Showing posts with label Doug Brown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doug Brown. Show all posts
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Texas State Board of Dental Examiners General Counsel Admitted–“If you own a clinic you are practicing dentistry in the state”
There is such a HUGE GI-NORMOUS difference in the way North Carolina’s Dental Board understands the responsibilities given to them and the way the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners understand theirs. It’s truly mind blogging, yes I mean “blogging”.
North Carolina’s dental board hopped all over one dentist trying to skirt the laws and has now taken it to the legislature to make sure the laws against corporations coming between the dentist and the patient are clear.
After 5 years of work and 3 years of jumping through hoops, some Texas citizens finally got a hearing with the state legislature. Three years, now! Three years! Expect at least another 3 or more to clean up the damn mess down there. One good thing, Sherri Meeks, the former Executive Director, resigned just days “We do regulate dentistry. If you own a clinic you are practicing dentistry in the state."- Joy Sparks, TSBDE General Counsel before the hearing, and on more than one occasion it was highly suggested to the board that they now have the opportunity to hire someone who can and will do the job they are paid to do. I guess Texans will just have to wait and see.
At the hearing held on Wednesday, April 11, 2012 by the Texas Legislature Public Health Committee I heard some of the most outrageous statements I think I have ever heard come from members of any governing body, well, other than Nancy Pelosi saying they would have to pass a the Affordable Healthcare Act to see what was in it. That was huge.
Dr. Tammy Gough, the presiding officer of the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners, told the committee they were researching corporate dentistry laws and wanted to “act as advisors to stakeholders and elected officials on the topic because we feel it will probably be addressed in the future with legislation.”
Joy Sparks, general counsel, said this was a “relatively new” issue. And all they do with people who are suspected of the corporate practice of dentistry is turn them over to the local or state prosecutors. She also, indicated they don’t even follow-up on that useless action.
I bet if someone asked the local and state prosecutors how many cases the dental board has ever turned over to them, I could count them on one hand. If I remember, someone on the committee did ask that question. The dental board was also asked they had ever asked for guidance as to what they laws said hat their duties were. Want to guess what that answer was?
Glenn Parker, acting Executive Director, who has been Director of Administration and Licensing since September 1, 2011 said: “I think everybody knows The Board of Dental Examiners is the agency that regulates the practice of dentistry in Texas.”
“We do that by regulating individual practitioners. We have no authority to regulate clinics or clinic owners.”
“We strictly license individual people”
“We report fraud to the HHSC, OIG the AG and recently we’ve been reporting it to the FBI.
When Glenn Parker was asked about why there was a big jump in Medicaid Fraud, Joy Sparks answered for him by saying, “My guess, Representative is that the reimbursement rates increased by Medicaid.”
Representative Carol Alvarado asked if the clinics committing most of the fraud were Corporate owned clinics , franchises or clinics owned by individual dentists or independent.
Joy Sparks stammered, “Representative, I’m not comfortable saying that. We are seeing both. We are seeing individual and we are seeing individual practitioners who are, we have dealt with and we are seeing…uh uh….clinics, who have done it also. I’m not sure what the % would be.”
Rep. Charles Schwertner asked Lisa Jones – TSBDE Director of Enforcement-if there were the same safeguard against the corporate practice of dentistry as there were corporate practice medicine.
Her answered, “Honestly, I don’t know if I can answer that question, we don’t regulate the clinics in any way. We have no jurisdiction over them whatsoever. We don’t keep statistics on how many clinics there are in Texas or how they operate.”
She stumbled and stammered several times trying to not say “corporate” and just use the word, “clinic”. That part was fun.
Glenn Parker then added, “The Dental Practice Act requires the dentist to make all the decisions regarding the treatment of a patient. The dentist who is in charge of…stutter…according to the law …stutter…stutter… of the dentistry decisions”
He then tells what the dental board has “heard” about what is happening. He says they have heard some corporations are requiring their dentists to bill $1000 if the child in 10 or younger, if they are 10 or older, or bill them $1,500 worth of work.
Could possibly the dental board have “heard” these in a Complaint!!!!!???
He then went on to say, “To the degree on which that happens we don’t really Representative Carol Alvarado – “If you guys have been concerned about this, what have you all done?”know.”
To the amazement of the legislative committee he added, “Can we prove that yet, no, we can’t. But I think that is what’s happening to a degree. We do not know how many clinics there are in Texas, dental clinics. We don’t know where they are. We don’t know who the legal own of them is, cause none of that is in the Dental Practice Act to require it.”
