a minor without the parent or guardian's permission.

"I'm angry," Mrs. Flores said. "I'm very angry, because I'm here to protect my grandson. And he was taken off the streets without my permission. He was sedated. And he has a medical condition."

Devon Allen has a medical condition, too.

He was taken by a recruiter to All About Dentistry last month, without his mother's knowledge. Gale Allen, his mother, has now hired an attorney, Ajay Shah.
"It truly shocks the conscience," Shah said. "These children have been truly impacted by this individual's actions."
He now represents two parents and four children in the case, but the number may be growing.

Isaac Flores said there were other children in the van with him when he was taken to All About Dentistry last March.

Blanca Flores said she filed a police report the day of the incident, and complained to the Attorney General as well. She hasn't heard back.
State Senator Royce West, (D-Dallas), urges victims to contact his office.
"I won't get stonewalled by an agency, because we will make certain that those claims get investigated by the proper authorities," West said.

Dr. Hamid Farahani, who owns the clinic on Scyene Road and two other All About Dentistry clinics, denies he has done anything wrong. He said he has been audited by Medicaid five times and never found guilty of anything. He admits he owns a van and that he employs a patient recruiter.

So far, he has refused to give any of the parents involved any paperwork on their sons' treatment.

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Care Credit comes under fire again after Hartford Dental Care closes.


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Painful Dentist Bill Questioned
By Troubleshooter Chris Coffey

Tuesday, Aug 7, 2012

A dental patient from East Hartford said she was billed thousands of dollars for a procedure that was not completed.  Investigators said the dental clinic in question is connected to a man charged with bilking millions of Medicaid dollars out of the government.

Maria Ruiz and her husband received a flyer for Hartford Dental Care in May.  It was good timing, since Ruiz was experiencing mouth pain.

Ruiz visited the dental facility and said she was urged to sign up for a third party financing plan called Care Credit.  She said the clinic prescribed her medicine and told her she needed a root canal.  Ruiz said she had some work done on her mouth, but she never received the full root canal after three visits to Hartford Dental Care.

"I also asked them why they didn't fix my teeth and they told me they will call me in two weeks," Ruiz said through an interpreter.

By then it was too late.  Hartford Dental Care appeared to have permanently shut its doors.

A Connecticut Attorney General investigation resulted in federal agents arresting the owner, Gary Anusavice.  Anusavice was charged with running a $20 million Medicaid fraud scheme at his clinics in West Haven, Trumbull and Stamford, which also appear to have closed.

"It's not clear that everybody who worked for these clinics were consciously aware that Anusavice was behind it all," said Connecticut Attorney General George Jepsen.

However, Ruiz got stuck with a near $3,800 bill from Care Credit.  The Connecticut State Dental Association said a root canal would not cost that much by itself.

Through an emailed statement, Anusavice's lawyer said Ruiz's treatment was probably discontinued not because of fraud, but because the clinic was shut down after the government terminated its Medicaid practicing rights.

But Ruiz and her husband told the Troubleshooters she was not on Medicaid.

Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley obtained a judgment against Anusavaice in 2010, claiming Anusavice and others lured patients in with deceptive marketing, pressured patients to agree to costly dental treatments, then failed to complete the procedures or provided shoddy treatment.

Sound familiar?

"If they will ever do the treatment on me, if they get the work done on my teeth, then, yes, I will pay them, but how am I going to pay something that they never did," Ruiz said.

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts required Anusavice to pay $237,500 for victim restitution and penalties as a result of the judgment. 

Years earlier, Anusavice sustained a felony conviction in 1997 in Massachusetts for submitting false health care claims.  In 1998, the federal government also banned him from participating in Medicare and Medicaid.  According to the feds, the Massachusetts Board of Registration of Dentistry permanently revoked Anusavice's license to practice dentistry in Massachusetts in 2006.

Investigators said Anusavice opened his clinics in Connecticut and used a licensed dentist to act as the nominal head.  According to the indictment, Anusavice, who is not licensed to practice dentistry in Connecticut, even reviewed patient charts and suggested dental procedures.

"They were fraudulently, in effect, billing the federal government for services," Jepsen said.

It's a big concern to the Connecticut State Dental Association.

"Anytime even one or two of these providers is alleged to have committed fraud, it reflects poorly on our profession as a whole," said CSDA president Dr. Carolyn Malon.

Jury selection for Anusavice's trial starts next January.  He faces up to twenty years in federal prison if convicted.

