Thursday, July 12, 2012

ABC World News and Nightline to air segment on pediatric sedation dentistry–tonight July 12, 2012

I know, I’ve posted this before and ABC pulled the story. However tonight I have faith it will air. GMA had a teaser about it this morning. Check your local listings and set your DVR’s.



Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Richard J. Malouf, DDS adjoining two homes! One $14-mil home isn’t big enough, I bet something else he has isn’t big enough either… Just saying…

Dr. Richard J. Malouf’s over inflated ego is reflected in his newest home addition. He’s adjoining two homes into one, and it will have a “lazy river” ride. I think it may be for practice for his “up the river” ride. But again I’m just guessing. 

Yes, this is the same Dr. Richard J. Malouf whose company stole millions of tax dollars and who has filed bankruptcy. Also the same one who the Texas Attorney General has filed lawsuits against to recover stolen funds.

Looks like Texas taxpayers may have a new “Six Flags Over Malouf” amusement park soon.

Richard J. Malouf, DDS - Adjoining two homes, to include lazy river ride. Practice for "up the river" ride?

Robin Lockwood, DDS pleads guilty in Medicaid fraud scheme with Chad Hoecker owned Ocean Dental Centers

Dentists who are participating in this scheme, at all the dental mills across the country; I didn’t see anywhere in here where Ocean Dental or Chad Hoecker pled guilty did you? Are you guys smelling what I’m stepping in here?

U.S. Attorney’s Office July 11, 2012

  • Western District of Oklahoma (405) 553-8700

OKLAHOMA CITY—Robin R. Lockwood, 44, a dentist from Oklahoma City, pled guilty to committing health care fraud, announced Sanford C. Coats, United States Attorney for the Western District of Oklahoma.

Lockwood is a dentist licensed to practice in the state of Oklahoma and was employed under contract by Ocean Dental at offices located at 1610 Southwest 74th Avenue, Oklahoma City. Ocean Dental’s dentists provided dental care to Medicaid-eligible children. The Medicaid Program is a cooperative program that provides federal and state funds to pay for health care benefits for individuals with insufficient incomes to meet the costs of necessary medical expenses. In Oklahoma, Medicaid is administered as “SoonerCare” by the Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA), a state governmental agency. Ocean Dental submitted claims to the OHCA for reimbursement of dentists’ services based on patient treatment notes created by the dentists. Ocean Dental paid Lockwood a percentage of the funds that OHCA reimbursed to Ocean Dental for services she personally rendered.

More Casamassimo propaganda; he needs more money from Medicaid. He says the same crap year after year, and never is enough ever enough. Kinda of like a drug addict chasing the dragon isn’t it.

I’m so sick of people like Paul Casamassimo, DDS spewing his bullshit. He has a vested monetary incentive to mouth off this crap and people just keep right on publishing it. Amazing! I’m sick of him and the elites like him saying people on public assistance are no show losers. And I’m sick of him trying to say the American taxpayer should pick up the bill for doctors who have missed appointments, or empty chairs as he puts it.  Empty chairs may be a problem. Shit, don’t have 14 chairs you need to fill, Dr. Cass-ass! Think about it, you fool! BTW, are you still on the “advisory board” of that child abusing, scumbag company Small Smiles Dental?? If Cassamassimo would stop helping corporations steal Medicaid dollars to line their pockets there might be more money for us to pay for empty chairs and those missed appointments. Of course, that’s just how I see it… and I’m an idiot…so who cares what I think, right?


Dentists, Medicaid don't mix
Dental care for poor faces challenges of culture, funding

You're at a job interview, so smile. But if you're missing teeth, you're less likely to get hired.

Ohio's Medicaid-eligible population largely ignores dental health, dental professionals say. This means minor problems turn into big problems, which frequently end up with the dentist yanking out the problematic tooth.

Texas Attorney General, Greg Abbott, seeks to recover millions from Dr. Richard Malouf and All Smiles Dental Centers

In March Dr. Richard J. Malouf agreed to pay $1.2-million to settle fraud charges in Texas. That was just the beginning for Dr. Richard Malouf’s woes.

Dr. Richard J. Malouf and Valor Investment thought they could create enough shell companies to hide their flagrant fraud of the Medicaid system in Texas. They thought wrong.

Initial reviews of records seem to indicate 90% of the services for which Dr. Malouf and Valor billed Medicaid, did NOT meet standards and were unnecessary. In other words, 90% of Dr. Malouf’s income was stolen from taxpayers, not just Texas taxpayers but all taxpayers. (Medicaid is funded with both state and federal funds)

Laws in Texas, as in most states,  say that each defendant is liable for the amount of payment they obtained either directly or indirectly from unlawful acts-fraud. They are liable for:

  • Two times the amount of the payment,
  • Interest,
  • Fees,
  • Expenses,
  • Cost incurred by the AG and the Whistleblower to investigation and recover the stolen funds.

