Notice the rdm in the email address, Root Dental Management. Ryan Patrick Root is just Michael A. DeRose's front man, who in the end will take the fall.
I don't understand how this ugly man sways so many people in so many states to do so much of his dirty work by allowing him to use their names! Just blows my mind!
Here is an ad placed 3-29-07 linking Ryan Root-Root Dental Management to SmileStarters:Contact: Roger Walters
c/o Root Dental Mgmt
Phone: 704-395-6000
Associate Dentists – Opportunities available in several areas of North Carolina in state-of-the-art general practices treating under served children and young adults. A desire to work in a positive, team oriented environment a must. Full-time positions in a number of our seven NC locations. Excellent salary and benefits package.
New grads encouraged, a great place to start your career!!!
I've also showed you where Ryan Root is the contact person for Michael A. DeRose, DDS, PC in New York, I even included a link to see for yourself.
Does Root Dental Management smell like FORBA, LLC Dental Management? Of course it does.
We know FORBA, LLC (Small Smiles) is the child of Michael, Ed, and Dan DeRose.
Small Smiles-Smile Starters, Carolina Dental Clinic, Smile High, and more are all children of the DeRose gang of outlaws.
They are releasing information saying Smile Starters is under new management. Where?
What new management?
Dr. Raf Rivera? Well, no! He's been with them for years! Root? No, he's been with Michael for years too!
Just another name change for Michael A. DeRose.
Root Dental Management was formed 3-21-07
It is a corporation formed in Delaware
Wanna take a guess where it's principal mailing address is:
Question is, who is Daren R. Root, his name is appearing on some of these documents.

Daren Root is an account with Rice Root
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