Sunday, March 18, 2012

Jewish dentist files suit against Arab–Midwest Dental


Jewish Dentist Files Lawsuit Against Arab Muslim Discrimination By . . . Jewish Bosses – READ the Complaint

By Debbie Schlussel

You may have heard about the Orthodox Jewish dentist suing “the Arab Muslim dental company” in Dearbornistan.  But it’s not exactly what you think or what’s been reported by lazy mainstream media reporters who never do their homework.  In this case, I’m referring to the fat-assed Arabista who works at the Detroit Newsistan, who can’t do an iota of research or ask a decent question to save her life (Oralandar Brand-Williams, whom many believe is being paid off by HAMASCAIR and other Muslims).  Read the federal civil rights complaint and note what’s missing:  the name of the owners and bosses at the company.  Guess who they are?  It’s not what you’d guess.


On the one hand, I always wonder about Jews who think they will get a fair shake and/or respect for their religious observances by Muslims in Dearbornistan (or anywhere else).  But that’s not exactly what’s going on here . . . or at least not the full story.  I hope Dr. Mark Ellis wins his lawsuit against “Midwest Dental of Dearborn, PLLC.”  You should note, however, that while he alleges he was discriminated in favor of Arab Muslims and that the Arab Muslims were treated better, I did a little research.  And, lo and behold, the company for which he works–which owns and operates dental offices throughout Michigan, all of which appear to be dental “mills”–is owned by people with very Jewish-sounding names, who live not in Dearbornistan, but in New Jersey.  So, apparently, they are Jewish dhimmis, or have left the management of the Dearbornistan office to discriminatory Muslims (redundant phrase).  Either way, they are the ones behind the discrimination, doing so apparently to garner Arab Muslim business and dollars.  It’s bad enough when Muslims do this.  It’s far worse when Jews do it to appease Muslims.  And that’s apparently what’s going on here. In the 1940s, people like the Feilers had a nickname: kapo.


Jewish Dentist Files Lawsuit Against Arab Muslim Discrimination By . . . Jewish Bosses – READ the Complaint

Thursday, March 15, 2012

So many minds, so little clue–A CSHM Bankruptcy Hearing

Today I made the trek to attend one of the hearings for Church Street Health Management. A court room full attorney’s in dark suits, white shirts and ties but I bet if you asked what assets they were there to talk about “selling”  3/4 of them couldn’t answer and the other 1/4 would be perjuring themselves if they answered.

Actually one of the suits wasn’t sure who he was there to represent, I kid you not, but most of us that know the set up totally understand why he would be confused. He knew he was there for the “Mezz group”. He just didn’t know what that entailed or what all fell under that umbrella. I understood completely. After a short discussion with two other attorney’s standing in the isle, he figured out by process of elimination he was there for the Carlyle Mezzadine Partners, and possibly CIT, but not sure on that one.  Even funnier was listening to them trying to decide if their debt was “secured” or “non-secured” debt. Personally I don’t thing a lick of it is secured! One was trying to include the “leases” but don’t those “leases” belong to the dentist who own the clinics?  Oh, wait, that’s the lie!  Sorry, I got confused myself.

Most of the day was spent with them, and by “them” I mean the two gaggles of attorneys hammering out details on “how” the sale would be handled, but not the actual sale. It seemed they thought they had it all lined out, but then there seemed to be an issue as to Arcaptia being included in the definition of “existing lender”. Personally I would put Arcaptia in the definition of “existing loser” or “existing creditor” since they have a $1Billion dollar payment due in a week or two.

There was a whole lot of huffing, puffing, heads shaking and blown out cheeks.  One, who I called “curly” was nervous as a whore in church.. Pardon the pun! I understand, he was there representing Arcapita and from King and Spalding, which explains his nervousness.

Finally, they came to some agreement and brought it back to the judge. The attorney representing CSHM said they didn’t want to present “evidence” at that time, but would file it in a memoranda later today. I suspect they didn’t want me to hear the “evidence” but I could be wrong. Not that is mattered, I do have access to the documents, so he probably should have given it verbally. Everyone had a copy of it, and they judge had looked it over as well.

The Judge told him to have the memoranda to him by morning, but that he planned on signing the proposed order and stressed to all the suits that if they had any objections they better speak up right now…you could have heard a pin drop. Actually you could hear my pen writing. I took a lot of notes!

However, all this was totally boring compared to listening to Sheila Sawyer!

