Thursday, May 15, 2008

Kevin P. Ward, DDS-Back In Business

A New Jersey dentist, Dr. Kevin P. Ward's dental licenses were suspended November in 2000 after media reports of him breaking the leg of a child put pressure on the dental board. Until the media broke the story, the dental board had done nothing even though several other patients reported injuries and broken bones. His licenses were reinstated with limitations in 2005 according to records with the New Jersey Dental Board and in April 2007 dental board minutes I found the following:

Kevin P. Ward, DDS - Dr. Ward appeared before the Board with Richard Tanner, Esq., concerning a request for limited reinstatement of his New Jersey dental license. On July 20, 2005 Dr. Ward’s license was reinstated with restrictions. He was permitted to engage in the administrative practice of dentistry but not in the clinical practice of dentistry.
Dr. Ward discussed his administrative duties since the filing of the July 20, 2005 Order to the present. He also discussed his progress in therapy with Richard Reichbart, Ph.D., and discussed the evaluation performed by Alberto M. Goldwaser, M.D.
With regard to future plans, Dr. Ward indicated that if his license is reinstated, he would like to do part-time orthodontics on adolescent patients. He indicated that he has continually taken courses in orthodontics and sees it daily at the practice. The Board requested that he provide a copy of the proof of completion of the courses taken for this renewal period.
At the conclusion of all testimony by Dr. Ward and questions from the Board, the inquiry was ended.
The Board moved this matter to Executive Session for deliberation.
Upon returning to Public Session, the Board determined to table a decision pending receipt of a more complete report from Richard Reichbart, Ph.D. A copy of the transcript of today’s appearance will also be provided to the Board.
In October 2000 NBC's Dateline reporter Hoda Kotbe reported on Dr. Kevin Ward and the many children he had traumatized, broken bones, and even had one child, Kelly Givens, die while under his care.

By checking for his licenses it looks like he's back in business

Children's Dental Clinic,LLC is Really Small Smiles in Columbia, SC

Does anyone besides me find it just amazing at all the names FORBA/Small Smiles, Smile Starters, Medicaid Dental Centers, uses?

In Columbia, SC the IP Address leads you to Children's Dental Clinic, LLC at 3000 Two Notch Road, which when I was there Monday, had Small Smiles on the Building.

If you google Children's Dental Clinic Columbia, SC you once again get a listing for that name but the address is Small Smiles and the website listed is See Here

According to a business search at the South Carolina Secretary of State's Website, the Small Smiles in Florence is Children's Dental Clinic of Florence, LLC.

The Children's Dental Clinic of Columbia, LLC (Small Smiles on Two Notch Road) filed a Domestic LLC company 2-21-2003 and is current in all it's filing. Prior to May 12, 2003 it's name was Children's Medicaid Dental of Charleston, LLC. On 8-17-2008 this was filed "

Looks like one "Michael T. Smith" was once the registered agent for Children's Dental Clinic, (Small Smiles) as well as the Small Smiles in Florence and they were both changed to National Registered Agents, Columbia, SC.

As for the Small Smiles in Florence, SC. It was first established 1/23/2004 and it's first name was actually Florence's Children's Dental Clinic, LLC then changed it's corporate name to Children's Dental Clinic of Florence, LLC 3-5-2004, a short two months later.

In both cases, it appears these DeRose companies set up in a state as one name and with in 2-3 months change their business names. Then of course go on to operate under various other names.

Honestly, it must take an army to keep track of all of the names. I bet if you asked the employees who they worked for, they might be able to come up with some name, but it probably isn't the right one.

Does anyone on here remember Dr. Kevin P. Ward who amazingly had a child break his leg (the femur bone) while in a dental chair at the Children's Dental Center of Union City, New Jersey back in February of 2000? Another child came out of his office with a broken wrist. The state revoked his license for a short time for injuring 13 children. Look at the name of this clinic!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Ocean Dental's Chad Hoecker Desciplined in Ohio

Ohio Dental Board Disciplinary Action

Motion by Dr. Kyger, second by Dr. Armstrong, to approve the proposed
consent agreement for Chad B. Hoecker, D.D.S., license number 30-022103, case
number 06-18-0603.

Motion carried.

I don't know what the complaint or disciplinary action was but the case number is listed above. Chad Hoecker is the owner of Ocean Dental Corporation, another medicaid dental mill.

Small Smiles In Boise, ID Employee Speaks Anonymously

Take it from a Small Smiles employee of many years who does not recommend anyone she knows nor lets her own children come to this place, do not bother going there.

