Parents trust medical personnel way too easily. We are somehow assume they must know more than us because they've spent so much time in school, and that is one of the largest mistakes we make. Of course put anyone in a white coat or any kind of uniform and the general public naturally look to those people as being someone in authority, that's why they wear the uniform in the first place. But just because they have a white coats on or any uniform does not mean they know what is best for you, your family or your child!
We have to have a mindset that we are a consumer of their goods. It's imperative!
My son's further explanation sums up what you said about us trusting the professionals.
Here is what he said:
"If they don't tell you there are any other options for the procedure , you go with what the people that are supposed to know what they are doing make the recommendations"
I'm sorry, that still doesn't wash with me. Maybe I'm just too hard, all I know is I would NEVER agree to this so I say:
1.Why don't you ask?
2.Surely anyone with any common sense whatsoever would NOT allow their child to be traumatized.
3.Get your brain out of your pocket and use it!
Of course after they still could not complete the crowns on the baby teeth cause my grandson was fighting for his life, thrashing about and screaming for dear life, they weren't able to do it and then and only then did the dentist suggest putting him under a light sedation and doing it at another time.
So just how bad did this need to be done then? Evidently not that bad, and it most certainly wasn't an emergency situation.
I can't tell you the tears I've cried picturing this trauma happening to my grandson. It was out of this rage and heartbreak I've taken up this cause I will see as much information is out there as possible to save as many children from this as I can.
Spreading the word and bringing this to the forefront on every parent who has a child is the only way this is going to end.
In Europe this is outlawed in many countries and I can't believe it's happening right here in the US to the most innocent of our citizens.
Children depend on us, the parents and grandparent to protect them, it's out JOB. Imagine how any child who has suffered this trauma feels now, and what scars will each of these children carry with them into the future.
You can help by doing exactly what I'm doing. Writing about it, contacting Federal and State Legislators, and exposing dentists who use these papoose boards.
My next step is to call dentists my area of the country, asking what kind of behavior control they use to treat our children, and if they mention a papoose board, pediwrap, or any other kind of restraint, their name, address and phone number will be appearing on my site and other sites on the internet where you can write reviews, and there are a bunch of those!
This has been every time consuming since I'm pretty much at this alone, but I feel it's worth every second of my time and your help is more appreciated that you will ever know.
There are laws out there that protect our elderly from unnecessary and abusive restraining but nothing protecting our children. So far, Colorado is the only state who has stepped up and given the dental community there very "strict" guidelines. However, if the parents of Colorado don't know about this, and don't question their dentists, I feel the dentists will continue to strap children down to speed up the "chair time".
During my research of the use of Papoose Boards is when I found all the information of these "dental mills" that are setting up in low income areas and bilking our medicaid systems for millions and millions of dollars, at the expense of the mental health of our nations children. They decorate the offices to be "kid friendly" which in my opinion misrepresents the clinics as employing "Pediatric Dentists" when in fact few have spent the two extra years training to treat the little ones.
They get away with it by stating under their kid friendly signage "General Dentistry For Kids". The key word being "General Dentistry".
In my opinion this is misleading to parents.
Another way dentist get away with strapping children down in the "blanket" treatment consent form. Parents need to read those forms over very carefully. You may very well be consenting to torture of your children by the "Professionals".
Consumers must be aware at all times! I also worry about these dental buses that come to schools to treat children who are on public assistance. We know the parents are not present when this happens, and surely a consent for treatment form was sent home for parents to sign.
Lord knows what they agreed to, and in you don't know what a Papoose Board is, or a Pediwrap or Rainbow wrap is, (they sound so warm and fuzzy don't they) of course parents are going to sign it. After all these parents are excited and thankful, little Johnny and little Sally are going to get the much needed dental treatment they probably need.
Monday, March 03, 2008
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Is Ocean Dental Another Small Smiles?
Well, this particular blogger doesn't know too much about Ocean Dental at this point other than the small bits I've posted. What I do know is they have entered an industry riddled with bad press, bad reviews, serious child abuse accusations, and federal fraud accusations.
So what can they expect really?
If they are on the up and up and have very clear guidelines and have set the highest degrees of standards of care it will still take them decades to shake the stigma brought on by the DeRose Family of Dental Clinics, namely Small Smiles, Smile High, SmileStarters, Carolina Dental Center, DeRose Dental Center, Medicaid Dental Center, Kool Smiles and the various other names in which the DeRose's carry on business.
