Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Another one of those fine dentists who accepts Medicaid! Parents claim Dr. Howard Schneider, a Jacksonville, FL dentist has abused their children and are protesting.

Dr. Howard SchneiderThe disturbing story about Dr. Howard Schneider, DDS Jacksonville, Florida is nearly identical to the one about good ole Dr. Edward Dove in California. (Providing dental care under Medicaid shouldn’t mean just any kind of care, for Heaven sake!)  Look at that big brute of a woman, even Dr. Schneider is hiding behind her, imagine her brute force in controlling this poor child!

There are thousands of children who have been treated like this and what is being done; little to nothing. Wonder how much these hotshot attorneys would think their child deserved to be compensated for this type of abuse..? That's a question they are too damn afraid to answer! Bet it would be more than a free cleaning on their next visit!! GRRRRRR!!!


Parents claim local pediatric dentist has hurt children

A local pediatric dentist is under fire after multiple parents came forward Tuesday, accusing him of hurting their children while in his care.

Dr. Howard Schneider has been practicing in Jacksonville for 49 years and accepts child patients on Medicaid.

On Tuesday, nearly a dozen people began protesting against Schneider outside his south side office, the result of a Facebook page that was established by parents who advise against his work.
After hours of protests, and his staff’s refusal to answer Action News’ requests for a statement, we found Schneider sitting on the steps of his Riverside home Tuesday evening..

- See more at:


Raw video of parents confronting Dr. Howard Schenider, DDS

People have plenty to say over on Yelp about Dr. Schneider.

Google Reviews on Dr. Schneider

Sign the Petition demanding an investigation of Dr. Howard Schneider.

Contact info:

Howard S. Schneider, D.D.S., P.A.
Address: 1871 University Blvd S, Jacksonville, FL 32216
Phone:(904) 721-2565

Florida Dental Board Search


Friday, April 17, 2015

Dental Practice Office Managers Making Dental Treatment Decisions Should Be Shaking In Their Boots.

The news about the arrest of Valbona Yzeiraj, an office manger at a dental office in Bronx, NY for performing root canals on patients seems to have people in 2015-04-17 09.01.01shock and awe; it even landed in the Wall Street Journal today. 

Yzeiraj is charged with assault, reckless endangerment and unauthorized practice as well as a charge of larceny. 

To the public it appears they are shocked, to those of us who have been watching this for years are not. 

Yeah this office manager pulled teeth and performed root canals; allegedly.  But, office managers make dental treatment decision that put patients health at risk every day in the corporate-owned branded dental chains.  I can’t tell you how much evidence there is or how often I’ve heard dentists tell me they feel like they are working for the office manager in the branded clinic they mistakenly decided to practice their profession.

Heck, why aren’t the corporate heads who are sitting in their plush offices and flying around in their corporate (and privately owned) jets getting arrested for the same?  They make treatment decision endangering patients as well; many with severely more negative outcomes. 

Aspen Dental Business Practices Remain Under Fire

Below is a story I received yesterday about Aspen Dental. The relator asked to remain anonymous, I understand why.

I read your recent post regarding Aspen dental. What happened to that patient you most recently wrote about happens all the time. As a former employee of Aspen Dental I know firsthand that if we see a mistake made by a dentist we are to keep her mouth shut. If we speak up or God forbid inform the patient of a mistake we are terminated. We are not allowed to question a doctors treatment plans. It is very frustrating especially when you have over 10 years experience in the dental field and you know beyond a shadow of a doubt the treatment is incorrect. I have watched doctors pull the wrong teeth, leave root tips and charge the patient for an extraction, sell them prosthetic devices they don't need and illegally bill them. When a doctor is caught pulling the wrong teeth, the document is falsified saying the remaining teeth were found to be periodontally involved and we extracted them for free for you, then the patient is tricked into signing it.


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

New York Class Action Against Aspen Dental Dismissed?

Patients who have had their lives turned upside down due to shoddy dental work by Aspen Dental dentists appear to have been shut down in pursuing their case against this nasty company.

I read this to mean, the court agrees Aspen Dental is operating dental clinics illegally; that the Attorney General should/could pursue them and has the power to dissolve their phony business entity; and there was a breakdown of some sort in procedure for patients to further state their claims.