It was announced last year, the partner ,at Waller law was such a a big fan of CSHM she was giving up her “partner” status at Waller and joining the criminal organization of CSHM, well they didn’t say criminal organization, that’s my term.

Well, they were spot on! She is a corporate person to the core. I expected her to whip off her brown suit and reveal a cheerleading getup, pompoms and all and a rah rah and a couple of cartwheels down the isle of the courtroom.

Get this! – Here all these people, many flown in from across the country to this hearing talking about how the sale of CSHM will proceed and what is she doing? She’s talking production!  I’m not kidding..CSHM’s favorite and only term “production”! 

She has some “sharp dressed man”’s ear and talking production and how to hire 5 or 6 more pedos, have them scheduled at the OR’s two days a week and the other three days of the week they could travel around mentoring and teaching the general dentists. Hmmm…  Ok, so they schedule them for the OR, two days a week. That means they are going to need patients to fills those two days of OR.…  a little bass ackwards to me. She said that would kill two birds with one stone.  Yep, she’s probably right on the kill rate!! She talked about a big week long brain storming session in the next week or two with Adair and I believe she said Kevin and Sue Seal, and revamping the standard of care.  I heard her mention OIG being “frustrated” with she threw up her hands like she really didn’t care.

And twice, not once but TWICE, she said they weren’t doing enough crowns!  I heard her mention Gloria, Terri and Susan… not sure what that was about.

But anyway, right here in the court room, full of attorneys’ representing companies they have screwed over because they got caught illegally practicing dentistry, and she’s talking PRODUCTION! 

I still can’t figure out why her and half the others aren’t in some federal prison!  Well, it’s not over yet, is it!?

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Just saying…

Court Docket for Thursday March 15, 2012



Another “sedation propaganda” piece for the American consumer.

My questions, who is pushing these stories.  A hospital?  Some association or organization? Someone is, you can bet on that.  Only common thread between this one and the one last week in the NYT is – Janine Costantini.  If I had time tonight, I’d rip this thing from stem to stern…  Grrrr

Tiny Mouths Found Filled With Rotting Teeth - Staying Healthy News Story - KMGH Denver

AURORA, Colo. -- The operating rooms at Children's Hospital Colorado are packed with preschool kids needing dental procedures.

"We're booked five months out in the OR, and that's three days a week, two rooms a day. And it just keep increasing," said Janine Costantini, ambulatory practice director at Children’s Hospital Colorado. "The more we do the more we need."

The hospital staff is seeing more tiny mouths riddled with big dental problems.

“There were over 3,000 OR visits last year just for pediatric dentistry,” said Costantini.

7NEWS was there when a 4-year old boy went under anesthesia for treatment.

Out of 20 baby teeth we’re treating 16,” said Children’s Hospital Colorado Pediatric Dentist, Mark Koch.

The pediatric dentistry team at Children's Hospital Colorado mapped out the boy's treatment including extractions, baby root canals and crowns.

“His mouth is in very bad shape. This is not unusual. This is the fourth case today, in this room,” said Pediatric dentist, Mark Koch.

The boy ended up on the operating table for treatment nine months after pediatric dentistry staff recommended treatment.

“It is a very safe and comfortable treatment, but it is very expensive. That is the problem," said Ulrich Klein, DMD, DDS, MS Chair of the Pediatric Dentistry program at Children's Hospital Colorado.

The average cost of treatment is $3,000.

Botox Training and Dermal Filler Training Course Outline, Schedule and Tuition


Botox Training and Dermal Fillers Training for Dentists Course Outline

  • Patient assessment and consultation for botox and dermal fillers
  • Indications and contraindications for these techniques
  • Anatomy of the head, neck, and in depth instruction in the oral and maxillofacial structures including the neurophysiology, musculature and circulatory system
  • Learn the physiology, pharmacology of facial injectable treatment
  • Review of sterile technique as it relates to the use of injectable pharmacologic agents
  • Safety and risk issues for botulinum toxin and dermal fillers injectable therapy
  • Integrating botulinum neurotoxin and dermal filler therapy into dental therapeutic and esthetic treatment plans
  • Botox training for therapeutic treatment of migraines, TMJ syndrome, facial pain and bruxism cases
  • Beautiful lip augmentation and how to avoid giving your patients "duck" lips
  • Enhancing the cupids bow to create a beautiful lip
  • Volumizing the nasolabial folds, marionette lines, mentalis region and lifting up the corners of the mouth
  • Smoothing lip lines and eliminating vertical "smokers" lines
  • Learn the best treatment techniques including muscle sites, muscle depths, proper preparation and dilution for the best facial esthetic outcomes

Monday, March 12, 2012

Lost files on R. Kirk Huntsman discussion

The Dental Leader no longer exists other than in cached format. But I located this discussion and going to repost it.  I’m not sure when it was written, but here is the cached copy. By looking at the Wayback Machine, it was archived the first time in February 2001, and this News Letter was there at that time.  So this goes back a while. I guess, sadly, no one listened to Dr. Maroon.  Look where we are in 2012! Maybe too much nitrous in the operatories and folks were sleeping!

