Friday, March 23, 2012

Mom: Son's Teeth Extracted At School Without Consent - San Diego News Story - KGTV San Diego

Yes, I believe this is the exact same company I put up the open warning letter about just yesterday. The school is trying to get out of it’s responsibility, saying it’s because there are budget cuts and no school nurse!  WHAT!  The school nurse was practicing dentistry too?!!  Lord help us all! Schools need to stay out of the medical field and keep to the three R’s.

See the video at the website

SAN DIEGO -- A local mother is outraged after her 9-year-old son came home from school with four fewer teeth.

"I was livid," said Tina Richardson, mother of 9-year-old Alexander Henry. "I jumped out of my car. I ran back to the school. They were all, 'What's wrong? What's wrong?' I was shaking."

Alexander, a student at Freese Elementary School in Lomita, currently takes part in the Big Smiles Program, an organization that is contracted by the San Diego Unified School District to provide dental care at no cost to hundreds of local children.

Richardson said she signed a form in September, which she believed authorized Big Smiles to examine her son's mouth. Two months later, she received a separate "Exatraction Authorization Form" that indicated Alexander had several teeth with cavities. Richardson said she never signed or returned the form.

"I still have the form here in my hand," she said. "I did not return it to the Big Smiles Corporation. I did not give them permission to pull my son's teeth."

Four of Alexander's teeth -- three on the bottom left, one on the top left -- were pulled at the school by a dentist because two were allegedly loose and the others had cavities in them. The teeth were removed in an empty classroom, instead of in a sterile room or at the nurse's office.

"I hope this isn't going on all over the district somewhere, where they're just going into classrooms and extracting teeth out of children's heads," Richardson said.

A representative for Big Smiles told 10News the original form Richardson signed in September gave Big Smiles permission to extract the teeth.

Late Thursday afternoon, Big Smiles issued the following statement to 10News:

Big Smiles provides quality dental care to children in a school setting. It is our practice to always obtain informed consent and to only provide procedures that are medically necessary. We cannot provide details of this specific case without proper consent given federal laws that protect the privacy of the patient.

Jennifer Gorman, SD Unified's Nursing & Wellness program manager, said it was her understanding Richardson had signed an authorization form. She said they would still look into what happened, even though this probably won't be the last medical problem in local schools.

"These things, other things are going to happen that are beyond our control," Gorman said.

According to Gorman, a significant problem is the lack of school nurses, many of whom have been cut from the school district because of budget cuts. Gorman said a nurse would have been able to oversee Big Smiles' procedures and completion of authorization forms.

Mom: Son's Teeth Extracted At School Without Consent - San Diego News Story - KGTV San Diego

Where does Hoecker get his dough?

Here we have a map of the business of Chad B. Hoecker, DDS of Ocean Dental Centers, another Medicaid dental mill, which has been allowed to infiltrate several states.

He actually has one telecommunication business called “Buck The System”.  LOL









Click here for a much larger view of the map.

I’ve not been able to locate it, but I’m sure there is some Private Equity firm behind him.  However he does have a Private Equity Firm cash management company called Focal Point.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Small Smiles still soliciting dentists to come to work–it’s wonderful they say!! ROTFLMAO

I just get so tickled with I get stuff like this.


Here we have a flier that Missy Green sent out of the Small Smiles Colorado office, just this week, trying to solicited dentists to come to work for them! 

My first question is what about the Kochenbergers?  Jake and Jenna, did they give it up being - slave hunters for Church Street Health Management? 

Well, clearly Missy Green is stilling trying to recruit. Wonder how she tells sells to dentists how wonderful it will be working for the company saving the underserved children across America with the company in bankruptcy, even their $435 million dollar investment bank – Arcaptia-in ruins. That’s an audio I’d love to hear!

Right now we have people in some clinics who have not been paid their February pay checks. Some are working for pennies, if anything at all, since there are fewer victims to over-treat. Remember, if you’ve been there more than 6 months you are off the guaranteed salary payroll and strictly on the Collection Based Salary – commissions basically.

