Thursday, February 02, 2012

Time is money–ever wonder how much?

So why does your dentist strap your child in a papoose board as soon as they get their hands on them, instead of taking the time to go through the acceptable standards set out by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry? (Listed in detail below).

Answer - M.O.N.E.Y.

How much?

Every MINUTE saved is $6-$8.

For a Private Equity firm, or other Wall Street bank or investment firm, wasting $6-$8 a minute is UNACCEPTABLE!  For a greedy dentist who cares nothing about your child, only about his/her 5 million dollar home and private jet it’s also UNACCEPTABLE.  (see below about these numbers)

From the AAPD Guidelines for Behavioral Management

AAPD Guidelines Page 4 - Regardless of the behavior guidance techniques utilized by the individual practitioner, all guidance decisions must be based on a subjective evaluation weighing benefits and risks to the child. The need for treatment, consequences of deferred treatment, and potential physical/emotional trauma must be considered.

Decisions regarding the use of behavior guidance techniques other than communicative management cannot be made solely by the dentist. They must involve a parent and, if appropriate, the child. The dentist serves as the expert on dental care (i.e.,the timing and techniques by which treatment can be delivered). The parent shares with the practitioner the decision whether or not to treat and must be consulted regarding treatment strategies and potential risks. Therefore, the successful completion of diagnostic and therapeutic services.

Acceptable Techniques

1st – Tell-Show-Do Tell-show-do is a technique of behavior shaping used by many pediatric professionals. The technique involves verbal explanations of procedures in phrases appropriate to the developmental level of the patient (tell); demonstrations for the patient of the visual, auditory, olfactory, and tactile aspects
of the procedure in a carefully defined, nonthreatening setting (show); and then, without deviating from the explanation and demonstration, completion of the procedure (do). The tell-show-do technique is used with communication skills (verbal and nonverbal) and positive reinforcement.

New Medicaid Dental Rules in Texas is Potential Windfall for Wall Street–Anyone Surprised? Not me!

I made an entry here a few weeks ago about Kool Smiles telling their patients they have to choose a doctor, not their clinic under the new rules. I wondered how that would work, since the dentist’s don’t stay too long at the dental mills. Chances of seeing the same dentist twice (unless it’s the next day) slim to none. 

Here’s a comment on that from a Texas dentist I thought deserved being front and center.

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Welcome to HCE LLC–Your Medicaid Profit Scout 2012-2-1 19-52-59Company is part of McBee and Associates,



About Us

Learn how HCE can improve your profitability by
obtaining eligibility—especially with the most
difficult cases

Headquartered in Manhattan, with offices in Nassau and Westchester counties

HCE LLC provides Medicaid eligibility services to the New York metropolitan area and lower Hudson Valley. The firm’s clients range from independent health care providers to major medical systems. 2012-2-1 19-54-11HCE maintains a consistent reputation for superior results and client-focused services, and has done so for the past seventy years.

HCE is focused exclusively on Medicaid eligibility services. The firm’s knowledge of and experience with the intricacies of the New York Medicaid system is unmatched. HCE professionals have dedicated their careers to Medicaid eligibility, with most having at least ten years of experience in the field. This depth of knowledge and expertise results in superior return of Medicaid dollars to our clientele.

HCE LLC has expanded into opening a new source of additional revenue for hospitals through the federal grant program, Section 1011 that provides reimbursement for uncompensated ED care for undocumented aliens.

Welcome to HCE LLC

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Dentist who used paper clips in root canals gets one year in jail - Crimesider - CBS News


(CBS/AP) FALL RIVER, Mass. - Dr. Michael Clair, a former dentist who substituted paper clips for stainless steel posts in root canals, was sentenced to one year in jail on Monday.

Clair pleaded guilty earlier this month to charges including assault and battery, illegally prescribing medication, witness intimidation and defrauding Medicare of $130,000.

Prosecutors say that Clair sometimes used pieces of paper clips while performing root canals. This caused infections and other problems in patients.

One woman said her teenage son's tooth turned black and had to be removed after Clair gave him a root canal in 2005.

"He put my kids in pain for months ... I hope he rots there," said Brenda Almeida after Judge Richard Moses sentenced Clair to a year in the Bristol County House of Correction.

Dentist Charged with Medicaid Fraud - Holmdel, NJ Patch

An announcement from the Office of the New Jersey Attorney General

Attorney General Jeffrey S. Chiesa announced that a Monmouth County dentist has been indicted for allegedly submitting false claims to the Medicaid program.

Ping Cai, 49, of Holmdel, a licensed dentist whose practice is located in Hazlet, was charged with second-degree health care claims fraud and two counts of third-degree Medicaid fraud.

The Monmouth County grand jury indictment alleges that between Jan.1, 2007 and Jan.1, 2010, Cai fraudulently billed the Medicaid Program for dental service purportedly rendered to Medicaid recipients. 

It is alleged that Cai submitted fraudulent claims for payment from Medicaid for relining and rebasing of dentures and filling of cavities when those dental services were not rendered. 

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Medicaid Dental Patient

Somethings just burns my ass-there are a lot of things-but the one that belongs here is what people seem to think is the face of the Medicaid poster child.

Perpetrated by the greedy elite, to flaunt their sick and distorted view of philanthropy, the face of Medicaid Dental Patient is NOT a poor black daddy baby, (yes, daddy baby), left alone with a sippy cup full of Mt. Dew, and whose mom has been strung out in some crack house down the street for a week. Somehow by painting this picture we all are guilty of turning our heads. Shame on us.