It depends on the doctors mood that day if parents are allowed to come back, we are encouraged as assistants to make excuses as to why you cannot. Personally, I do not make excuses, I just let everyone come back if they ask and let the doctor look me in the eye because the policy states that one person may accompany the child back.

It is a very rushed system like a cattle call consisting of a morning meeting of the quota that needs to be made. "Oh, you did 98 patients yesterday that is down from the day before so you need to get it up if you want your bonus." Well screw the bonus if the kids are not getting the care that they need and are being rushed out and treated as if they are just a number.

This is exactly how everything including the employees are treated - all just numbers. Lets all just compete. If you complain or think that something is upsetting you might as well kiss your job goodbye. Welcome to Small Smiles.

There are no pediatric dentists and there never have been. All the dentists get trained in the Pueblo clinic in about a week to handle children and most of the assistants are hired of the street with little no training, which makes it wonderful for the rest of us that actually have training and know how to do things the right way by sterilizing instruments and treating children well.

Many of the good assistants are on our way to getting out of this "dental office" and on our way to bigger and better things. I just can not wait until the day that Small Smiles is closed down for all their mistreatment of patients needs and care as well as the care of their employees.

My identity is hidden because that is how you have to handle things with Small Smiles as an employee.

Small Smiles of Boise, ID


8744 W Fairview Ave
Boise, ID 83704

Since there are so many very unhappy employees at Small Smiles maybe it would be a good idea for someone to write the office a general letter and try to get some of these employees to step forward as Whistle Blowers. Let's face it, management isn't likely to open the mail, right?

Saturday, May 10, 2008

New York Kicking Small Smiles To The Curb

May 8, 2008
Steve Flamisch

The New York State Office of the Medicaid Inspector General is terminating Small Smiles Dentistry from the state Medicaid program effective May 24, CBS 6 News has learned.

A spokeswoman would not confirm any additional details, citing the need to preserve the integrity of the ongoing investigation.

Three former employees and the parents of 82 patients accuse the Colonie children's dentistry clinic of performing rushed and unnecessary procedures on its young patients, all to make money. The ex-employees claim the dentists and other staff members earn lucrative bonuses for achieving certain "production numbers," though the company patently denies that claim.

Government sources confirm that Attorney General Andrew Cuomo's office is also investigating Small Smiles. Cuomo has the power to bring civil and criminal charges in Medicaid cases, though it remains to be seen whether that will be the case.

The State Education Department, which licenses all dentists in New York, would not confirm an investigation, but did file a subpoena requesting all of the information CBS 6 uncovered. The station is cooperating, and - at the request of the parents - sharing that documentation with other state agencies, as well.

Small Smiles spokesman Don Meyer would not confirm the state's action, nor would he explain how 82 parents had come forward to corroborate allegations the company has dismissed as "baseless." In an email, Meyer said, "I have no additional information to share with you at this time."

Video Interview of Parent Forum

Finally a state has stepped forward and working on putting an end to Small Smiles/FORBA barbaric back alley dentistry and abusing children in the process.

I'm looking for more states to follow New York's lead in the near future. Let all keep our fingers crossed and hope that North Carolina realizes Smile Starters is owned and operated by the same people and kicks Smile Starters to the curb as well.

Ok, let see what states follows New Yorks lead.


On a side note:

Dr. Randall W. Ellis, DDS referred to as reviewing the patient files internally for FORBA's (Small Smiles) is a Professor at (drum roll please...... ) Creighton!! And lives.....(drum roll again)...... Pueblo!

Friday, May 09, 2008

Obtained Small Smiles Patient Information Forms

Dropped Into a Small Smiles Clinic in South Carolina today and picked up some forms to pre-fill out prior to an appointment.

See the Forms here

The main forms for the patient to fill out is manila card stock patient folder. The front part is the only part the patient or guardian fills out prior to treatment, the signs at the bottom. It's not until the folder is open that the Patient Behavior Management Procedures are listed. Long after the parent or guardian has signed and consented to treatment.

I find this a bit sneaky.

As stated this in the patient file, the parent or guardian does not take any of this info with them. You can see in the picture when the folder is open on the left hand side lists the procedures and the right side is used to document appointments, visits and work performed.

What I find very misleading is that there is only one place for the parent or guardian to sign and it's only of the front just after the patients medical history has taken. Usually if there are other sections of documents that you need to read there would be a place for initials or a signature after that all important section.

