Since the Antoine Dental Center's favorable ruling was overturned last week, TDMR, is calling for a Federal investigation into the judge. (God, I hate linking to these people! I think this is a ploy to get me to send them web traffic! LOL Don’t enter a password, it’s a phishing expedition.)
Yes, they want a Federal Investigation into the judge! Talk about cry babies! These guys simply can’t stand defeat. I bet they all got trophies for participation when they were kids.
However, to read about their game plan, you need a password. That’s right, a password. They have this big headline, then tell you to read it, you need their permission. Maybe it’s only a headline? Think?
I'd say an investigation should look at the previous decision of the administrative judges, but I try to give them a break that they just didn’t know what they didn’t know.
Frankly, the more Federal investigations into this the better. What's really odd, is this particular case is over some $400,000. Who spends $2-5 million in attorney fees to recoup that amount? Yeah, this is much bigger than Antoine Dental Centers. 
One thing that crosses my mind, is how Dr. James Orr and Bob Anderton trained these dentists how to cheat the system—in Anderton’s own private law office—and now Orr is the “expert” witness for the dentists and Anderton is their attorney. Talk about conflict of interest! Geez! This seems to be more about Orr and Anderton covering their own butts, than it is about Antoine Dental Center’s pay hold.
Currently Orr and Anderton are touring, teaching dentists about—of all things—record keeping!
There is just no way that this is sliced where the attorneys representing Antoine Dental Center and Dr. Nazari have their clients best interest ahead of their own. I almost feel sorry for Nazari. He could have, reached some settlement, taken his slap on the wrist, paid a little fine, and gone on about his business. At worse, a few months jail time; he would have gotten more sleep there than I bet he’s getting these days. I believe he is being coerced. Pure craziness.
Where’s the popcorn?