Dentists throughout the land should be furious about this black eye the DeRose's have bestowed upon them. However, all dentists bare some responsibility in this.
If not for private pay dentists failure to accept mediciad patients, the DeRose's would not have had the door opened quite as wide for them to stroll through now would they?
I say that Ocean Dental has a very long and hard road ahead of them before they can even come close to calling their venture into treating medicaid patients a success.
As of right now there are more mediciad dental treatment clinics cropping up than Starbucks. One one street in any given poor community there could be a Small Smiles on one corner, a Kool Smiles on the next and Ocean Dental on the other. Worse the Rite Aid and CVS. These clinics are popping quicker than mushrooms after a spring rain.
Chad Hoecker,
Ocean Dental Corporation
Arcapita Bank Only Owns Tangible Assets of Forba

First just let me say this is going to be one confusing post but it's needed to lay the ground work for more posts to come.
Let's look at Arcapita Bank, formerly known as First Islamic Bank. It has several holdings here in the US including Church's Chicken, PODS, Caribou Coffee and Forba/Small Smiles.
Cresent Capital, based in Atlanta is a subsidiary of Arcapita Bank.
While foreign ownership of U.S. businesses is nothing new, the bank is paving some new ground by choosing its investments according to Islamic religious law, known as Sharia.
Because of religious law, the bank also avoids charging or paying interest. So, instead of operating like a traditional bank, Arcapita collects money for long-term investments and follows some creative methods to get a profitable return.
Use a leasing type structure the companies they acquire will sell its buildings and machinery to the bank [and] the bank will lease those assets back to the company. So, instead of interest payments, you have rental payments. Now we don't know which buildings Arcapita owns or what machinery but this is the way they invest in American companies.
Basically Forba/Small Smiles pays Arcapita rental payments every month while still actually owning the actual company, Forba. So Dan, Michael, Eddie, and Mike Roumph, Dan's partner in crime still own, always have owned Forba Small Smiles.
Here is one commentary on how this bank operates:
At first glance, companies practicing Muslim Shariah look like a conservative investor's dream -- establishments that family-oriented consumers would want to support. Companies following Shariah avoid gambling, porn and alcoholic businesses, will not charge interest and will not try to produce extreme profits. One giant Bahrain-based financial holding company that follows Shariah, until recently named the First Islamic Investment Bank (now called Arcapita), is the largest Middle East-based investment firm in the U.S. Caribou Coffee, PODS and Church's Chicken are just three of its many holdings.
The problem comes when you realize that Shariah is an all-encompassing ideology that many adherents believe should not and cannot be limited just to business. In many countries, its personal application leads to terrible human-rights violations, such as men being allowed to beat and subjugate their wives, authorities cutting off hands for stealing, and so on.
Oil-cash-rich Middle Eastern companies are investing in the U.S. and elsewhere at a record pace. Many practice the business form of Shariah. But when you and I patronize those businesses, where do our dollars actually go?
Arcapita's Web site forthrightly explains that 81 percent of the organization "is held by over 255 prominent individuals and institutions mostly from the Arabian Gulf region." This means that a huge percentage of the profit of this massive company go to 255 wealthy, influential Middle Eastern groups and individuals. And history has shown that they aren't always people with human rights or American interests at heart. In 2002 Arcapita power-broker Yusuf Al-Qaradawi defended the bloody acts of Palestinian terrorists by commending "our brothers and children in Al-Aqsa and the blessed land of Palestine generously sacrificing their blood, giving their souls willingly in the way of Allah." He later stepped down.
I have always loved Caribou Coffee, but as I walked by one recently, I hesitated to go in. I'm really not sure that the 255 Middle Eastern investors that own most of it have our national values or interests at heart. And if they fervently support business Shariah, it seems highly likely that some of them use their wealth and influence to spread family Shariah as well. When there is a choice of coffee shops, do I really want to support all that with my own money?
Dr. Melanie Abrams
I guess since FORBA/Small Smiles really shouldn't even be open in Kentucky. Are they doing like they are doing in Kansas and saying the dentist at the clinic, Melanie Abrams is the owner of the clinic? Anyone who has a brain knows that simply isn't the case. Either way, as with most dentists associated with Small Smiles who have been named here, their family come avisitin' this site. Evidently she had family in Owensboro, Kentucky who are concerned Melanie may be in a bit over her head perhaps.