But none of this by any means says Aspen Dental is innocent of malpractice, and in my opinion should be avoided by the public at all costs. As so is that the opinion of a recent patient. (see below).

If you read anything further into it, please post in the comments, as it may help patients and future employees of the pace.


Doc 78 - Aspen Dental Motion to Dismiss Decision and Order - Cause No.v3:12-cv-1565 US District Court Syrac...


Aspen Dental Amended Complaint filed Jan 18, 2013

Aspen Dental Letter to Sen. Grassley, Feb 13, 2012

Aspen Dental Letter to Sen. Grassley, April 18, 2012

Letter to Aspen Dental from Sen. Grassley, June 14, 2012

FRONTLINE – Dollars and Dentists, June 26, 2012

Transcript of Dollars and Dentists

In another related Aspen Dental issue, just today I received a complaint from a patient who just recently saw Dr. Ajayi at an Evansville, Indiana Aspen Dental Clinic.

Email dated: April 15, 2015

I was recently in as a patient on the Aspen Dental West side of Evansville Indiana location and overheard the most sickening conversation of my life.  I was a little skeptical of the place due to horrible reviews all over the internet, but unfortunately I am one of those victims who's employer changed dental insurances and Aspen Dental was the only one in network so I had to do what I had to do. On my first visit I grew quite fond of the Dental Assistants,.  I could sense they had much experience and were very knowledgeable.  They appeared to not have any liking towards their doctor.

When I was back in for a crown prep, Dr. Ajayi was in such a hurry that he kept jerking my head back and forth yelling "turn to me!" when I was trying my best.  He about drowned me with water and kept laughing as the Dental Assistant apologized and kept wiping my face with a towel.  She asked him once to turn down the water please and he said very rudely NO! I began to get frightened.  Then he gets up and the Assistant asked, are you done? He said yes.  She didn't seem confident that he should be done.  He shoved a bunch of gauze in my mouth and I was bleeding profusely.  She kept asking if I was ok but I was numb so of course I couldn't tell. Later I found out he cut my cheek and tongue so bad I had canker sores for 2 weeks!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Texas Governor Greg Abbott Fails Dental Health Patients- Again

By Michael W. Davis, DDS

Dr. Michael Davis Bio

This report begins in a small Appalachian town in the hill country of East Tennessee; Bristol. Many call this community the birthplace of country music. It also boasts of a very modest but proud NASCAR track. This community is not wealthy by the standards of Westchester County, Marin County or Beverly Hills. Its wealth is in its people, traditions and strength of community. Folks have lived together as friends and family for generations. Success is more often measured in terms of spiritual values and connections with neighbors, than numbers in bank accounts. It’s a place where people trust and rely on family and neighbors. It’s a community where doctors still hold an esteemed position.

This may not be a town which “sophisticated” people on the East or West Coasts can relate to. In fact, they may use demeaning terms like “hillbillies” or “rednecks”, to dismiss these hardworking Americans. However, most of America absolutely respects people and towns like Bristol, Tennessee. That’s definitely true for most Texans, who hold similar values.

A doctor allegedly betrayed the trust of Bristol, TN, back in 2013. This dentist took the money from many patients of very modest financial means, most often for lay-away and payment plan dentures. Then he simply locked the doors to his clinic, and left the state. Unlike the Texas Alamo hero, Davy Crockett also from East Tennessee, Dr. Hardev A. Patel had a different spin on the phrase, “You may all go to hell and I will go to Texas”.

In January 2014, over 100 people filled the Bristol Tennessee General Session Court Room, to discuss the closure of Dr. Patel’s dental clinic and loss of their very hard-earned money. By then, Dr. Hardev Patel had already voluntarily retired his Tennessee dental license and relocated, and allegedly retired to Texas. But, was Dr. Patel truly retired from dentistry? The Tennessee Board of Dentistry listed no disciplinary actions against his license. In effect, weren’t they opting for a geographical solution to abuses on the public interest? Dr. Patel now potentially became the problem of Texas.