The true picture of the Medicaid Dental Patient is our handicapped, it's our foster children, it's many of the children at St. Jude's, ( keep that in your mind),it's our children whose fathers are allowed shirk their financial responsibility, it the children of your neighbor who lost his job, it's your grandmother in the nursing home you don't go visit enough! Yes, they too are preyed upon. ReachOut Healthcare America is one of many who do this.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry - Media Information


American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry - Media Information

I can’t believe I missed this in 2010! She’s walking in Steven Adiar’s shoes while she’s suppose to be monitoring his child abusing, Medicaid defrauding company, Church Street Health Management. Adair used to be the Editor.  I’ve heard about how her “monitor” visits go at the Small Smiles Centers. She’s either not looking or turning her head! But that’s what you get with self-policing. It really amounts to more layers of cover-up protection. Disgusting!

AAPD Appoints New Editor-in-Chief
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD), the recognized leader in children’s dental health, appointed Dr. N. Sue Seale as Editor-in-Chief of Pediatric Dentistry and Journal of Dentistry for Children effective January 1, 2010.

Seale is a Regents Professor of Pediatric Dentistry at the Baylor College of Dentistry, Texas A&M Health Science Center in Dallas, Texas. She received her dental degree in 1970, her certificate in pediatric dentistry in 1972 and her Master of Science in Dentistry in 1979 from the Baylor College of Dentistry. Since 1974, she has been a full-time faculty member in the Department of Pediatric Dentistry at the Baylor College of Dentistry and was Chairman of the Department from 1986-2009.

Seale has served in a variety of leadership roles, including serving as a past president of the Texas Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and on the Board of Trustees of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. She received a Distinguished Alumni Award from the Baylor College of Dentistry Alumni Association and was elected to the Baylor College of Dentistry Hall of Fame in 2010. In 2001, the AAPD named her Pediatric Dentist of the Year. Seale was also a recipient of the AAPD’s Merle C. Hunter Leadership Award in 2003. Seale is a diplomate of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry.

“I am excited to take on this new role and look forward to participating in the changes that will take place in our journals over the coming years as we strive to meet the changing needs of our readers,” said Seale.

Seale’s areas of interest include pulp therapy for the primary and young permanent dentition, dental education and access to care.

Justice Department and Arizona AG Break Up Dental Conspiracy 1994

TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1994 (202) 616-2771
TDD (202) 514-1888

Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Department of Justice and the Arizona Attorney General's office acted jointly today to stop a statewide agreement that made it almost impossible for many dentists in Arizona to cut their prices or offer discounts on dental services.

Similar agreements are common in the health care industry, and those that stifle price competition are likely to be challenged elsewhere, the Justice Department warned today. In a civil antitrust suit and proposed settlement filed in Phoenix, the dentist-controlled Delta Dental Plan of Arizona Inc. was accused of eliminating discounts and reducing price competition under an agreement that had the effect of preventing dentists from cutting fees below those offered in the Delta Plan.

This is the first action challenging such contract provisions, which are known in the industry as "most favored nation" clauses. Approximately 85% of the dentists in Arizona have affiliated with Delta, the dominant dental plan in the state, the Department said.


Who are on these committees and subcommittees making these guidelines? Who are they cozy with?


2011 Behavioral Management Guidelines

The link above contains the latest version, according to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD). It’s written and revised by the AAPD Clinical Affairs Committee – Behavior Management Subcommittee. I want to know who is on this committees, don’t you?

In fact, I think it is extremely important to know who is on each of these committees and subcommittees. They are setting guidelines and standards that our federal and state government rely heavily on. Most of the time these guidelines are 100% relied upon.

We certainly demand to know who is making our laws and just who these lawmakers are all cozied up with, well, what’s the difference?! NONE!

I’ve found a helpful little website where you can check guidelines for various healthcare professions. It’s at the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). It’s the National Guideline Clearing House.

I’ve not tried it, but it appears you can compare guidelines, now isn’t that cool.  Well, if it works anyway.

You can check past guidelines going back to 1997, that seems handy: browse by Organization,Topic,Guidelines in progress, get expert commentaries and much more.

Of course in checking this place out I got fired up over reading all the guidelines for Behavioral Management (D9920). Various terms for it are used; Behavior Guidance, Behavior Management, Behavior Control. The latest term, “Guidance” sounds so much nicer doesn’t it.

I don’t care what they call it, it’s worse than a straight jacket. In a straight jacket you can at least have use of your legs, but not in the papoose board, rainbow wrap, blankets or whatever cuddly term is thrown at the damn thing.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Shreveport dentist convicted of Medicaid fraud | Shreveporttimes |

It’s not been a good month for dentist committing Medicaid Fraud has it?

Shreveport dentist convicted of Medicaid fraud | Shreveporttimes |

Shreveport dentist David Earl Reed faces prison and fines after a conviction on two counts of Medicaid fraud.

Reed, 56, was barred from participating in the Medicaid program after a fraud conviction in 1992.

He continued applying to participate in the program from 2006 to 2008 and was denied. In 2009, state health officials told him he would be barred from the program for at least five more years.

However, from 2005 to 2007, Reed treated Medicaid patients while working for another Shreveport dentist. Reed submitted false billing claims to the program under the other dentist's provider number and received payment from Medicaid.

Health providers excluded from the program can't provide any services that will be billed directly or indirectly to Medicaid. It's a crime to be employed by, have a contract with or have an ownership interest in a healthcare provider that bills Medicaid, said Louisiana Attorney General Buddy Caldwell.

Reed will be sentenced April 27. He faces up to five years in prison and fines up to $20,000 on each fraud count.