In fact, I would be money if you got your hands on a company directory at the headquarters it would list Kansas offices as well as Kentucky offices, anyone got one I could take a sneak peek at...LOL?
In fact, I would be money if you got your hands on a company directory at the headquarters it would list Kansas offices as well as Kentucky offices, anyone got one I could take a sneak peek at...LOL?
Address 2:
City, State, Zip:
License Issue Date:
5/30/2006 0:00:00
License Expire Date:
12/31/2009 0:00:00
Practice Type:
Dr. Melanie Abrams
Michael A. DeRose is MAD
This is for those who are suing Michael A. DeRose.
There is another company owned by him along with Clint and Craig DeRose (his sons I'm guessing).
It's called MAD Family, LLC (Michael A. DeRose). At one time MAD, LLC and Gwyn and Tony, LLC (who the heck ever they are) were in business together buying home across Pueblo.
(I think this brings the total of different companies Michael DeRose is owns or is associated with up to 29 or 30, I've really lost count)
If you go here, agree to the terms and search MAD Family, LLC or MAD, LLC a whole list of properties will pop up. It's almost shocking. There are 42 of them totaling $7,015,800.
Once again this shows the life style this dentist lives. How many dentists do you know that live like this? None that aren't either in or headed to jail.
There is another company owned by him along with Clint and Craig DeRose (his sons I'm guessing).
It's called MAD Family, LLC (Michael A. DeRose). At one time MAD, LLC and Gwyn and Tony, LLC (who the heck ever they are) were in business together buying home across Pueblo.
(I think this brings the total of different companies Michael DeRose is owns or is associated with up to 29 or 30, I've really lost count)
If you go here, agree to the terms and search MAD Family, LLC or MAD, LLC a whole list of properties will pop up. It's almost shocking. There are 42 of them totaling $7,015,800.
Once again this shows the life style this dentist lives. How many dentists do you know that live like this? None that aren't either in or headed to jail.
Dr. Michael DeRose,
Dr. Michael DeRose LLC,
DeRose Padula Enterprises
It appears the DeRose Dental Conglomerate has yet another couple of names to add to the ever growing cauldron. First there is DeRose Padula Enterprises, LLC, a dental clinic located at 1560 Bonforte Blvd, Pueblo, CO, valued at $141096. They've had this property for several years and I'm not sure what name this clinic actually goes by, other than it's owned by DeRose Padula Enterprises, LLC with consists of Ed DeRose, Neta DeRose, and Adolph Padula, well you can see for yourself by clicking here.
Then there is another building said to be a dental clinic, was a church at one time, located at 1022 Liberty, Lane, Pueblo valued at close to 1/2 million dollars. This one is owned by DeRose Padula Enterprises (no LLC). You can look at it for yourself by clicking here.
Then there is another building said to be a dental clinic, was a church at one time, located at 1022 Liberty, Lane, Pueblo valued at close to 1/2 million dollars. This one is owned by DeRose Padula Enterprises (no LLC). You can look at it for yourself by clicking here.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
WARNING: Head Start Programs To Offer Dental Care
AAPD teams up with Head Start
New program will help secure dental homes for at-risk children Posted Feb. 20, 2008
The AAPD Head Start Dental Home Initiative will be publicly announced Feb. 28 with a press conference in Washington. The initiative will create a national network of dentists to provide dental homes for Head Start and Early Head Start children, said Dr. John S. Rutkauskas, AAPD executive director.
"AAPD and Head Start are partnering at the national, regional, state and local levels to develop a national network of dentists to link Head Start children with dental homes," said Dr. Rutkauskas. "Dental homes mean that children's oral health care is delivered by dentists to children through an ongoing relationship that is comprehensive, continuously accessible, coordinated and family-centered." Read the full story here.
AAPD teams up with Head Start
New program will help secure dental homes for at-risk children Posted Feb. 20, 2008
By Stacie Crozier
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and Head Start are teaming up to help establish dental homes for young children enrolled in Head Start.The AAPD Head Start Dental Home Initiative will be publicly announced Feb. 28 with a press conference in Washington. The initiative will create a national network of dentists to provide dental homes for Head Start and Early Head Start children, said Dr. John S. Rutkauskas, AAPD executive director.