Heck, there is no telling how many employees who have stuck it out that will be on the “unsecured creditors” list soon. Remember, anything they owe after the filed for bankruptcy on February 20th could surely end up on that very list. 

I know, some are already on there, but they could be “another day older and deeper in debit” and owing their soul to the “company store”.. Why is that dang song in my head… lol

As one person pointed out, they can’t close the 3 patient a day clinics since those are “assets” they need to sell…  Oh, wait, they don’t own those clinics, right?  ROTFLMAO! 

Gosh, dangit!  I just can’t keep that straight in my head. Own, don’t own, owner dentists, lead dentists, associate dentists…  Never have gotten the exact definition of an “owner” dentist, well, not officially, but I have heard it explained on audio.

I guess the owners of those clinics should just sell the equipment and move on.  The owners don’t even have to worry about breaking the lease do they, since Church Street Health Management has their name on those leases.  ROTFLMAO!

Chesterfield dentist arrested for practicing without a license | – Richmond News & Weather from WTVR Television CBS 6


CHESTERFIELD COUNTY, Va. (WTVR) – Police arrested a man for practicing dentistry without proper licensing, according to a press release from Chesterfield County Police. Juan Polanco Dominguez, 44, ran an office out of his Chesterfield County home, police said.

Dominguez was charged with four felonies and five misdemeanors including practicing dentistry without a permit and violation of the professions and occupations act. Dominguez was held on a $15,000 secured bond.

Police want anyone with information about Dominguez to call Chesterfield Police Department at 804-748-1251 or Crime Solvers at 804-748-0660 or text the code tip699 and sent to 274637 (CRIMES)

Chesterfield dentist arrested for practicing without a license | – Richmond News & Weather from WTVR Television CBS 6

Texas, feds take action on orthodontic fraud | Dallas - Fort Worth



DALLAS — A Dallas dentist has agreed to pay the state and federal government $1.2 million to resolve allegations that he submitted false orthodontic claims under Medicaid.

Dr. Richard Malouf, former majority owner of All Smiles Dental Center, allegedly submitted false Medicaid claims between 2004 and 2007.

News 8 reported on Malouf's lavish homes and two multimillion dollar corporate jets. Malouf did not admit any wrongdoing or liability in his settlement.

He is one of several orthodontists highlighted for multimillion dollar billings under Medicaid.

Eleven dental operations statewide have had their state funds suspended for credible allegations of fraud in billing the Texas Medicaid Orthodontics program. This follows a 10-month News 8 investigation of medicaid orthodontics in Texas, which found the state spends more on braces for poor children than the rest of the nation combined.

"Something's wrong and I want my money back," said Texas Sen. Jane Nelson (R-Flower Mound). Nelson called a hearing to look into how Texas spent $424 million on orthodontics under Medicaid between 2008 and 2010.

Medicaid does not cover cosmetic orthodontics, but a News 8 investigation found that tens of thousands of children received procedures at taxpayer expense.

"What we really want is, we don't want people to do it," said Texas Sen. Bob Duell (R-Rockwall).

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Was this the meeting that started the corporate dentistry phenom?

Here is a 2004 picture of the group it appears may have been the one who planned the take over of modern dentistry. They called this meeting a “CEO Consortium “ and it took place June 10, 2004 at the “Institute at Heartland Dental Care”. All but one or two went on to become the founders of the Dental Group Practice Association which now includes corporate CEO’s in Canada and Australia as well as dental supply companies, products companies and our favorite corporate dentistry law firm, Waller Lansden  Dortch and Davis.


Pictured above is: Dr. Rick Workman, Mike Bileca, Steve Thorne, Mitchell B. Olan, Mark Freidman, Bob Fontana, Kirk Huntsman, Dr. Jeff Moos, Douglas W. Brown.

