In FORBA/Small Smiles' Policy and Procedure Manual the consent for papoose use (stabilization) it said there was "no know risk to the immobilization procedure". It's evident FORBA/Small Smiles knows that is an out right lie since they are now using another consent form, I'll explain:
Recently another consent agreement says otherwise.
When you look at the form, at the lower right corner it says it was updated 1/31/2008, however it sure wasn't the consent form handed to me as part of the initial paperwork prior to treatment at Small Smiles just one month ago. (May 2008)
I asked myself why this particular form has now surfaced in at least two clinics that I'm aware of then it hit me. It's being used at those clinics who have been/are under the media microscope, but I'm wondering if it's being used in ALL clinics.
So, for all those employees who visit here regularly shoot me a line and let me know if this is the form you are using in your clinics. Email Me
Click here to see the Consent Form that has been updated. In this one, at the bottom, it will tell you that using it could cause death to your child among a host of other things that no parent would want to happen to their child.
To compare them, here is a link to see the consent I was handed in May 2008.
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