"AAPD and Head Start are partnering at the national, regional, state and local levels to develop a national network of dentists to link Head Start children with dental homes," said Dr. Rutkauskas. "Dental homes mean that children's oral health care is delivered by dentists to children through an ongoing relationship that is comprehensive, continuously accessible, coordinated and family-centered." Read the full story here.
Head Start,
papoose board,
Pediatric Dentistry
Friday, February 15, 2008
Former Dentist With Small Smiles Confesses
WARNING: Video at the end of this report may be very disturbing.
See this dentists Plea Agreement, Read about his bonus paid to him from Small Smiles, and more here
Since the report aired, Small Smiles has changed its policies, now allowing parents to accompany their children during procedures. Small Smiles cooperated with authorities, repaid close to half a million dollars.
Continue here
Small Smiles is the name of the clinics in the Rochester NY area, however they also go under different names including Kool Smiles, all managed my FORBA, LLC out of Nashville, TN a subsidiary of Arcapita Bank based in the Middle East.
(Rochester, N.Y.) - Last December, 13WHAM showed a disturbing video tape of children strapped in restraints undergoing multiple root canals while their parents were kept out of the room.
Now, the man who once ran the Irondequoit Small Smiles Branch is speaking out for the first time.
He was jailed for fraud. In a follow-up to our 13 WHAM News investigation, he told Jane Flasch that some of the procedures that so traumatized children weren't even necessary.
Rochester's Small Smiles dental office opened with a promise to serve children who don't get regular dental care. Clinic director, Dr. David Gardner, was hauled into a Monroe County court 14 months later.
Gardner pleaded guilty to grand larceny and left Rochester for prison. Now, he wants to come clean about what he says was going on behind closed doors on Ridge Road in Irondequoit.
"Taxpayer dollars are being wasted because they're paying for treatment that's not getting done, treatment that doesn't need to be done, and children aren't being treated like children," Gardner said.
Ashley Sones was a patient during that time. Nine of her teeth were extracted. Another dentist reviewed Ashley's x-rays.
He confirmed that at least two of her teeth could have been saved. But, her file did not contain enough information about the rest.
She never did get partial she was promised; it was denied.
Some very young Small Smiles patients had metal caps, crowns, and root canals. Dentists dispute whether root canals and crowns are the best treatment option for young patients.
However, Gardner said he was under pressure from the corporation to make $1 million every year.
"The biggest thing you can do is those baby root canals and crowns because it’s $220 that Medicaid does not question. It’s just $220, $220, $220," Gardner said.
The Rochester office would not allow cameras inside.
Gardner said they routinely used another controversial technique to restrain children. On an attached video taken at a Small Smiles in Maryland, you can see a small child strapped to a papoose board which holds his body and arms immobile.
Gardner said papoose boards were encouraged in order to complete four or more root canals at a time. Even though it made kids frightened and stressed.
"Stressed out enough to wet their pants, sweat completely through their clothes, be all wet," Gardner said. He said he was told, “Clean them up as best you can before you give them to mom and dad."
Ashley Sones said both she and her younger brother Wesley were physically held down.
"My heart was racing,” she said. “It felt like blood was rushing through my body."
Their mother never even knew. It was Small Smiles policy not to allow parents to be with their children.
"I trusted them,” said Ashley’s mother Wendy. “That's their job."
Since our reports first aired in December, Small Smiles changed its policies. It now allows parents to be present with their children for procedures.
While it still uses papoose boards, the policy is clearly posted and parents can refuse. As for Gardner, the company characterized him as someone with an ax to grind.
Gardner confessed to billing Medicaid for work he did not do.
Investigators say Small Smiles cooperated in the investigation against Gardner and repaid nearly half a million dollars.
Gardner has surrendered his medical license and now sells RVs in Indianapolis.
He says he was pressured into the Small Smiles way of doing business with the understanding that if he were caught, he would be taken care of.
"I've lost my career, I've lost my livelihood," he said.
A member of the Pediatric Dentistry Program at SUNY Buffalo conducted an independent review of the Small Smiles Rochester office last month.
He concluded that restraints, crowns, and other procedures are being used in the proper manner.
Nevertheless, we were not allowed to see a copy of the review documents.
The reviewer spent only half a day at the clinic and did not interview parents. Criminal investigations are underway in several states including New York.
