d/b/a Kids Dental Place
3910 E. Equestrian T1
Phoenix, AZ 85044
The address on NBA Dental Group belongs to:
George R. and Aramouni Ayoub
3910 E. Equestrian T1
Phoenix, AZ 85044
Valuation - $349,000
The dentists’ bios mention their “passion” and “interest” in treating pediatric patients, one dentist has a father who treated children. However, only one dentist in the group is an actual Pediatric Dentist. I have to ask if they are/were so passionate why only one spent the extra 2 years of training to become a pediatric dentist?
Dr. Amy Heil
Dr. Walter Villanueva – pediatric dentist
Dr. Wissam Ayoub (George) (Manta website says this dude is the Principal of the business)
Dr,. Joseph Nielson
Dr. Jay Ayass
The website for Kids Dental Place says “We are specialists in Pediatric Dentistry that provide exceptional dental care for infants, toddlers, and adolescents, “ but that is not exactly true. Only one dentist is a “specialist” !!
Dr. Joseph Nielsen is NOT affiliated with the AAPD and appears NOT to be a pediatric dentist.
These folks even take the time to come pick-up their victims!
Not a chance in hell would I let a child head off hope in this van, be taken for dental treatment and then delivered back to me! Jesus!!
Vulnerable Child Exploitation ? You bet- in the worst way-by someone the child (and parent) is supposed to trust. It’s always that way isn’t it?
Kids Dental Place in California
Glendale Office
1201 N. Pacific Ave. Ste. 101
Glendale, Ca 91202
Los Angeles / Downtown Office
600 S. Alvarado St. Ste. 200
Los Angeles, Ca 90057
Van Nuys Office
14422 Victory Blvd.
Van Nuys, Ca 91402