Saturday, February 25, 2012

Kool Smiles buying up “complaint” referenced domain names.


Looks like Kool Smiles is preparing for war. Note NCDR,LLC owns approximately 225 other domains! 

C’mom…that’s funny!

Funniest part is the contract email address:

Not so, “private registration”…

Friday, February 24, 2012

Dentist charged with fighting elderly patient

Dentist arrested after brawl with 80 year old woman!

msnbc video: Dentist charged with fighting elderly patient

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Dental Dreams moving into South Carolina under the name–Family Dental

Dental Dreams has opened 3 clinic in SC under the name Family Dental. I suppose they are poised and ready to take former Small Smiles employees and patients, especially since it is right across the street.

Fraud is a renewable resource, I'm reminded. Family Dental is in Greenville, Rock Hill and Columbia. All are staffed with foreign dentist as the other mills. These folks have to go to work somewhere or go back to the mother land. Sad they have gotten into such a pickle.

Family Dental Locations;

6134 White Horse Rd / Greenville
2022 Cherry Rd, / Rock Hill
2941 Two Notch Rd/ Columbia (just across the road from Small Smiles Dental Center)

2941 Two Notch Road

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Who is Small Smiles Dental Chief Restructuring Officer?

So who is Martin McGahan, Church Street Health Management’s Chief Restructuring Officer?  Well he’s a director with Alvarez and Marsal – Private Equity Services and more. 

Here is Mr. McGahan’s bio from their webstie.

Martin McGahan
Managing Director

Email Martin McGahan

Martin McGahan is a Managing Director with Alvarez & Marsal Healthcare Industry Group in Atlanta. He brings more than 15 years of healthcare operations and finance experience to the firm.

Mr. McGahan works with healthcare organizations to drive operational and financial performance improvement. In addition, his expertise in corporate finance, restructuring and the raising of capital-including public, private sources of both debt and equity-enables his clients to strategically re-engineer their balance sheets for long-term stability and growth.

Mr. McGahan is presently advising several companies in both the healthcare services and pharmaceutical / bio-technology industries. He is currently serving as Restructuring Advisor to a major provider of Assisted Living Facilities and Senior Housing. He is also advising a Clinical Research Organization on operational restructuring and capitalization alternatives.

Waller Lansden received retainer payments from Church Street Health Management totaling $400,000 between September 28, 2011, and February 17 of this year.

Read at AM Law Daily

Church Street Health Management

The embattled operator of roughly 70 Small Smiles dental centers in 22 states filed for bankruptcy in Nashville on February 20, listing assets of $895.3 million against liabilities of $303.4 million, according to Bloomberg.

Several years ago, an ABC News investigation accused Small Smiles of mistreating children, something the company vehemently denied. But Small Smiles did reach an agreement with the Justice Department in 2009 to pay $24 million over five years to settle charges that it had billed Medicaid for unnecessary dental procedures performed on low-income children, according to the Nashville Business Journal.

Bankruptcy court filings by Nashville-based Church Street Health Management, the parent company for Small Smiles, show that Waller Lansden Dortch & Davis chair John Tishler ($550 per hour), corporate partner Don Moody ($450), and restructuring partner Kathleen Stenberg ($370) are representing the company in its Chapter 11 case.

Waller Lansden partners are billing between $290 and $600 per hour, of counsel between $150 and $650, and associates between $190 and $335, according to court records, which note that the firm has represented Church Street since 2006 and is thus familiar with the company's operations.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Church Street Health Management: Forced into money laundering because of religious reasons? WTH!

On page 4 of Affidavit of Martin McGahan he starts in about the Sharia Law practices of the Bahrainian billionaire banker and it basically says, we had to set up dummy corporations to operate these dental clinics and dummy corporations to run the money through because of religious beliefs!  OMG!

It’s also interesting I might add, that the very law firm who advised that this scam was completely legit is representing them in the bankruptcy.  Wonder whose interest has their top priority.  Just saying… 

Waller – Lansden

This basically comes down to:

A bunch of us shady people got together, found a couple of bankers, the Caryle Group and a Bahrainian billionaire, gave the DeRose family $435 million to get out of the sandbox and let them in for a while.  They tortured hundreds of thousands of children, raided our Medicaid system, and ran up huge bills at various supply companies and law firms. They got caught,and fined and monitored. That cut down on the “take” from Medicaid. Seeing declining profits they scrapped out as much cash as possible thru compensation and leaving creditors hanging, the taxpayer raped and are telling a court in Tennessee that it was their religious beliefs that cause this to happen. PLUS, they want to buy their own company back through more dummy corporations, but not pay their creditors, continue raping the taxpayer and torturing children saying it’s in the best interest of the the children to let them continue raiding the Medicaid coffers. 

I about flipped out when Martin tried to say the business plan was good!  He more or less blamed it on owning the $24 million in settlement with the US Government.  Not sure how he figured that since they’ve only paid back $9M in the last two plus years!!!