See this dentists Plea Agreement, Read about his bonus paid to him from Small Smiles, and more here
Since the report aired, Small Smiles has changed its policies, now allowing parents to accompany their children during procedures. Small Smiles cooperated with authorities, repaid close to half a million dollars.
Continue here
Kool Smiles,
papoose board,
Small Smiles
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
More Disturbing Allegations Against Small Smiles
Small Smiles is under National Investigation due to an investigation siting barbaric treatment of children in it's dental offices across the nation according to ABC-7 news.
Here is a transcript of the latest report from ABC-7 I-Team Investigation in the DC area.
This is Brandon from N. Carolina showing off his mouthful of baby root canals capped in metal.
And Daniel from Colorado with abrasions and welts from visiting the dentist.
And Miguel from Maryland, strapped down on a papoose board while his mother is forced to wait outside.
Miguel's treatment was not an isolated case. The I-Team has learned that routine use of papoose boards in the Small Smiles network of clinics has injured and traumatized children, and may have played a role in this child's death.
At least a dozen states have launched civil or criminal investigations, many
of them prompted by our reports.
In Arizona…4 year old Jonathan strapped in restraints died from an overdose of anesthesia while this dentist performed five baby root canals.
Dr. Matthew Nolen: "No comment."
The state investigation found that Jonathan was restrained "for no justifiable reason" and his symptoms "could have been masked by the papoose board." The dentist's license was revoked.
Roberta Baskin: "Does the Small Smiles home office encourage the use of these papoose boards?
Doug Gardner: "Yes."
In New York Doug Gardner lost HIS dental license after being convicted of Medicaid fraud for double billing at a Small Smiles clinic.
Doug Gardner: "When you're throwing that much treatment at Medicaid that quickly, they can't check everything."
The I-Team tracked Gardner down to Indianapolis, where he agreed to speak out about Small Smiles practices for the first time.
Doug Gardner: "Taxpayer dollars are being wasted because they're paying for treatment that's not getting done, treatment that doesn't need to be done, and children aren't being treated like children."
This Small Smiles patient remembers being physically held down in the Rochester clinic two years ago.
Ashley Sones: "I was sweating. My whole body was shaking. It was like I was having a seizure."
Gardner says it was not uncommon.
Roberta Baskin: "How stressed out did these patients get?
Doug Gardner: "Stressed out enough to wet their pants, sweat completely through their clothes, be all wet."
Roberta Baskin: "And how are you told to manage that?
Doug Gardner: "Clean them up as best you can before you get them back to mom or dad."
That's another Small Smiles policy. Separating parents from children during dental procedures. In North Carolina Brandon's mom couldn't imagine what was taking three hours until he emerged with 16 baby root canals and steel caps.
Christy Dillbeck/Brandon's mother: "I couldn't stop crying cuz I was very upset and wanted to see him."
In Colorado, these police photos are evidence of young children bruised from restraints. Daniel had 8 teeth drilled and capped in one sitting.
Beatrice Ponce/Daniel's mother: "He just hears the word 'dentist' and he starts to cry and scream that he doesn't want to go in."
Dentists tell us baby root canals and caps may not always be the best treatment option for young patients, but DO result in the best reimbursement for Small Smiles.
Doug Gardner: "The Small Smiles way of taking care of children is to maximize every dollar that they can, during that patient visit, at all costs."
After Gardner's clinic was audited, Small Smiles paid back $444,000 in overcharges.
Gardner: "I've lost my career. I've lost my livelihood." "I'm unemployable now."
Except as an RV salesman in Indianapolis… where he can't forget the pressure from Small Smiles to break a million dollars in profits each year.
"The biggest thing you can do is those baby root canals and crowns cuz it's $220 that Medicaid does not question. ...its just 220, 220, 220, 220, 220."
At the site above you can read a couple of so called statements from the folks at FORBA. They really don't say a whole lot...other than a lot of blah blah blah. What I find most interesting is what they Do Not mentions.