Dr. Hardev A. Patel earlier obtained a Texas dental license on 12-06-2013. All the while, multiple reports were in the public domain on his alleged abuses to the people of Bristol, TN. As of this report, the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners (TSBDE) has no public advisories relating to Dr. Patel. Any computer search engine will quickly arrive at numbers of highly disturbing stories concerning Dr. Patel. Any reasonable due diligence background check by the TSBDE on Dr. Patel would have raised a serious alert.

Today, Dr. Hardev A. Patel is publicly listed as a dentist provider at San Filipe Dental Health Center, in Del Rio, TX. Working for this non-profit clinic requires Dr. Patel be credentialed in Texas, as a Medicaid provider. He must pass background checks by this non-profit organization, as well as the Texas Department of Health Services.

Are authorities in Texas all asleep at the wheel, or is there a massive corrupt cover-up in play? Regardless, this isn’t the first cluster-f’ed dental rodeo for Governor Greg Abbott. We all recall the recent debacle and closure of Austin Cosmetic Dentistry, and unlicensed practice of dentistry by an unlicensed manager. We recall the corrupt oversight of dental Medicaid mismanaged by Xerox (ACS) for years. We also remember the troubling oversight efforts by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission relating to dental Medicaid abuses and fraud.

There’s a clear pattern of misconduct from Texas state authorities relating to dental healthcare. Former state attorney general and today, Texas Governor Greg Abbott is leader of the pack. It’s well past time to stop focusing on the myriad of smaller ethical and criminal breaches, from low level political hacks. The top dog needs to be held to account.

Thursday, March 05, 2015

Smile Magic Dental Clinics Settle Texas Medicaid Fraud Allegations for $4.5 Million

Waters & Kraus, LLP is pleased to announce a qui tam lawsuit it filed has resulted in the largest recovery to date in a Texas dental Medicaid fraud case. 
DALLAS – March 5, 2015 – Four dental clinics of the Texas Smile Magic chain have agreed to settle Medicaid fraud charges for a total of $4.5 million. The four clinics that will pay the record-setting settlement include: Smile Magic of Denton, PLLC; Smile Magic of Lewisville, PLLC; Smile Magic of Garland, PLLC; and Smile Magic of El Paso, PLLC.

Amy Smith, represented by Waters & Kraus, LLP, blew the whistle on Smile Magic. To protect Texas children and taxpayers, Ms. Smith first reported to Texas officials that Smile Magic was allegedly engaging in several acts of misconduct that violated the rules of the Texas Medicaid program and later filed a qui tam lawsuit under the Texas Medicaid Fraud Prevention Act (TMFPA).

It was alleged in the qui tam lawsuit that Smile Magic defrauded the Texas Medicaid program by performing unnecessary or excessive dental services on young children, billed Medicaid for dental services never-performed, targeted young Medicaid beneficiaries through improper financial incentives, and used paid recruiters to round up poor kids to be used to commit Medicaid fraud. At times, the clinics allegedly solicited young Texas children by targeting their parents in grocery store parking lots, bus stops and other locations in poor neighborhoods, paid money to parents to induce them to have their kids treated at these Smile Magic clinics, and orchestrated teams of solicitors to round up Texas kids for all of these purposes. As further alleged in the qui tam lawsuit, once these young, mostly poor kids were in the dentist’s chair, Smile Magic’s goal was to maximize the amount it could bill Texas Medicaid, regardless of whether the services were medically necessary or, in some cases, even provided to the patient.

Based upon the allegations by Ms. Smith and another whistleblower, the Texas Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (OIG) and the Civil Medicaid Fraud Division of the Texas Attorney General (OAG) conducted their own investigation of Smile Magic and determined that Smile Magic submitted improper claims to the Texas Medicaid program. The OAG intervened in Ms. Smith’s qui tam lawsuit.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

CSHM, LLC (Small Smiles Dental Centers) Files for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