Comment: MDavis

Again, I'm back to what's really demonstrated in the McGahan Affidavit.

Seemingly, there's a united front of the true owners of CSHM, The Carlyle Group, Arcapita Bank, & American Capital, masking themselves as First Lien Creditors. This powerful Troika shouldn't hold together, because of very diverse interests.

Firstly, Arcapita Bank's Annual Report goes on for page after page, about their corporate ethics & compliance w/ strict Shari'ah Code. Well, since they can't lend money as a creditor & collect interest, they are an OWNER. They bought equity in CSHM. They will be a prime target of Creditors. But, who got Arcapita Bank into this scheme?

Examining the types of businesses Arcapita Bank invests in, those involved w/ swindles of government money aren't too much there. Ahhh... but let's look at The Carlyle Group. Yes, the very same Carlyle Group w/ heroic founder David Rubenstein, who gives so generously. Yes, the same Carlyle Group which "assisted" the government of Abu Dhabi buy into their investments w/ Mubadala Development Company, which one might assume to be Compliant w/ Shari'ah Code. LOL!

The Carlyle Group seeingly loves government money. Yes, Medicaid money from CSHM (d/b/a Small Smiles). Medicare money from HCR Manor Care and Heartland Nursing Homes. And even, state pension money from the NY State Common Retirement System. Unfortunately, these issues all surround alleged fraud & abuse of government Taxpayer money. They also surround multiple civil malpractice actions. Well, at least persons w/in The Carlyle Group are well-connected in Washington circles, to run political & legal cover. This fact alone must have appealed to American Capital & Arcapita Bank.

So, in the most recent Annual Report of American Capital, they reported an elevated equity share in CSHM. Who motivated American Capital to assume this additional risk, w/ a company (CSHM), which had Compliance problems w/ the USIG's Office, and a laundry list of legal problems. Gee, do I again smell The Carlyle Group?

Investors in CSHM got hoodwinked, by other Investors. So no, I doubt this Troika will hold. Besides, certain Parties like Todd Cruse and Dan DeRose have a history of talking to the Feds, as evidenced in the John Ford (Mister 15%- because of his skim of government projects in TN) Federal Case.

So, who is gonna talk to the Feds first, and talk about what, in exchange for what?
Michael W Davis, DDS

Maybe Small Smiles Dental Center “Owners” Should-Sell-Sell-Sell

Dentists who supposedly own the 67 Small Smiles dental centers that Church Street Health Management says they personally don’t own, could just start selling off your assets, right?.

In the Church Street Health Management-Small Smiles Dental Chapter 11 Bankruptcy filings Martin McGahan, in a sworn Affidavit, stated:

“The dental centers are owned by licensed dentist” (p.2)

He further states CSHM simply:

“…provide “dental practice management services” to 67 dental centers serving low income and underprivileged families in 22 states…”(p1) and have, ..“As of the Petition Date, the Debtors, through EEHC, Inc. (“EEHC”) had
approximately 72 full-time, 2 part-time, and 2 “as needed” employees (collectively, the  “Employees”).” (p.3)

I suppose you owners could find another company to do your payroll and other bookkeeping, since Church Street Health Management is a bit pricey:

Kool Smiles facing claims of alleged mistreatment, excessive...

Not a good week for interstate corporate Medicaid dental mills is it?

Kool Smiles facing claims of alleged mistreatment, excessive... |

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Church Street Health Management-Small Smiles Dental Centers Chapter 11 Bankruptcy “Potential Parties In Interest” List - Who They Owe

I’m thinking this list is the very very short list and will grow!!

Church Street Health Management Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

List of Potential Parties In Interest

ACAS Equity Holdings Corp.

Adventure 3 Properties, LP

Advocate Networks, LLC

AlA Limited

Al Smith

Can a criminal organization file Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

Morgan Joseph TriArtisan LLC has been hired by Church Street Health Management to oversee the sale of assets it claims to not own-referred to herein as “mystery assets”- remember, CSHM has always maintained it is simply a management company hired by independently owned Small Smiles dental centers to “manage” the day to day operations. LIE LIE LIE

In the Affidavit of Martin McGahan, he lied like a dog on page 2. The dental centers are NOT owned by individual dentists and CSHM has admitted as much.

CSHM will pay Morgan Joseph-referred to as “Investment Banker”-$75,000 a month, plus expenses, to provide financial advice, assist in capital raising,  and/or the sale, of CSHM’s “mystery assets”.  This should be fun to watch!

I’m thinking that is far from a fair fee; David Copperfield demands much more to perform magic tricks.

I believe the last company to assisted in the sale of this illegal operation (the DeRose’s sale to Arcaptia and the Nashville crooks) failed to do their due diligence.

Here is an excerpt from the Retention Agreement between CSHM and Morgan Joseph- (link to the full agreement at the end)

[FYI-employees weren’t told until this morning. But told there was nothing to worry about, money would be coming soon. LMAO! ]