Dr. Tammy Gough, the presiding officer followed with, ”we regulate the licensed dentist who is performing the care in these clinics” .Their not running “willy nilly” as far as the actual patient care.” The license dentist is held responsible for maintaining records..and there can be no patient abandonment…”
Representative Carol Alvarado asked, “If you guys have been concerned about this, what have you all done?”
Pure silence!
Of course there was a lot of testimony on horror stories that would curl your toes. After all the hearing did last for 4 hours, 21 minutes and 21 seconds.
The big admission on the part of the dental board came with Joy Sparks, their general counsel admitted, “We do regulate dentistry.” “If you own a clinic you are practicing dentistry in the state. The problem is ..our remedy is we sanction a license. So if someone is practicing dentistry under a corporate clinic or private equity they are not licensed so we refer those cases, if we think, their … ya know what I’m saying.. we refer those cases to the Attorney General’s office…cause we don’t regulate…….when we asked if they own the clinic they say “I do”.
Then there was this, “They are practicing dentistry without a license. We don’t do anything with people who are practicing dentistry without a license.”
Well, there ya go.
You can continue reading or stop here.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Kool Smiles files suit against law firm taking personal injury cases - I’m thinking this is NOT a good idea for Freidman Fleischer & Lowe; Doug Brown or Kevin Miller…
…Dentistry of Brownville, P.C. or NCDR, LLC, or KS TX, P.C. or whatever name Kool Smiles dental centers are using.
You have a Private Equity firm behind the Kool Smiles name. You have a Private Equity firm basically practicing dentistry. You have a Private Equity firm setting up dummy professional corporations in many states, Texas included. You have a crooked dentist, Dr. Tu Tran with his name all over Dentistry of Brownsville, PC and he doesn’t even practice in Texas or any other state for that matter! He lives outside Atlanta. According to Texas records, NCDR, LLC is “governed” by Kool Smiles Acquisition Corporation-400 EAST GALLERIA PARKWAY SE, STE. 800
ATLANTA , GA 30339
There are thousands of parents complain their children are being injured and abused with unnecessary and substandard dental treatment. These same complaints have been coming from Kool Smiles clinics across the nation for 5 years. The parents are claiming of harsh and brutal touching and manhandling of their children to deliver that dental care. All for the simple reason to bill Medicaid for as much as they can in as quickest amount of time. Maybe parents have taken photos, made audio and video recordings of the children screaming and have decided to take action against the dentist and the company responsible for it. Maybe some support staff at the dental centers have done the same.
So, what does the company do? It files suit against the law firm taking the cases, citing “Copyright Infringement”. Seriously??!!
5:12 –CV-00036
Monday March 19, 2012
Dentistry of Brownsville, P.C.
Mauze & Bagby, PLLC
George Watts Mauze, II
James Thomas Bagby, III
Texas Southern District Court
Tradmark Infringement
Kool Smiles v Mauze & Bagby
Friedman, Fleischer & Lowe (FFL)

FFL Partners Executive Investors
Kool Smiles Investment
Midwest Dental Investment
You have a Private Equity firm behind the Kool Smiles name. You have a Private Equity firm basically practicing dentistry. You have a Private Equity firm setting up dummy professional corporations in many states, Texas included. You have a crooked dentist, Dr. Tu Tran with his name all over Dentistry of Brownsville, PC and he doesn’t even practice in Texas or any other state for that matter! He lives outside Atlanta. According to Texas records, NCDR, LLC is “governed” by Kool Smiles Acquisition Corporation-400 EAST GALLERIA PARKWAY SE, STE. 800
ATLANTA , GA 30339
There are thousands of parents complain their children are being injured and abused with unnecessary and substandard dental treatment. These same complaints have been coming from Kool Smiles clinics across the nation for 5 years. The parents are claiming of harsh and brutal touching and manhandling of their children to deliver that dental care. All for the simple reason to bill Medicaid for as much as they can in as quickest amount of time. Maybe parents have taken photos, made audio and video recordings of the children screaming and have decided to take action against the dentist and the company responsible for it. Maybe some support staff at the dental centers have done the same.
So, what does the company do? It files suit against the law firm taking the cases, citing “Copyright Infringement”. Seriously??!!
5:12 –CV-00036
Monday March 19, 2012
Dentistry of Brownsville, P.C.
