d/b/a Kids Dental Place
3910 E. Equestrian T1
Phoenix, AZ 85044
The address on NBA Dental Group belongs to:
George R. and Aramouni Ayoub
3910 E. Equestrian T1
Phoenix, AZ 85044
Valuation - $349,000
The dentists’ bios mention their “passion” and “interest” in treating pediatric patients, one dentist has a father who treated children. However, only one dentist in the group is an actual Pediatric Dentist. I have to ask if they are/were so passionate why only one spent the extra 2 years of training to become a pediatric dentist?
Dr. Amy Heil
Dr. Walter Villanueva – pediatric dentist
Dr. Wissam Ayoub (George) (Manta website says this dude is the Principal of the business)
Dr,. Joseph Nielson
Dr. Jay Ayass