The Dental Leader Inc - Michael Maroon, DMD, FACE, FAGD - Editor & Publisher
39 Webster Square Road, Berlin, CT 06037
Email: (no longer works)

Great Article...Great Newsletter


I thoroughly enjoyed the June issue of your newsletter, especially "There’s Always Tomorrow." I read quite a few parallels to my own life in that article.

The rest of the newsletter also contained quite a bit of meat along with some thought-provoking, insightful articles. Keep up the good work!

Dr. Kit Weathers, Griffin, GA

The Devil Revisited

Well, I don’t quite know how to respond to all this DPMC (Dental Practice Management Company) stuff that is starting to manifest in our profession. However, I do know when I see a biased and self-serving article when I read one. Case in point, the reply of a one Mr. R. Kirk Huntsman (sounds like an attorney to me Vern) to the article written by a fellow dentist Mike Maroon.

I believe Mr. Huntsman referred to Dr. Mike’s article as a condescending diatribe (a long, violent, or blustering speech, according to Webster). This description would more appropriately fit the pen that wrote the reply. Dear R. Kirk, should I call you "R" or "Kirk", the R. Kirk just didn’t sit well with my simple Midwestern mind. Makes me feel like I gotta have sum one ta represent me. So I’ll jist call ya Kirk then. I’m sorry, I’m jist a Dennust. Ya know...sore on the hind end from rollin’ over so many times to ya’all. So Kirk, please enlighten me on your credentials that enable you to speak so intelligently about the dental profession. Are you one of us? Do you have a DDS or DMD degree? Or, are you yet another wonderful, charismatic and caring purveyor of management expertise who beckons to save us by convincing us that big brother (DPMC) is here for the good of all?

Friday, March 09, 2012

ATTN: Dental Mill Dentists - Dentist charged with offensive touching of young patient; he put his hand over the child’s mouth and told him to “shut up”

Sussex County Delaware

BruceA Sussex County dentist has been charged with offensive touching of an 8-year-old patient who began screaming after a medical procedure, state police said today.

The incident occurred about 10 a.m. Wednesday at the office of Dr. Bruce Fisher, First State Oral Surgery, in the 33000 block of Wescoats Road near Lewes, police said.

When the child began screaming, “Dr. Fisher immediately covered the victim’s mouth with his hand and told him to ‘shut up,’” said Master Cpl. Gary Fournier.

He said a family member who was in the room during the procedure informed police Wednesday afternoon.

After police obtained a warrant, Fisher, 44, of Rehoboth, turned himself in to state police today. He was arraigned and released on $500 unsecured bail.

The boy was not injured, Fournier said.

Police asked anyone with information on this or other incidents to call investigators at (302) 856-5850, ext. 206. Anonymous tips may be texted to 274637 (CRIMES) beginning with “DSP.”

Dentist charged with offensive touching of young patient | The News Journal |

Imagine this dude was arrested and charged for “improper touching” by putting his had over the child’s mouth. Imagine the jails that would need built for the dental mill dentists who do so much worse ever day.

Heads up parents! Call the police before you ever leave the clinic!

As for the dental mill dentists, look out! The next picture could be YOU!


Virginia Regulatory Town Hall–Board of Dentistry is holding an open meeting today concerning a rule change requiring training in the 6 Links to Survival

March 9, 2012
Virginia Regulatory Town Hall website

First I want to say that I understand “good” reasons when someone opposes something. There are always two sides and views to everything. It’s the lame and idiotic excuses that gall me to no end.

Today is the 5 year anniversary of Raven Maria Blanco’s death. Raven died because a dental office was not prepared for a medical emergency. 19 children have died in the last five years from ill-prepared dentists and staff, when 6 common sense steps could have made the difference.

Comments from the public closed on February 19, 2012.  Below is a sample of those who sent comments opposing the rule change. 

