Thursday, June 30, 2011

North Carolina Senate Bill 655–HB 698–Dentistry Management Agreements


Let’s break with tradition and “Read the Bill”. 

You can read the proposed bill putting much needed limits on dental management companies in North Carolina by clicking here.

Primary Sponsors - Louis PateAustin M. Allran

Co-Sponsors -Tom ApodacaDoug BergerAndrew C. BrockEd JonesWilliam R. PurcellRichard Stevens

Click here to keep up with the Bill.  See where it has been, and where it’s headed.

Wonder if this was designed to cut the head off the Michael DeRose head.  It is my whole heartedly belief he still profits from the Medicaid Dental Centers k/n/a Smile Starters.

Within weeks of the $10 million dollar fine/settlement he and Dr. Tish Balance signed all the clinics were amazingly sold to one of their Lead Dentists, Dr. Raf Rivera.  However, the management company remained-Root Dental Management.

In 2010 Michael DeRose was put on the no fly list, i.e. List of Excluded Individuals, where he is not to profit directly or indirectly from collecting Medicaid for services.  Well, I consider the sham in North Carolina, Dr. Michael DeRose profiting indirectly

Wonder if Roger Walters is also still involved down there?


Root Dental Management-FORBA Smell the Same April 21,2008

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Small Smiles Dental Centers owners guided by Shari’ah-Sharia- Rules and Principles

Arcapita Bank-Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain-is the investment firm who purchased the Small Smiles Dental Centers/Church Street Health Management from the DeRose family in 2006. 

The following statement is taken from Arcapita Bank’s Annual Financial Statement as of June 30, 2010, Ernst & Young auditors:

“…and that the Bank has complied with the terms of its banking license and has also complied with the "Islamic Shari’ah Rules and Principles as determined by the Shari’ah Supervisory Board of the Group.”

Arcapita Shari'ah Rules Statement

I’m thinking they would prefer me beheaded.



Sharia Banking Principles
The Principles of Islamic Banking

North Carolina is finally getting it when it comes to these fake practice management companies, who are really corporations, that own and operate clinics. Essentially practicing dentistry without a license!

However, Catherine Hughes from the Wealthy Dentist does not!



From the Wealthy Dentist

Catherine Hughes – June 21, 2011
Dentists Beware: The Government May Want To Tell You How To Manage Your Practice
The North Carolina Senate recently upheld Senate Bill 655, which would require the North Carolina Board of Dental Examiners to examine all business contracts entered into by dental practices in their state.

No other state in the union has implemented such restrictions on dental practice management, or sought such inclusive authority over how dentists manage their business.

Talk about the far-reaching arm of the government!

I am amused at Ms. Hughes last state, about the far-reaching arm of the Malouf 10711-Strait-Lane1government!  I could blow her friggin mind about the far reaches of the Hedge Funds arms stealing tax payer dollars, causing health care costs to skyrocket!  All so the “wealthy dentist” can live like this:

Value: $14 Million Dollars!

Of course that is only his “first” home.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Ohio’s AG sues Allcare Dental. Wonder how that will work out?

I’m guessing it will be a waste of time and energy but looks good to the voters.  AG should be brining criminal charges against the Executive Director of the Dental Board.  Her and the Dental Board member are the one that let them set up the illegally operated chop shops and screw the taxpayers of Ohio over, ripped them off and left the with no teeth at all! 




CINCINNATI (AP) - Ohio's attorney general has sued a closed New York-based dental chain, alleging that the company violated consumer laws by failing to provide services and products paid for by patients.

Allcare Dental and Dentures abruptly shut down its offices nationwide in January.

Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine filed the lawsuit Friday in Franklin County Common Pleas Court in Columbus. It seeks restitution for consumers and $25,000 in civil fines for each Ohio law violation.

The attorney general's office says it received more than 940 complaints against the company, mostly involving failure to deliver. DeWine's office says consumers disputed about $2 million in payments to Allcare in their complaints.

Telephone numbers listed for the Williamsville, N.Y.-based company have been disconnected. Court records did not list an attorney for the company.

Ohio AG announced sentencing for dentist guilty of Medicaid Fraud


Hey, Church Street Health Management-Small Smiles, NCDR, LLC-Kool Smiles and other dental mills fake owners, listen up:

Ohio AG Announces Sentencing for Cincinnati area Dentist for Medicaid Fraud!


(COLUMBUS, Ohio) – Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine announced today that Dr. Jeffrey Glenn, of Cincinnati, has been sentenced to five years of community control and ordered to pay restitution of $225,000, after pleading guilty to one count of aggravated theft, a third-degree felony.