The Troubleshooters contacted Care Credit, which then got in touch with Ruiz.  Care Credit told the Troubleshooters it had tried to reach Ruiz, but apparently did not have her correct phone number.  Ruiz said she is no longer on the hook for the $3800 bill.  Instead, she only owes $71 in dispute fees.

Care Credit said it is no longer working with Hartford Dental Care due to a pending investigation.

The Connecticut State Dental Association urges patients who are in need of a new dentist to ask friends and family members for referrals.

"They can tell you who their dentist is, whether this is somebody who they've been going to for a long time, how well they're cared for there," Malon said.

The CSDA also recommends would-be patients contact the Connecticut Dental Health Partnership here.

Friday, August 03, 2012

Sinister Dallas dentist, Dr. Hamid Farahani, pays kidnappers for children to treat.

Parents and law enforcement go on high alert when reports come in about a “suspicious looking” van near schools, playgrounds or other venues where children hang out.

Who knew stranger danger for children would be kidnapping children for dental treatment. I can’t make this crap up.

Ya know how we teach children not to take candy from strangers. We can now add “free dental treatment” to that list.



Posted on August 2, 2012 at 10:22 PM
Updated yesterday at 12:10 AM

DALLAS - To treat a child under Medicaid, a dentist must have a parent's permission. But competition for Medicaid income is so fierce, some dental clinics are literally picking kids up off the street and taking them straight to the dentist's office without letting parents know.

Here's a sequence of events that transpired three weeks ago in southeast Dallas: Four boys, ages 13 through 17, were walking along a sidewalk in their neighborhood. A man, they say, drove up and asked them if they were on Medicaid. They all said yes.

The man replied, "How'd you like to make $10?"Okay, they said.
"Just go to the dentists office and have your teeth cleaned," the man said.
All the boys already have dentists, but the man did not ask.

They were taken by van, they say, to All About Dentistry on Scyene Road, one of three clinics owned by Dr. Hamid Farahani. The boys say they were asked to sign their mothers' names on some papers, and ultimately treated by a man they assumed was a dentist.

Once in the chair, the dentist proceeded to numb their mouths with shots, drill their teeth, and put fillings in.

"They gave me four shots," said 15-year-old Devon Allen.

Devon's mother, Gale Allen, said her son suffers from chronic asthma and has some drug allergies. Not knowing this and not asking, the dentist filled several of Devon's teeth. That night his mouth swelled up, pictures show.

Jonathan Henderson, 13, and his brothers, Reginald, 17, and Roderick, 16, also got shots and fillings that day. Roderick got four shots and eight fillings, he said. Reginald got four.

None of the boys even knew they needed fillings.
"They're the dentist," Roderick said. "I thought that was right. I let 'em give me four cavities [fillings.]"

Both Reginald and Roderick already have braces on their teeth, installed by another Medicaid dentist. Reginald said his braces were broken by the dentist at All About Dentistry.

None of the boys were given any forms outlining what had been done to them.

Gale Allen, who contacted News 8, is infuriated. She's been unable to talk to the dentist, or to obtain any paperwork.

"They had no reason to approach Devon, first of all," she said. "Second of all, I'm his parent and for you to just pick up kids on the corner, that's wrong."

Regina Robertson, mother of Johnathan, Reginald and Roderick, is amazed it could happen. She said the boys are not old enough to sign any consent forms, because they're all still minors.

Mrs. Allen accompanied News 8 to the All About Dentistry clinic on Scyene.

At first, the receptionist said there was no dentist there that day, even though the clinic was clearly open. The dental licenses of two dentists were on the wall of the new facility. Finally, a Dr. Massood Shariati cracked open the door to the waiting room.

News 8 asked how his office could treat children without parental permission.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Shariati said. "I treat all patients correctly, I was on the Dean's list at Baylor Dental School."

Then he ducked back behind the door. A photocopied "Baylor's Dean's List" was framed, on the waiting room wall.

The receptionist got the clinic's owner, Dr. Hamid Farahani, on the phone. He also denied the boys had been mistreated. After a heated conversation with News 8, he hung up.

In later phone conversations, he promised to produce parental permission forms, but he never did. Farahani admits he employs a "marketer" to bring in patients, but would not reveal how much the marketer is paid.

News 8 asked the mother of three toddlers at the clinic if she was being paid to bring her children to the dentist. She said yes. How much? "I don't know yet," she replied.

It is illegal to pay parents on Medicaid to bring the children. But in the murky world of Medicaid dental, it regularly happens. Parents are typically not paid by a clinic until after their children are treated.

Out in the parking lot, an unmarked van registered to Hamid Farahani matched the one the boys said picked them up.  Farahani admitted to News 8 it's his. He said it's legal for a clinic to provide transportation.

