Meet Brad Padula. Does the last name ring any bells with my regular readers. It should.
Brad is associated with DD Marketing (, Dan DeRose's company that hooks up schools with vendor to put junk food machines in your schools. (fatten up the kids and help rot the teeth...sorry, I was thinking to myself)
Brad is Dan DeRose's cousin, via Brad's dad, Dr. Adolph Padula. Remember Adolph, he's the dentist of record with FORBA/Small Smiles in New York, Ohio and a few other states.
Brad is also the director, executive producer and writer of the documentary Beyond The Metal of Honor. Here is the cast of characters involved in the making of the film:
Brad Padula - Director Executive Producer Writer
Peter C. Lemon - Co-Producer and Executive Producer
Rudy Padula - Co-Producer and Executive Producer
Dan DeRose - Public Relations and Executive Producer
Frank Provenza - Co-Producer Writer Narrator
John Schymos - Director of Photography
Adolph Padula, Michael DeRose, Ed DeRose, William Mueller and Dan DeRose have their names all over documents at the Colorado Secretary of State's office in regards to various dental clinics including Small Smiles, Smile High, DeRose Children's Dental Center and 6th Street of Denver Dental Center.
I will say they sure keep it "All In The Family"
(if you checked out the website, you'll see it's the same address as DD Marketing and this same address shows up on some of those documents I mentioned above.)
Anyone know a thing about Nicole Padula, Pueblo, CO?
Wonder what this is exactly, what are they maintaining? I found it an an announcement in the Colorado Tribune January 2008.
R & R Maintenance, LLC (DLLC, 01/07/08, Perpetual) Adolph R Padula, 409 N. Grand Avenue, Pueblo, CO 81003
It's North Grand Street where DD Marketing is located? Hmmm.....
Wonder why Draper, Fisher and Jurvestion, an early stage venture capital company would be checking this blog out? The "keyword" they used in the search engine was "FORBA". After checking out all the other people/companies/law firms that have been 'avisitin' lately I have to wonder if someone is not trying to:
1. Unload FORBA to anyone that will take it. 2. FORBA /Small Smiles/DeRose getting their butts sued 3. Are really hurting for cash since they have to be at the top of the "red flag" list in all their billings. (In fact, I bet a whole army of "color guards" come strolling through the Medicaid billing center) 4. FORBA is gathering up some cash for all the "settlements" and legal fees they are going to make and need. 5. FORBA is robbing from Peter to pay Paul, and that only makes for a sore Peter. Here is the list of just a few visitors and the "keyword" they used if I know it:
Honigman, Miller, Schwartz & Cohn - Health Law Practice- "Medicaid Dental Center Settlement" Shearman & Sterling -Law Firm CIT Financial - Financial advisers for Arcapita King & Spalding- Law Firm
Navigant Consulting-International Consulting Firm Houlihan, Lokey, Howard and Zukin-Investment Bank-"FORBA and Child Abuse" Interlink Advertising-Ad firm-"Michael DeRose" International Monetary Fund-"DeRose Pueblo"
First Southern National Bank Omnicom Management Services-Texas Ad Agency-"Dan DeRose" LA SALLE CAPITAL- Investment Bank-"Forba/Small Smiles MA" Covington and Burlington Law-Law Firm-"Delta Dental"
Veroxity Technology Partners FTN FinancialInvestment bank-Investment Bank Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP-Law Firm-"Albany Small Smiles and Rochester" RSM MCGLADREY-Accounting firm
CSC Holding-Holding Company-"Small Smiles Arcapita" Cratos Capital Partners Canon Capital Advisors-"Small Smiles Billing" NCMIC-Insurance and Finance Group-"Medicaid Dental Center"
Forbin Group-"Papoose Board" Peabody and Arnold, LLP-Law Firm-"Small Smiles" Poyner & Spurill-Law Firm-"Child In Papoose Dental" Vestar Capital Partners-Investment Group-"Rafael Rivera, DDS" Lehman Brothers-Investment Bank-"Forba For Sale"
Wesley Capital Draper, Fisher and Jurveston-Early Stage Investments-"FORBA" Wells Fargo-Bank-"Tish Ballance" Morgan Lucas & Bockius-International Law Firm-"FORBA" Haynes and Boone, LLP-Internation Law Firm-"came to blog directly" Deloitte & Touche
Well it appears that children in Colorado are a tiny bit safer. Dr. Michael Anthony DeRose's Dental Licenses (Number DEN-5133) has retired those licenses to torture children at least in Colorado, not sure about other states and dad has let his licenses expire.