Was this the meeting where the idea to sell this illegal business model to Private Equity was born? What were the Dental Practice Acts in 2004? How many of these guys should have been in jail then? What about now?
Where are they now
Dr. Rick Workman – still with Heartland Dental, Vice President of the Dental Group Practice Association, not in jail.
Mike Bileca – Florida State Representative, still with Towncare Dental, Treasurer of the Dental Group Practice Association and not in jail.
Stephen (Steve) E. Thorne lV – remains at Pacific Dental, President of the Dental Group Practice Association and not in jail.
Mitchell B. Olan -  Still CEO of Dental Care Alliance/Gentle Dental Group Services, not in jail.
Mark E. Friedman – CEO of UAI Technology, Inc. President of Mid-Jersey Realty, LLC, Board of Directors of Klein Decisions, and not in jail.
Bob Fontana – Still reigning king at Aspen Dental, wanting to bring dental service to the “underserved” and not in jail.
R. Kirk Huntsman – Dental One, which was supported by ABN AMRO Private Equity, merged with DentalCare Partners to become DentalOne Partners, with Kirk as joined up with the disgusting Reachout Healthcare America crew, recently wrote an article on how to beat the Dental Practice Management groups he largely assisted in creating, when at the same time he started Nexus Dental Alliance, which is not a Dental Practice Management, it’s even better, it’s his Dental Practice Management Group, he has the R. Kirk and Julie M. Huntsman Foundation, he is not in jail.
Dr. Jeff Moos – Still with Mid-West Dental that merged with Mountain Dental and backed by Private Equity firm Friedman, Fleischer & Lowe of Kool Smiles fame, he is not in jail.
Douglas W. Brown – Mr. Brown is eyeball deep in a number of the dental mills, Affordable Care, DentalOne Partners, Dental Works, Dental Care Partners, Secretary of the Dental Group Practice Association, not in jail.

Kool Smiles files suit against law firm taking personal injury cases - I’m thinking this is NOT a good idea for Freidman Fleischer & Lowe; Doug Brown or Kevin Miller…

…Dentistry of Brownville, P.C. or NCDR, LLC, or KS TX, P.C. or  whatever name Kool Smiles dental centers are using.

You have a Private Equity firm behind the Kool Smiles name. You have a Private Equity firm basically practicing dentistry. You have a Private Equity firm setting up dummy professional corporations in many states, Texas included. You have a crooked dentist, Dr. Tu Tran with his name all over Dentistry of Brownsville, PC and he doesn’t even practice in Texas or any other state for that matter!  He lives outside Atlanta. According to Texas records, NCDR, LLC is “governed” by Kool Smiles Acquisition Corporation-400 EAST GALLERIA PARKWAY SE, STE. 800
ATLANTA , GA 30339

There are thousands of parents complain their children are being injured and abused with unnecessary and substandard dental treatment. These same complaints have been coming from Kool Smiles clinics across the nation for 5 years. The parents are claiming of harsh and brutal touching and manhandling of their children to deliver that dental care. All for the simple reason to bill Medicaid for as much as they can in as quickest amount of time. Maybe parents have taken photos, made audio and video recordings of the children screaming and have decided to take action against the dentist and the company responsible for it. Maybe some support staff at the dental centers have done the same.
So, what does the company do? It files suit against the law firm taking the cases, citing “Copyright Infringement”.  Seriously??!!

5:12 –CV-00036
Monday March 19, 2012
Dentistry of Brownsville, P.C.
Mauze & Bagby, PLLC
George Watts Mauze, II
James Thomas Bagby, III
Texas Southern District Court
Tradmark Infringement
Kool Smiles v Mauze & Bagby
Original Complaint Exhibit 5 [doc 1-6]
Exhibit 1[doc 1-2] Exhibit 6 [doc1-7]
Exhibit 2 [doc1-3] Exhibit 7 [doc 1-8]
Exhibit 3 [doc 1-4] Exhibit 8 [doc 1-9]
Exhibit 4 [doc1-5] Exhibit 9 [doc 1-10]

Friedman, Fleischer & Lowe (FFL) 2012-3-20 10-22-9
FFL Partners Executive Investors
Kool Smiles Investment
Midwest Dental Investment

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Medicaid Dental Mill-Dental Dreams opens up in New Mexico–Family Smiles NM

Dr. Frank VonWesternhagen the faux “owner”

Family Smiles NM

FrankVonWesternhagen-DentalDreams-Family Smiles

Dental Braces: Once Again Texas Makes News with Braces


Dental Braces: Once Again Texas Makes News with Braces

March 20, 2012 By Jim Du Molin Leave a Comment

Dental Braces: Once Again Texas Makes News with Braces What is it with Medicaid dental care and braces in Texas?