These are copied and pasted as they were posted on the regulatory agency website. My comments are in [italics and brackets]


Commenter: Watchdog for Coalitions Against The Dental Profession (CADP)

Be Cautious! Don't be Fooled, Don't play into the empathy game!

This Raven Blanco Foundation may be a plublicity stunt to raise funds, that support their self created non profit slary jobs. Everything about their web site is very exploitive. They list no financial discloures, no board of directors/advisors. They are certainly following the guide for creating an issue that will bring them money and influence, and as they say power. And like all these nonprofits, they appeal to ones suffering to gain support.  They can be dangerous, just like all of our local dental nonprofits, run by non dentist, unlisenced advocates if you will, who want to be policy makers over dental matters of which they are trully ignorant. I would question the credibility and intentions of this group. Leave the emotional baggage out of any descision making. Dont treat victims as equals, they are not!

[ Apparently the group has problems with “unlicensed” citizens advocating for change in events that directly affect them. This is confusing to me. Who else would advocate for change? Those unaffected?  Financial “disclosures” are available online and Mr. Blanco, President and his Executive Director who puts in about 50 hours a week draw ZERO dollars from the foundation!  ZERO!  Rather, Mr. Blanco gave a large some to the foundation! Yes, I would question the intention of this group as well, since you will be amazed at what you find. You’ll also find out what wonderful people they are and how much they help other parents whose children are killed by ill-prepared dentists who are sedating children. They assist with emotional support, and financial support.  Helping families with funeral expenses or organize fundraising.They travel to every dental convention they possible can and promote safety in sedation dentistry. How can anyone be faulted for promoting safe sedation of children? The spokesperson for this group sounds as though they know the Blanco’s, are locals and have an ax to grind.]

Commenter: Dr. E. Thomas Elstner, Jr.

Training for medical emergencies

There should be provisions for practitioners who do not administer local anesthetics in their office setting.  Currently there is no ACLS focusing on the dental setting.

[if this person is referring to Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), then with 8 deaths in the last 12 months, maybe ACLS should be focused on the dental setting.  Think?]

Commenter: Dr. Paul W. Callahan

Another costly regulation that does nothing to help public welfare

It is the responsibility of ALL Virginia Regulatory Boards to protect the public.  Any death is is one too many, but statistically it is probably safer to go to the dentist that cross the street.   These proposed regulations are already the Standard of Care in most offices.  A regulation such as this would cost hundreds of thusands of dollars for most practicioners to follow; meaning the time spent documenting training, paying for training for a large staff when not everyone needs to be trained at the same level, etc.  So who pays for all this unnecessary documentation and training?   The average Virginia resident in the form of increased dental fees.   Is this what we want for our patients?

[This is just a wild guess, but I doubt your patients would mind a slight increase in your fee to know you were prepared to save their life if an emergency arose.]

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Edison dentist charged with fraud after S. Plainfield fire

A Metuchen, NJ dentist was charged on Thursday, March 8, 2012 with falsifying the dental records of three children who were among five victims of a house fire on Feb. 23 in South Plainfield.

Paresh Patel, 46, of Laurie Lane, Edison, NJ was charged with falsifying or tampering with dental records and obstruction of the administration of law by providing the Middlesex County Medical Examiner’s Office with false dental records of three of the children who died during the fire.

He also was charged with insurance fraud by submitting five or more false claims totaling more than $1,000, and was charged with five counts of health-care claim fraud.

Patel, owner of the Metuchen dental clinic Healthy Smiles Dental Associates, was charged after initial efforts to identify the youngsters determined Patel provided records that showed certain dental work had never been performed. The false records prevented and delayed positive identification of the children.

Police further determined that after falsifying dental records between April and May 2011, Patel billed Medicaid for the procedures that never were performed.

Five family members perished in the Feb. 23 blaze in South Plainfield and four other family members were injured.

Middlesex County Prosecutor Bruce J. Kaplan says Paresh Patel,  was charged with fraud after he provided records that showed certain dental work had never been performed on the children even though he had billed Medicaid for the work.

Patel's attorney, Lawrence Y. Bitterman, says he Patel has been practicing for 20 years and plans to enter a not guilty plea during his court appearance this week.

Edison dentist charged with fraud after S. Plainfield fire

American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry trying to squelch “Raven’s Song” and video created to promote safety in sedation dentistry.

Twice today it’s been removed from their Facebook page.

AAPD Removing Facebook Posts