Mauze & Bagby, PLLC
George Watts Mauze, II
James Thomas Bagby, III
Texas Southern District Court
Tradmark Infringement
Kool Smiles v Mauze & Bagby
Original Complaint | Exhibit 5 [doc 1-6] |
Exhibit 1[doc 1-2] | Exhibit 6 [doc1-7] |
Exhibit 2 [doc1-3] | Exhibit 7 [doc 1-8] |
Exhibit 3 [doc 1-4] | Exhibit 8 [doc 1-9] |
Exhibit 4 [doc1-5] | Exhibit 9 [doc 1-10] |
Friedman, Fleischer & Lowe (FFL)
FFL Partners Executive Investors
Kool Smiles Investment
Midwest Dental Investment
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Parents complaining about Kool Smiles Dental and have been for years I might add–socks over their hands, tied down and blindfolded.
This is the crap you get when you get Private Equity firms, or as I call them, “Lenders for Criminals” are involved in medical care. It’s about the bottom line, not whether treatment is needed, nor is it delivered in professionally acceptable standards!! It’s illegal on so many levels and so far, we’ve not seen an Attorney General with the balls to stop it!
Hey, all you AG’s out there, I’ve got a back up set I’ll loan you! Give me a call!
Hey, all you AG’s out there, I’ve got a back up set I’ll loan you! Give me a call!
Parents Complain About Kool Smiles
By KGNS News
Story Created: Feb 28, 2012 at 10:12 PM CST
Story Updated: Feb 29, 2012
A dental office with a local branch could be in a lot of trouble.
Parents complained about what they call ‘unprofessional treatment’ their children received at Kool Smiles.
They described their kids having their hands covered with socks and tied up while a dental procedure was being done.
[I suppose this is somehow deemed better than Dr. Steven Adair’s Superman Cape idea!]
Some even complained of having procedures done without the proper sedatives.
[I’ve been told over the years, when giving nitrous, they only turn on the oxygen to give the appearance of giving nitrous to parents, bill for nitrous but save on nitrous. I’d like an audit of amount of Nitrous billed and the amount of Nitrous purchased at each clinic!]
Now a San Antonio law firm says all Kool Smiles locations in south Texas are being investigated.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Kool Smiles is now Kool Smiles
Kool Smiles Holding, LLC is now Kool Smiles Holding, LLC. Yeah I know it sounds stupid, and it is.
Kool Smiles was started by Dr. Tu Tran and Dr. Thien Pham, back in 2002 after leaving the employment of Ed and Michael DeRose at the Smile High clinic on Colorado. (there a load of info on that on this blog)
By 2004 Tran and Pham reigned in the private equity firm, Friedman Fleischer & Lowe, a San Francisco base company. Kool Smiles Holding was formed to facilitate the transaction.
NCDR, LLC (National Children Dental Research) was formed to ‘manage’ the Kool Smiles clinics.
A couple of years ago, Kool Smiles II was created to take over the Kool Smiles in the west. It was managed under the name DPMS, LLC (Dental Practice Management Services). All still with FF&L holding the purse strings.
So all they have basically done was remerge. They once were one, then they were two and now they are one again.
Here’s the Corporate run down:
President – David Lowe
VP and Sec – Aaron Money
Director – Tully Friedman
CFO – S. Thomas Nance
Directors– William Brody, Paul Walker, DDS, Douglas Brown, Kevin Miller, Brian Bouma, and Joseph Mello.
Kool Smiles Reg D form can be seen here.
Kool Smiles was started by Dr. Tu Tran and Dr. Thien Pham, back in 2002 after leaving the employment of Ed and Michael DeRose at the Smile High clinic on Colorado. (there a load of info on that on this blog)
By 2004 Tran and Pham reigned in the private equity firm, Friedman Fleischer & Lowe, a San Francisco base company. Kool Smiles Holding was formed to facilitate the transaction.
NCDR, LLC (National Children Dental Research) was formed to ‘manage’ the Kool Smiles clinics.
A couple of years ago, Kool Smiles II was created to take over the Kool Smiles in the west. It was managed under the name DPMS, LLC (Dental Practice Management Services). All still with FF&L holding the purse strings.
So all they have basically done was remerge. They once were one, then they were two and now they are one again.
Here’s the Corporate run down:
President – David Lowe
VP and Sec – Aaron Money
Director – Tully Friedman
CFO – S. Thomas Nance
Directors– William Brody, Paul Walker, DDS, Douglas Brown, Kevin Miller, Brian Bouma, and Joseph Mello.
Kool Smiles Reg D form can be seen here.