The Texas Health and Human Services Commission, which administers Medicaid in Texas for dental braces, has filed a request to be reimbursed for $7.5 million in alleged fraudulent claims it paid to Amarillo orthodontist Dr. Michael Goodwin.

Federal authorities also moved to seize the commercial and personal bank accounts of Dr. Goodwin and his wife as part of a probe linked to a Medicaid fraud scheme, according to the Amarillo Globe-News.

In 2008, Dr. Goodwin became an individual Medicaid provider, which allowed him to bill Medicaid only for services personally provided by the orthodontist.

Soon after the change, the Amarillo orthodontist was reported as scheduling up to 400 Medicaid patients a day and allegedly billing the government for orthodontic treatment he did not perform. The Globe-News further reports that patients and former employees likened the Amarillo Medicaid fraud scheme to “herding cattle.”

Monday, March 19, 2012

Church Street Health Management–Small Smiles Dental, now Arcaptia Bank files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy…Ahhh….Maaaan,

I’m broken hearted, probably won’t sleep for weeks worrying about how many virgins await these assholes in bankruptcy court hell. Evidently physically and emotionally abusing and traumatizing children isn’t as profitable as Arcapita was told, I don’t reckon. First Islamic Bank, Arcapita, it doesn’t really matter what they name the company, crime just doesn’t pay. ACAS, next? According to the “chatter” in the court room last Thursday in Nashville, ACAS holds “Senior” debt of this boondoggle. (oops, I used that word, “chatter” again.  They don’t like that word…  lol..dangit, if they would quit chatting, there wouldn’t be so much “chatter” now would there!!  Just saying…  Sheila, think about it… think of all the times you’ve been out and about talking this crap…you just never know who is listening!)

imageMan, this filing should be interesting!! Sharia Law; Virgins; Allah; Jihad – no telling what all will be listed.  LOL

The Smile Behind Small Smiles
Atif A. Abdulmalik

Arcapita’s Chapter 11 Petition

Arcapita Files for Bankruptcy Protection as Debt Talks Fail

By Arif Sharif and Tiffany Kary - Mar 19, 2012 10:48 AM CT Mon Mar 19 15:48:28 GMT 2012

image                                           Arcapita Bank BSC, the owner of Irish power utility Viridian Group Ltd., filed for bankruptcy in the U.S. after failing to reach an agreement with creditors on a $1.1 billion loan due this month.

Arcapita, formerly known as First Islamic Investment Bank, and five affiliates sought Chapter 11 protection today in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Manhattan, listing more than $1 billion in both debts and assets. Arcapita’s board approved the process “to protect their business and assets and implement a comprehensive restructuring,” the Manama, Bahrain-based private-equity firm said in an e-mailed statement today.

The bankruptcy filing is a “logical step by the company to protect its foreign investments and from individual creditors going after the company’s assets in Europe, the U.S. and Asia,” Serge Lioutyi, a London-based distressed debt trader at Citigroup Global Markets Ltd. said in an e-mail today. It “will help the company focus on reaching a consensual agreement with creditors rather than worrying about individual claims.”

Arcapita is among companies in Bahrain that have sought protection to restructure liabilities after the global credit crisis cut their access to the debt market and as asset prices declined. Awal Bank BSC, a Bahrain-based wholesale bank, filed for Chapter 11 in October 2010, while Gulf Finance House BSC reached an agreement with a group of banks led by WestLB AG on a new two-year $100 million Islamic loan.

Failed Refinancing

The costs to insure Bahrain’s debt against default fell two basis imagepoints to 365 today, according to credit default swap data from CMA, which is owned by CME Group Inc. and compiles prices quoted by dealers in the privately negotiated market.