In two Whistleblower suits recently unsealed the following corporations, professional corporations or limited liabilities are named:

All Smiles Dental Centers – ASDC Holdings, LLC owned by Valor Private Equity in Chicago, IL.
All Smiles Dental Center, Inc owned by ASDC Holdings, LLC
All Smiles Dental Professionals, PC – Dr. Adrian Codel
Dr. Richard J. Malouf, DDS
Lewisville Smiles, PLLC
St. Francis Smiles, PLLC
Garland Road Smiles, PLLC
Jacksboro Smiles, PLLC
Jacksoboro Smiles by Wire, PLLC
Valleyview Smiles, PLLC
Plano Minyards Smiles, PLLC
Haltom City Smiles, PLLC
Haltom City Smiles, PLLC
Haltom City Smiles, PLLC dba All Smiles Dental & Orthodontics
Northwest Highway Smiles, PLLC
Fort Worth Smiles by Wire, PLLC
Garland Road Smiles by Wire, PLLC
Garland Road Smiles, PLLC dba All Smiles Dental and Orthodontics
S. Hampton Smiles, PLLC
Park Plaza Smiles, PLLC
Park Plaza Smiles, PLLC dab All Smiles Dental and Orthodontics
Richard J. Malouf DDS P.A
Richard J. Malouf, DDS P.C.
2009 Strait Land Family, L.P.
Camelia Family Limited Partnership
RGS Dental Management Services, LLC
RMAL Holdings, LLC
Discount Dental Supply, LLC
As Property Holdings, LLC
M5 Holdings, LLC
Hypermart Lot 6, LLC
Dr. Raffy Kouyoumdjian

(the guys highlighted should go on a no fly list, they may try to skip the country)

The number of people and companies Greg Abbott has named blows the number entities the Connecticut AG filed suit against in May off the charts – Conn AG files suit against dental practice over billing – 28 named. This would make for a great reality TV series – “Battle of the Attorney General’s” or '”Operation Bring Back the Bacon

Anyway, hats off to Texas AG Gregg Abbott for trying to bring the bacon back home. With any luck at all his office will be covered up with these suits.


April 2012 Ellis Whistleblower Lawsuit

June 25, 2012 Whistleblower suit

Castillo Whistleblower Lawsuit

Yes, Malouf is trying to escape these claims by filing bankruptcy. Let’s see how far that gets him in this case. Just remember, Salmon swim up stream.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Story of child abused by ReachOut Healthcare America Big Smiles Mobile Dental Van pulled from MyFox Phoenix website. Why? Someone’s got some ‘splainin’ to do!

On June 12, 2012 MyFox Phoenix aired a nearly 10 report on ReachOut Healthcare America’s mobile dental clinic abusing a Camp Verde, AZ special needs child.

Below is what the webpage looked like the day the story aired.



















This is what the website looks like today, no video investigation to be found.


They did manage to leave up some comments from an under-educated person who calls himself Dale Earnhardt, which is slanderous, to DE, by the way.


The promotional post MyFox Phoenix put up on their Facebook page about the story also seems to be missing.

Just after this story aired, I heard that many parents called in with similar complaints, even some insiders contacted Fox 5 ready to blow the whistle on ReachOut Healthcare. So many in fact that MyFox Phoenix was doing a follow-up story with more damning news about ReachOut . It was so explosive they thought it would be picked up by the National network.

What happened, MyFox Phoenix? What did you do with all that evidence of child abuse that came pouring into your station? Why will you not return the Gagnon’s phone calls.

There may be good reason it’s gone, but I’m not finding it!

I think MyFox Phoenix might have some ‘splainin’ to do!

Yeah, it’s quite a story, just wondering if the pulling of this story from the Internet is an even bigger story!

It’s not like this was some little 45 second news story about a fender bender at the corner of Walnut and Main. This was (is) a HUGE story that had been worked on for a very long time! 

So who pressured MyFox Phoenix to remove it…?  Let me guess….

To contact MY FOX Phoenix:myfoxphoenix

511 W. Adams Street
Phoenix, AZ 85003
MAIN LINE: (602) 257-1234
NEWS ROOM: (602) 262-5109


Viewer Comments & "Had Enough?" Segments:

(Love this one, “Had Enough”, just not too much it appears!)

Someone unemployed?