Gale Allen is seething.
"These people are driving around and soliciting them, and asking them do they want to make ten dollars," she said. "That's wrong."

Neither mother has been able to determine exactly what was done to their boys by All About Dentistry.



Why is this kidnapper dentist, Dr. Hamid Farahani not in jail this morning?

What about the kidnapper (recruiters)he hired. I don’t care how you cut it, Dr. Hamid hired people to kidnap children off the street and bring them to his office for “dental treatment”!

The one kid’s mom is right, they had no business approaching children at all. It’s illegal to patient shop or pay for patients in any way. Just last week at the Texas Stakeholders Quarterly Meeting, this very question was raised. The answer given was:

TAC 353.795 (d) MCO’s and providers - that would be Dr. Hamid Farahani– shall not conduct any direct contact marketing except through enrollment events. The Office of Inspector General says it’s a $10K fine per instance. (slide 78 of meeting presentation)

At that same meeting (slide 79 of the meeting presentation) it’s stated the Texas Health and Human Services Commission - Office of Inspector General is aware of this patient soliciting and is aware of the people hired to “recruit” patients. They even offer a hotline number to call to report such incidences – 1-800-436-6184.

Texas State Board of Dental Examiners, acting attorney, Sarah Carnes-Lemp talked about this as did another attorney with the board. They went into great detail about soliciting patients, gifts and such and stated clearly is was a “criminal offense”. Further “recruiters” were mentioned with a big fat “NO to recruiters”.(slide 83 of the presentation) 

On slide 84, it was pointed out that the Dental Practice Act 295.005 said “Unprofessional to intimidate or exert undue pressure or undue influence over a prospective patient.” Though not specifically mentioned,but I’m thinking kidnapping would fall somewhere between NO and HELL NO. In addition, kidnapping minor children would be a “go to jail, go directly to jail” event!

HOWEVER, and this is a big however, the powers that be mentioned NOTHING, not one thing about doing anything about these “recruiters” .

recruiter busWhy are “recruiter” companies, such as Dental Professional of Texas’ very own Texas Community Outreach-aka KHB Community Outreach Associates- allowed to operate? What they do is illegal! Plain and simple!

Now, what was it that Bernie Sanders and other were talking about…  Oh, yeah…  children don’t have access to dental care?  Bull!


I also noticed the kids have their own Texas orthodontist! Must be a good one too as their teeth appear to be perfect!


Medicaid recruiters scramble for Texas dental patients

Texas Health and Human Services Commission Archived Web Presentations

Texas Health and Human Services Commission Webinar

Texas Law and Dental Board Rules on patient solicitation:

Dental Board Rules

  • •Business Promotion: Rules 108.50 to 108.69
  • •Fee-splitting: Rule 108.1(6)
  • •Referral Schemes: Rule 108.60

Texas Law

  • •Patient Referral and Solicitation: TOC 102.001
  • •Oral Solicitation: DPA 259.008(2)
  • •Advertising Rules: DPA 259.005

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Thousands of Medicaid providers still paid even though they owe thousand in back taxes. Surprised? Me either.

WASHINGTON (AP) - Congressional investigators say thousands of Medicaid health care service providers still got paid by the government even though they owed hundreds of millions of dollars in federal taxes.

A legal technicality is making it harder for the IRS to collect.

In a report out today, the Government Accountability Office says one dentist who received more than $100,000 from Medicaid while owing back income taxes was spending lavishly on fine dining, trips, spas, shopping and wine.

Medicaid payments to doctors, hospitals and other providers aren't technically considered federal funds, since they're funneled through state health care programs.

Because of that loophole, the IRS can't just shut off the payment spigot to collect tax debts. Investigators only looked at three states, so the true extent of the losses is greater.

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

This week’s second most stupid story, with no point whatsoever.


July 30, 2012|By Tim Darragh, The Morning Call


Medicaid cuts mean less dental care for poor

Allentown endodontist is driven to retirement as Pennsylvania eliminates root canal coverage through Medicaid.

Jerome Grossinger has closed his endodontistry practice (root canals) because the state Medicaid program will no longer cover the procedure for anyone over 21. Behind Dr Grossinger are empty patient folder racks that used to be filled with clients information. Photo taken July 26, 2012Jerome Grossinger has closed his endodontistry practice (root canals)… (BEN MORRISON, THE MORNING…)



The phone is still ringing off the hook in Dr. Jerome Grossinger's quarters in an office building in Allentown's West End.

But his office isn't taking appointments.