At the bottom of the front page, the only page the parent or guardian fills in it says:

I certify that I have read and understand the above. I acknowledge that my questions, if any, about the inquiries set forth have been answered to my satisfaction. I will not hold the dentist, or any other members of his/her staff, responsible for any errors or omissions that I may have made in the completion of this form. I have also read and understand the Pediatric Dentistry Patient Management Techniques on page 2 of this form and give my consent for their use.

The way this is laid out it appears that you only read and fill out the front page. When you open the file folder it appears the inside is for the dentist to record the treatments.

This is a blanket signature agreement. Sections are not laid out clearly for the parents or guardian to read, sign, and understand to the full extent as it should be.

It's very sneaky to have a place for a signature acknowledging something prior to getting to that section. I don't know that I've ever seen any kind of treatment agreement, contract or other official document that has a place to sign prior to getting there, have you?

There absolutely should be a place to sign at the bottom of the second page acknowledging the parent or guardian has read the Patient Management Techniques and a place for the dental assistant or dentist to sign under it acknowledging that "techniques" were clearly explained and demonstrated.

Small Smiles Of Aurora is 6th Street of Denver Dental Clinic, PC, a DeRose Company

Download Document Here

Small Smiles Dental Centers Of Aurora Colorado's True Name is "6th Street of Denver Dental Clinic, PC."

Note: The address is the same as the old DeRose Children's Dental Center is Nashville, TN.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

FORBA, LLC Formed 1-2002 then renamed to LIC SAC, LLC

About the exact same time the DeRose's sold the assets of FORBA, LLC they changed the name of FORBA, LLC (For Better Access) to LIC SAC, LLC. (Lick Sack, nothing but class those nasty scumbags...I mean scum sacks) 10-02-2006. Notice on the documents the address is that of DD Marketing in Pueblo.

To See the documents click here.

FORBA, LLC Articles Of Organization Here, see Dan DeRose's name right here!
Dan DeRose, Michael DeRose, Ed DeRose, William Mueller, and Adolph Padula.

According To The Colorado Secretary Of State Website, FORBA, LLC, named changed to LIC SAC, LLC, 10-02-2006 is listed as stated below:

5-5-2008: Entity name and any active trade names changed due to failure to file annual report

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Small Smiles In Kansas, Just Plain Illegal.

Kansas Law States the following in regard to Corporate Dentistry:

K.S.A. 65-1435 It unlawful for any person to practice dentistry under any name except such person's own name, with two exceptions:

1. subsection (b)(2) which allows two or more dentists to associate together for the practice of dentistry in a professional corporation, organized under the professional corporation law and under a corporate name that may or may not contain the proper name of any of the dentists.

(b)(3)associating together with persons licensed to practice medicine and surgery in a clinic or professional association under a name that may or may not contain the proper name of any such person or persons and may contain the word "clinic."

From the AG's Opinion:

It is clear from the prohibition in K.S.A. 1994 Supp. 65-1435 that one dentist may not practice dentistry as a professional corporation and under a corporate name unless the dentist "associates" with one or more other dentists.

The act indicates a legislative intent to protect the public from the fraudulent practice of dentistry by a corporation or under a business name that indicates there is more than one dentist in that practice when in fact there is not.

In conclusion it is our opinion that dentists who want to incorporate under a corporate name pursuant to subsection (b) (2) of K.S.A. 65-1435 must join together for the common purpose of the practice of dentistry and so long as there is more than one dentist practicing dentistry in a corporation established in accordance with the professional corporation law, the requirements of K.S.A. 1994 Supp. 65-1435 (b) (2) are met.

Read the full opinion here
Many states are not as strict with their regulations or wording which is why is some states the Corporation Umbrella that some of DeRose's clinics operate is under Michael A. DeRose, DDS PA. After he has his actual name established in those more lenient states he's ready to set up operation.

Yes, there are a couple of Small Smiles in Kansas and at present they are under fire. They say the dentists who is actually working at the clinics "own" the clinics and has a financial interest in the clinic, but that is simply not the truth. But rest assured, if FORBA/Small Smiles/DeRose can find a way, they certainly will.

Hopefully Kansas will be paying close attention, listen to their citizens and run these people out of the state on a very long, far reaching rail.

With any luck at all, more states will take Kansas's lead here and change the laws, so that if a dentist has a licenses in your state and his name in hanging on the door under whatever cute little name he wants to call "his" clinic he better see patients there, so in case of mishap you don't have to run him down across several states to nail his butt.

update:  4-21-2010
Kansas is allowing FORBA to operate clinics in it's state and doing nothing to stop it.