Shiela Sawyer Job Hunting

Monday, July 09, 2012

The state of Texas is not done with Dr. Richard Malouf–Orthodontics Fraud King of Texas - and his All Smiles Dental Centers




Contact: Brandy Dietz

Waters & Kraus Client Takes on Dental Medicaid Fraud in Texas

Texas AG Joins Whistleblower Lawsuit Against Dallas Dentist and Dental Clinics
DALLAS — July 9, 2012 — Dallas-based law firm Waters & Kraus, LLP announces that Dr. Christine Ellis has sued Dr. Richard Malouf and several All Smiles clinics, alleging violations of the Texas Medicaid Fraud Prevention Act.
Dr. Ellis is represented by Waters & Kraus and Jim Moriarty of Moriarty Leyendecker in Houston. Her lawsuit was recently joined by Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott.

"We at Waters & Kraus are proud to represent Dr. Ellis and to be a part of the fight against dental Medicaid fraud," said Waters & Kraus attorney Dan Hargrove. "Whistleblowers like Dr. Ellis represent our best chance to fight serious fraud that drains the public funds and puts important services at risk."

After serving as an auditor for the Office of Inspector General of the Texas Medicaid Program, Dr. Ellis became concerned about dental fraud she had uncovered. When she spoke before the U.S. House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee in April, Dr. Ellis testified to a “flagrancy of fraud that is truly unbelievable." Shortly thereafter, Dr. Ellis filed her whistleblower lawsuit.

The lawsuit alleges that the defendants misrepresented to Medicaid the dental and orthodontic treatment they provided, causing Medicaid to overpay them by many millions of dollars. They allegedly submitted claims for services that were not actually provided or were poorly performed, billed for services that were not medically necessary or were more expensive than those actually provided, and unlawfully recruited patients or paid kickbacks to those who did.

Jim Moriarty, of Moriarty Leyendecker, said, “The courage of Dr. Ellis has shown in reporting these allegations deserves the attention and respect of anyone who cares about public health and the responsible stewardship of taxpayers’ funds. We’re honored to work with Waters & Kraus and Dr. Ellis on this important case.”
If the lawsuit is successful, Dr. Ellis will be entitled to 15 to 25 percent of the recovery, in addition to her costs and attorneys' fees. Whistleblower awards encourage people who know about fraud to come forward. The government relies on citizens like Dr. Ellis to identify and fight fraud.

About Waters & Kraus
Waters & Kraus is a national firm with highly skilled lawyers practicing qui tam whistleblower litigation as well as complex civil litigation in four offices, including Dallas, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Baltimore. Our attorneys have decades of experience successfully representing whistleblowers in a variety of fraud cases. Contact us or call our attorneys at 800.226.9880 to learn more about our practice and how we can assist.

About Moriarty Leyendecker
Houston-based Moriarty Leyendecker has represented thousands of consumers in cases involving allegations of healthcare fraud, consumer defects, and securities fraud during the past 20 years.

Brandy C. Dietz | Public Relations Coordinator
3219 McKinney Avenue | Dallas, TX 75204
Toll Free 800-226-9880 | Phone 214-357-6244 | Fax 214-357-7252

Friday, July 06, 2012

Kool Smiles Frick and Frack together again…

Appears they have reunited! Unlike Martin and Lewis who never reunited Frick (Tu Tran, DDS) and Frack (Thien Pham, DDS) have found their way back into each others arm.

Tran and Pham broke away from Small Smiles in Colorado back in 2002 and started Kool Smiles. A few years ago, Pham broke away and went off on his own. I heard he was “bought out”.

molarmagiclogoThein Pham went on to open a couple of clinics in Arizona called Molar Magic. I hear he scouting out locations in New Mexico to open some clinics.  Frack





Tu Tran, DDS stayed in the Atlanta area and slapped his name on the door of every Kool Smiles in the nation. I’m guessing he must spend his time taking CE’s and renewing his dental license since he has one in nearly every state.




Now, Tran and Pham are reunited and I have proof! I have proof they had “split the sheet” in 2010 and in 2012 they are sharing the sleeping bag so to speak. Maybe sharing a cell.
















You have to admire the copy paper taped to the door these days. It says:

“Kool Smiles Doctors Available to Care for Your Dental Needs Today Are…

Dr. Tu Tran, Dr. Mayfield, Dr. Nkashama, Dr. Jackson,Dr. Duckswork, Dr. Khan, Dr. Ogundipe, Dr. Twardy, Dr. Kalra.

They emphasized “Today”…  but I know dang well all these dentists are NOT available to see to anyone’s dental needs..not today, not tomorrow and not yesterday!

I don’t know what all this means, but you can bet they are up to no good.

Kool Smiles Dental–NCDR,LLC-FFL Partners’ written response to Senators Grassley and Baucus

Anyone buying this load of crap? Of course not. I can’t imagine sitting in my office reading this fairy tale and not getting angry as a wet hen (whatever that is). My blood would be boiling.

Kool Smiles Dental Centers Letter to Senators Grassley and Baucus 02-03-2012