The 77-year-old endodontist, a dentist who specializes in root canals, has relieved his patients' excruciating pain for the past 42 years, focusing in recent years on low-income and disabled people covered by Medicaid.

He is 77 for heavens sake!!!  The way this story is presented you would think he was in his prime and had a wife and 4 little ones at home – two still in diapers.

But instead of treating the 15-20 new patients he'd typically see every week, Grossinger recently sat alone in his office and scanned years of patient records in bags, furniture stacked in the waiting room and the odds and ends of four decades of health care being readied for the Dumpster.

Grossinger is reluctantly calling it quits.

"I cannot believe this is happening to me," he said, recently. "I'm really in a daze about this."

Seriously!!!??  Look, Dr. Grossinger is probably a great guy and has had a thriving business for many many years, but to make him the example of Medicaid cuts??!!


ADA Mass Email Today Promoting Private Equity Corporate Owned Dentistry.

Just in case you were unsure where the ADA stood on private equity and corporate owned illegal dental chains, you don’t need to be. 



Folks at Benco Dental are up and at ‘em early..

Early this morning this website started getting loads of “hits” from Benco Dental. They finally decided to leave a comment - See below. 



vanian1 <>

I find it ironic that you would post this white paper from an ambulance chasing law firm who seeks to profit from trumped up claims in Texas. Can you see the irony in that, Ms Hagan?


What I personally find ironic is someone with the screen name vain1, was trying to hide their IP and visit anonymously! 

Benco Dental News

Benco Dental Co. Wins $31,346,173 Federal Contract

Jun 7 12
Benco Dental Co. was awarded a $31,346,173 federal contract by the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support, Philadelphia, for distribution of general dental supplies for the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Marine Corps and federal civilian agencies.

Somnomed Ltd. and Benco Dental Co. Form Strategic Partnership

Jun 4 12
Somnomed Ltd. announced the formation of a strategic partnership with Benco Dental Co. As part of this partnership, SomnoMed will work with Benco Dental and its representatives to keep customers up-to-date on the latest developments in dental sleep medicine through in-person and online seminars with the SomnoMed Academy. Benco Dental customers will have access to SomnoMed's extensive range of products and services including; SomnoDent(R) apnea therapy, SomnoMed Health Claim Support Line, SomnoMed MATRx(TM) and SomnoBrux(TM)

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Unethical Private-Equity-Owned Dental Clinics Receive Well Deserved Attention

Unethical Private-Equity-Owned Dental Clinics Receive Well Deserved Attention

It’s been a bad few weeks in the limelight for private equity investors masquerading on the down-low as charity dentists when what they’re really after downloadpdfis making millions by performing unnecessary dental work on poor kids and then getting Medicaid to pay for it. With the way everyone’s acting, you’d think it was the mortgage crisis all over again – as if working class and poor folk were nothing more than pawns in a game played by Wall Street investors, but financed with American tax dollars.

Download the pdf.

Cheapskate, dentist, Dr. Stephen Stein, has Patient Test Positive for Hepatitis C


DENVER - A 9News viewer, who wanted to remain anonymous, says her husband tested positive for hepatitis C this week after a major health warning from Colorado's Public Health Department.

The positive lab results for hepatitis C, shown to 9News, comes nearly two weeks after 8,000 people received letters from Colorado's Health Department about oral surgeon Dr. Stephen Stein.

Dr. Stein is accused of re-using needles and syringes for days at a time on his patients over the course of 12 years. He had two practices - one in Denver and one in Highlands Ranch.

The 9News viewer's husband went to Dr. Stein for several procedures. His last procedure, done September of 2009, Dr. Stein pulled her husband's wisdom teeth, she said.

She received a letter from the state, much like many of Dr. Stein's other patients, saying her husband should be tested, she said.

The positive results for hepatitis C came from her husband's doctor's office this week, and they have ordered further testing.

Hepatitis C is an infection caused by a virus that attacks the liver and leads to inflammation.

"Most people infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV) have no symptoms," according to the Mayo Clinic's website. "In fact, most people don't know they have the hepatitis C infection until liver damage shows up, decades later, during routine medical tests."

The 9News viewer said tests for HIV and hepatitis B came back negative for her husband.

A nurse at her husband's doctor's office said there was no definitive way to link the positive hepatitis C results to Dr. Stein's practice, she said.

A letter from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment warned patients that testing could not determine how or where patients would become infected.

To date, the health department has not released numbers of patients that might be infected after the warnings went out.

Colorado Department of Public Health Spokesman Mark Salley said they are surveying patients and will release numbers of people infected, if there are numbers to be released, next Wednesday.