February 17, 2015
Just 4 months after CSHM, LLC (Small Smiles Dental Centers) were Excluded from the Medicaid program, Michael F. Gries, the installed Chief Restructuring Officer, filed Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Delaware Bankruptcy Court on February 5, 2015. (Case No. 15-bk-10206)
CSHM, LLC is the restructured company that emerged in June 2012 when Church Street Health Management (f/k/a FORBA) filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy February 20, 2012. (Case No. 12-bk-01573)
Church Street Health Management signed a 5 years Quality of Care Corporate Integrity Agreement in January 2010 (CIA) after a 3 year investigation by the feds that found billing fraud and gross mistreatment, overtreatment and failure to come close to meeting an acceptable standard of care treating the dental needs of children on Medicaid. They also agreed to pay $24 Million for their misdeeds; the Department of Justice was to received $14.2 Million and 21 states were to share $9.7 million and explained here on page 6.

In addition Church Street Health Management (f/k/a FORBA) signed a Corporate Integrity Agreement with the New York Office of Medicaid Inspector General. Agreeing to paying New York and additional $2.3 million.

After continued blatant disregard for the Quality of Care Corporate Integrity, consistent failures of inspections, a 1500 page bi-partisan 2012 Congressional Report  and various warnings by HHS-OIG, CSHM, LLC received notice they were Excluded from the Medicaid program in March 2014. However the government saw fit to allow CSHM, LLC to pilfer and plunder the Medicaid slush fund for an additional 6 months under an Exclusion Agreement.
This exclusion marks the culmination of a series of alleged failures by CSHM and its corporate predecessors to comply with its CIA. Under the CIA, an independent quality monitor conducted more than 90 site visits and reviews to monitor CSHM's compliance. Since the 2010 settlement, OIG repeatedly cited CSHM and took actions to address those violations, promote improved compliance, and maintain access to care for an underserved population. These actions included imposing financial penalties and forcing the divestiture of one of the company's clinics.

Despite these actions, CSHM remained in material breach of its CIA and OIG issued Notices of Intent to Exclude to the company in December 2013 and January 2014. In such cases, providers have the opportunity to demonstrate to OIG that they have cured, or are in the process of curing, the material breaches. CSHM represented to OIG that it would cure the material breaches. However, through meetings with CSHM and its Board of Directors and review of its written submissions, OIG determined that CSHM had failed to cure the material breaches and proceeded with the exclusion.

Until the exclusion goes into effect on September 30, 2014, an independent monitor will continue to monitor the quality of care being provided to patients at CSHM clinics. CSHM is required to inform patients at least 30 days before closing a clinic. CSHM is also required to keep State Medicaid agencies abreast of developments and provide monthly status reports to OIG. Any divestiture of assets by CSHM must be through bona fide, arms-length transactions to an entity that is not related to or affiliated with CSHM.

Despite the “Quality of Care” issues as indicated by the classification of the type of Corporate Integrity Agreement they were under, and results of the Monitor’s monitoring, when CSHM received their Exclusion letter they claimed none of the clinics they own were effected it was just the management division of the company and issued a press release stating the centers different entities therefore not effected. HUH?

Here we are in 2015, 8 years since Small Smiles dental centers and their so called management company, CSHM were first investigated—it started in mid 2007— and it just past the anniversary of the 5 year CIA. Heck it expired two weeks ago—January 15, 2015.
According to the 31 page, 3 columns, list of Creditors filed February 5, 2015 they still owe various states their portion of the $24 million dollars. (a breakdown is below)  

They owe several “owner dentists”, support staff, and other dentists, as well as whistleblowers, dental boards, ad agencies, law firms, TV stations, court reporters, (for the numerous lawsuits in which they are involved), storage facilities,(wonder what’s hidden there), utility bills for their clinics, dental labs and insurance companies (hope they kept the Malpractice premiums up for all those dentists!), and every dental supply company in the country, and various management companies. (yep, the management company hires management companies)

Other notables were, Garrison Loan Agency who ponied up the dough to keep this scumbag company alive and kicking from 2012-2015 and the IRS.

Those missing for the list are David R. Wilson, CEO and other top executives, and Waller Landsden Law Group.  Hmmm… Pleadings indicate Wilson was paid $1,194,432.85 the year preceding the filing of the bankruptcy.