Friday, June 24, 2011

American Board of Pediatric Dentistry Names New Executive Director

Dr. J. A. Dean is announced as the new Executive Director of the ABPD replacing Arthur J. Nowak, who currently is on the Advisory Board Member of Church Street Health Management.

Word is that upper management at Small Smiles Dental/Church Street Health Management is quite happy about this announcement, saying “…he’s from Indiana and we know him…”, referring to Dr. Dean. 

Evidently they are hoping to get Dr. Dean to do what he can to make things favorable for CSHM.  Hold you’re ground Dr. Dean.  Just be forewarned.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Tina’s Bill Proposal

Promoting a fellow crusader

Pass Tina’s Bill

Tina's Bill Proposal requires all dentists that the state allows to continue practicing while on probation to give each patient at the place of treatment a sheet explaining he/she is on probation and the reasons for that probation, have the patient or parent or guardian sign for it, and have the signed statement put in the patient chart file 1:52:18 is the time of the testimony on this video

Ohio Dentist Sentenced in Medicaid Fraud Case

Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine announced Thursday that Dr. Jeffrey Glenn, of Cincinnati, has been sentenced to five years of community control and ordered to pay restitution of $225,000, after pleading guilty to one count of aggravated theft, a third-degree felony.

An Ohio Department of Job and Family Services review of Glenn's billing indicated an unusual pattern. That triggered an investigation within the Ohio Attorney General's Health Care Fraud Unit.

Investigators interviewed Glenn and employees of his office, Bond Hill Dental Center, sifted through almost 3,000 patient records obtained through a search warrant, interviewed dentists that subsequently treated Glenn's former patients and interviewed Glenn's patients. The results indicate that over the course of four years, beginning in 2006, Glenn repeatedly billed Medicaid for dental work that was not done.

$50,000 in restitution was paid on Thursday. The balance, $175,000, is due within five years. 

The money will be repaid to ODJFS and four of Ohio's Medicaid managed care organizations that were also falsely billed.

Fox 19 News – Cincinnati

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Straight Smiles - Another illegal dental clinic owned and operated by Church Street Health Management opens in Worcester, MA


I hope the folks at “Straight Smiles” are paying real close attention to the Medicaid Orthodontics scams being exposed in Texas, since I’m sure that is exactly what this is as well, if not worse.

[honestly I can hardly even say “straight smiles” since I immediately think of “straight face” and how they keep one I’ll never know]

In the article below the “Lead Orthodontist” said about the patient she was examining:

“ Zulanihs had a loose tooth and small signs of a posterior cross bite. Although she was not ready for braces, interceptive treatment would widen the upper arch of her palette”

(her licenses say she is a “general dentist, searching the Dentaquest site for MA Orthodontists, there is only 2 in a 30 mile radius, and she is NOT one of them)

[she means a palatal expander as seen here and here ] hyraxmodelRPE

“If this wasn’t found or not acted upon, it could result in trauma as well as recession of her lower anterior teeth.” 

[trauma!  really? well dang good thing the child got in there in time to prevent such a trauma]

It really means we found something, ever so tiny and insignificant but I think I found something so we can bill the taxpayers of Massachusetts.

Is it legal?  Well, of course not.  However I asked a dear friend, a dentist, living in Massachusetts about having to be a “real” orthodontist and advertising as a “specialty” when you are NOT a specialist?  Here is their reply:

As for the ortho question, you are going to just love my unclear and muddled answer! In the wacky state of Massachusetts, general dentists can do ortho, provided that they can "perform to the same standards" as specialists. (If that truly is the case, then why would any Orthodontist spend the extra 2-3 years in residency?)
In medicine, that is almost like your ear/nose/throat guy deciding he'll take a swing at open heart surgery.
The regulations, as far as I'm aware mostly have prohibitions against advertising to the public as a specialist. This pretty much falls in line with the ADA position. Hope this helps.


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Texas - WFAA TV–State takes action after Byron Harris expose'

Bio | Email
Posted on June 19, 2011 at 9:51 PM
Updated yesterday at 4:17 PM

News 8 Investigates

From the air, it looks like there's a shark in swimming pool of the 13,000-square-foot mansion in Frisco. Turns out the shark is only painted on the bottom, complementing the water slide, next to the tennis court, which gives the place the look of a resort.

It all belongs to owner of Smiley Dental Clinics, which last year collected at least $1.9 million in Medicaid orthodontics (MO) fees, according to state records.

While the shark in the dentist's pool may be an illusion, it's not imaginary that Texas dentists have been swimming in a sea of Medicaid money over the last three years.