Here is FORBA-Small Smiles-Kool Smiles Latest I said... a lot of blah blah blah. I did note that the press release is from the renowned Rubin Meyer, a "marketing" and "communication" firm in Washington DC. Here is what Ruben Meyer says at their site as to exactly what they do:
Here is FORBA-Small Smiles-Kool Smiles Latest I said... a lot of blah blah blah. I did note that the press release is from the renowned Rubin Meyer, a "marketing" and "communication" firm in Washington DC. Here is what Ruben Meyer says at their site as to exactly what they do:
Many companies face challenges from regulators and policymakers in Washington and must navigate what can be a difficult business environment. The days of the back-room deal are gone. Today it takes hard work, creativity, and a clear message to get the job done in Washington.
Maybe it's just me but I read that as "Lobbyist". What is clear is that these people at FORBA-Small Smiles-Kool Smiles whatever have some really big bucks to spend to hire these people for their press releases.
Date: 2-8-08
Don Meyer
Nashville, TN – FORBA Dental Management, management company of Small Smiles
Dental Centers, released the following statement today:
“The current executive leadership and ownership of FORBA Dental
Management, the management company of Small Smiles, has been in place
since September 2006. Since that time, our objective has been to provide highquality
dental care to children in underserved communities nationwide, and we
have taken steps to improve the policies and culture of the company to meet
that goal.
“Most recently, we have launched a number of initiatives, detailed in previous
statements to WJLA, to improve care and ensure a positive experience for
children and parents at Small Smiles Dental Centers.
“Under our management, Small Smiles’ 1,600 employees and caregivers
work tirelessly to ensure that underserved children receive the highest
quality, compassionate care at our facilities nationwide.”
My hat's is off to the people at ABC-7 Investigation team. Forba has posted another great statement with general denial on the website of WJLA under the comments section, however I wonder why they keep making "statements" and won't answer some hard questions.
Amazing though how since this latest report has come out, there are people signing up on the comments section to basically stick up for FORBA, wonder if they might me part of the new marketing machine, ya think? Do these posters actually think people are stupid or what?
Water boarding is all over the news as to whether it's an appropriate torture for murders at Gitmo. I tell you what, I'm more concerned about "Papoose Boarding" right here stateside and this is being done to our very own children buy dentists across the US.
It certainly isn't just these dental chains who are making the news, it's your local private dentist as well.
Kool Smiles,
Pediatric Dentistry,
Small Smiles
Parents Overbilled For Pediatric Dental Care
Below is snippet from a blog of another parent complaining about being ripped off by a pediatric dentist. The dentist is out of Colorado Springs, CO of all places. If you've been keeping up with my blog you know there are many references to children's dentistry and the great state of Colorado.
If the dentist had not been so greedy hitting the parents up for more money they probably would have gotten away with over billing the insurance company.
I encourage EVERYONE to really look over the statements your insurance company sends you showing the amount they paid your dentist. Don't hesitate to call your dentist and ask about items you don't recognize or clearly understand.
If you find charges you feel are fraudulent file a complaint with the following:
Your State's Dental Board
The Federal Trade Commission
Your Insurance Company
Your State's Attorney General
Also the ADA has procedure codes (standardized codes used to bill insurance companies for each procedure). Don't hesitate to call other dentists and ask what they charge for the particular code of interest. You can also do this to "shop around".
If the dentist had not been so greedy hitting the parents up for more money they probably would have gotten away with over billing the insurance company.
I encourage EVERYONE to really look over the statements your insurance company sends you showing the amount they paid your dentist. Don't hesitate to call your dentist and ask about items you don't recognize or clearly understand.
If you find charges you feel are fraudulent file a complaint with the following:
Your State's Dental Board
The Federal Trade Commission
Your Insurance Company
Your State's Attorney General
Also the ADA has procedure codes (standardized codes used to bill insurance companies for each procedure). Don't hesitate to call other dentists and ask what they charge for the particular code of interest. You can also do this to "shop around".
We reviewed the bills, they charged us for 5 cavities and told us they going to do one. They charged significantly over what the insurance considers reasonable and expect us to pay the difference.
We are still trying to figure out why they charged $300 for sedation when our regular dentist charges $45. Why we have a bill for 5 cavities when one was fixed. Until we figure this out DO NOT GO TO COLORADO SPRINGS CHILDREN'S DENTISTRY.
We have paid almost $1000 for one infected tooth. I believe they are taking advantage of us by overcharging and billing for work that wasn't done.
Steer clear of Derek Kirkham DDS, and the rest of Colorado Springs Pediatric Dentistry. This practice is out to rob you blind.
Check out the full complaint here.