Other points of Interest in the initial documents:
Doc 2 Schedules of Assets and Liabilities,
Page 2, Item 3
—In accordance with the Exclusion Agreement, the Company divested itself of substantially all of the CSHM Assets through a series of sales between April and September 2014.  Included among the sale of the CSHM Assets, the Company sold certain assets to First Quality Management, Inc. (FQMI), pursuant that certain Asset Purchase Agreement, dated as of September 30, 2014.  Separately, the Company also entered into that certain Assignment and Assumption Agreement with FQMI, dated September 30, 2014, in connection with the assumption of six (six) MSA’s.  A breakdown of the other clinics can be found here, beginning on page 9.  Missing from that list is all the Colorado clinics except the Colorado Springs clinic.  Interesting, indeed.
So I was right when I posted about FQMI and the continued operations of Small Smiles Dental Centers. Current pleadings say they paid Dr. Paul Elkin $401,574.00 in the year proceeding this bankruptcy filing.  He’s the new head at FQMI according to his LinkedIn page.
Paul Elkin Linked In
Page 2, Item 4
—Additional assets were sold to employees of the Debtor in September 2014…
Wait, I thought the “owner dentists” were already “owners”, not employees!” (sarcasm)
Page 11 & 12
—1st. Lien Holder: Garrison Loan Agency Services, LLC – $37,500,000.00 initial loan, still owed $28,764,918.60;
—2nd Lien Holder: Garrison Loan Agency Services, LLC – $17,500,000.00 initial loan, still owed $17,786,714.00.
——Grand Total for Secured Creditor Garrison Loan Agency $46,551,633.00
Under Creditors Holding Unsecured Nonpiority Claims (Schedule F, page 15, of Doc 2) are all Medicaid Fraud Control Units Creditors and the amount:
Known 2010 Settlement Amounts
Due as of January 2015
1 MFCU of Alabama $463,028.00 $79,595.63
2 MFCU of Arizona $127,853.41
3 MFCU of Colorado $1,200,00.00 $616,099.66
4 MFCU of  Georgia             $288,910.84
5 MFCU of Idaho                   $46,687.18
6 MFCU of Indiana              $348,534.90
7 MFCU of Kansas               $517,959.60 $260,969.66
8 MFCU of Kentucky              $123,693.14 $22,484.43
9 MFCU of Maryland            $275,814.83
10 MFCU of Massachusetts  $726,035.97
11 MFCU of Nebraska             $270,000.00 $61,717.55
12 MFCU of Nevada         $83,402.83
13 MFCU of New Hampshire    $48,090.36
14 MFCU of New Mexico         $182,376.06
15 MFCU of New York $1.15M+ $2.3M     $3,450,000.00 $315,849.66
16 MFCU of DC                       $78,057.19
17 MFCU of Ohio                   $2,392,926.50 $502,185.04
18 MFCU of Oklahoma         $700,00.00 $355,411.82
19 MFCU of South Carolina  $471,779.92
20 MFCU of Texas                $546,000.00 $117,851.57
21 MFCU of Virginia              $228,616.76
22 Department of Justice                                $14,200,000.00 $12,966,496.00
23 Department of Justice                               $7,844,455.34
Grand Total $26,300,000.00 $26,049,276.61
According to the pleadings (Doc 8-1) Amended Schedule B Personal Property they have:
Assets:            $136,369.67
Liabilities:  $73,314,905.16

The 2010 Corporate Integrity Agreement
The DOJ said in 2010 “"We have zero tolerance for those who break the law to exploit needy children," said Tony West, Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Division of the Department of Justice. "Illegal conduct like this endangers a child’s well-being, distorts the judgments of health care professionals, and puts corporate profits ahead of patient safety."
(cough, choke and puke, they have complete tolerance, encourage it, and are accomplices to it!)

Saturday, February 07, 2015

Drs. Michael and Rebecca Tarver: A Serious Threat to Children? I think so!

The latest report out of Ocala, Florida reveals some of the dangerous practices taking place inside Churchill Dentistry, formerly known as Polliwog Dentistry.  I can’t believe there haven’t been a host of dead children due to these two quacks.

Here are a few items pulled from the latest article:

  • "…Churchill Dental billed Medicaid and the Medicaid recipient for the same service and also delegated their duties to dental assistants who sedated patients,"
  • “…Tarver would tell parents that he had to apply the sealant to the patient's teeth and Medicaid doesn't reimburse him for the procedure.”
  • “…Tarver would use a dental tool called a gold flame bur on the top of the child's teeth where natural grooves and cracks were present and would remove "pieces of healthy tooth…Tarver would then fill the space with a resin composite and bill Medicaid as if he had "filled a one- to two-surface cavity. Parents would later complain because they had received a bill from Medicaid, which charges recipients $25 per tooth for each resin filling, though Tarver had told them their children had no cavities.”
  • “…both dentists would sedate every patient with hydroxyzine, which is used as a sedative to treat anxiety and tension, and with other medications for assistants would weigh patients and report the weight to one of the two dentists, and then one of them would say how many milligrams to administer…sometimes 12 to 15 children were being sedated. The average number, she said, was 10. For most kids, blood pressure and oxygen levels were not checked during sedation, the former office manager said, yet all their charts reflect blood pressure and oxygen readings that were "almost the same."
  • “…Those who didn't respond to hydroxyzine were given Versed, a brand version of midazolam, used to "produce sleepiness or drowsiness and to relieve anxiety before surgery or certain procedures," the report states. Dr. Michael Tarver would inject it into the child's mouth.”
  • “…the dental assistant — estimated that the office would treat 60 patients a day. It was open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday with only the two dentists.”

Read the entire shocking story here.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Polliwog Dental f/k/a Churchill Dentistry Raided By Medicaid Fraud Control Unit.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

OCALA - Investigators were executing a search warrant at a pediatric dental office in Ocala Wednesday morning.

As part of a Medicaid fraud investigation, officials with the Florida Attorney General's Office and other investigators were at Churchill Dentistry, at 255 SE 17th St., the former Polliwog Dental.

Capt. John W. Nicks Jr., of the Florida attorney general's Medicaid Fraud Control Unit, declined to give other details about the investigation. He said agents would take whatever has evidentiary value in connection with their case, including anything from computers to papers….

…Ocala Police Department officers were telling patients that the office was closed. Dr. Rebecca J. Tarver, who works there, was not at the office Wednesday morning. Nor was her husband, fellow dentist Dr. Michael Tarver….

Read the entire story at

Monday, January 26, 2015

Scams on the public by nonprofit dental clinics



By: Michael W. Davis, DDS

Dr. Michael W. Davis practices in Santa Fe, NM. He currently chairs the district dental society peer-review committee, and is active as an expert witness on dental legal cases. He has authored numbers of articles relating to clinical dentistry, dental ethics, and protections for the public.

The recent legal settlement between Sea Mar Community Health Centers, which provides dental services to low-income residents in 10 Washington state counties, and the Washington state attorney general’s office, for $3.65 million highlighted this growing problem. These scams don’t generally benefit the professional staff, patients, contributors, and certainly not taxpayers. These swindles are designed to elevate overall clinic revenues, to enhance salaries and benefit packages of clinic directors. These nonprofit clinic directors often have compensation packages comparable with those working for Fortune 500 companies. Most other employees are not tapping in on the dishonest largesse. Here’s how this particular hustle is played.

These clinics have favorable tax status not enjoyed by private sector companies. They are exempt from most taxes. Clinic “profits” are not taxable. However, these profits are rolled-over in the dishonest clinics, into increased personal revenue for the clinic directors. Dishonest clinic directors may also generate a kickback fee from vendors providing dental equipment and/or supplies, especially if unaudited.

Unlike private sector dental clinics serving the disadvantaged Medicaid population, nonprofit clinics may access federal, state, county, & charitable grant moneys. This can be a huge income generator, especially important since Medicaid fees are often set at a level below the cost to provide that service, to standard of care. Grant moneys provide the nonprofit clinic with a per patient served, “encounter fee”. Patient encounter fees are paid to Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) as a set amount, per patient visit. The patient must lawfully visit with a duly licensed healthcare professional of that nonprofit healthcare clinic, for the FQHC encounter fee to be paid. This nonprofit encounter fee often ranges in the $200 per patient visit range.