However if states are staying on top of things he shouldn't be allowed a licenses in any state! But so far, (and I'm sorry about this guys,) state Dental Boards are not exactly the sharpest bit in the drawer.
Now,ole, Ed, (the master mind behind the Torture Children For Medicaid Dollars Scheme) has let his licenses ( DEN-2931)in Colorado lapse. They expired in February and bless his heart, he didn't renew them. God Bless Us Every One.
HOWEVER::::::: There are still DeRose's in the dental community with active licenses in the state:
Louis A DeRose-Dentist-License number DEN-104507-Wheatridge, CO and Kerry Jean DeRose-Dental Hygienist-License number DH-201929-Pueblo, CO
Louis or Kerry seem to have any "actions" against them in Colorado at this time but I sure would be interested in what these two think of Ed and Michael, and most of all I'd like to hear how they've kept their names out of all of this, cause ole Dan sure hasn't!
Maybe Ed and Michael can head on over to Bahrain and open up some clinics, like in palace compound or something. Treat them'thar royal kids....
but be careful folks, William Mueller still has his licenses.... be on the lookout.
I see on Small Smiles website they still don't list clinics in Kansas, yet as we know they are certainly there. Oh wait, FORBA says they don't have clinics in Kansas! Huh?
Yes, there are a couple of Small Smiles in Kansas and at present they are under fire. They say the dentists who is actually working at the clinics "own" the clinics and has a financial interest in the clinic, but that is simply not the truth.
Even though there are no Small Smiles clinics listed at there are job openings listed across the internet to come help give children the smiles they deserve in Kansas Small Smiles. Here is one listed 21 days ago for front office help
Here is a link showing a campaign donation from a Pueblo, Colorado Dentist, Dr. Mohammad Akzar to a Kansas State Representative's campaign in 2006 in the name of Small Smiles of Wichita Health Care.
Oddly enough Reza Akbar is the name of the dentist who says they own Small Smiles of Wichita. Hmmm Here is the first blog on this
Now one would think these are maybe two different people but lookie here.... Kansas Dental Licenses Number 60330 is a one Mohammad Reza Akbar. So that champaign contribution listed about from Mohammad Akbar from Pueblo Colorado IS Reza Akbar. Dr. Akbar also is licensed in Colorado, number DEN-8903. Wonder how Dr. Akbar feels being a scape goat for Michael DeRose?
....and to think they tried to fool me with those Islamic names... Ha! Not a chance! Wonder if Dr. Akbar's papers are all in order, isn't this an Iranian name? I get so confused....
Here is the address of the clinic I'm speaking to:
Small Smiles of Boise, ID 208-322-3010 8744 W Fairview Ave Boise, ID 83704
I understand you are still employed there but are very upset at the treatment of the children. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help stop this abuse and contact me. Someone IMPORTANT would like to have some kind of contact with you, even a simple anonymous email will do.
Per the Ohio Dental Board actions against Chad Hoecker he is on probation for a year in Ohio and can't only accept children, since he is a general dentist. I am not sure what happened in the Oklahoma meeting because he wasn't in the minutes.
More importantly he comes from a long line of legal dodgers: His dad is a dentist who still has his license after exposing himself to a patient.
Case Detail
County: Kay (Newkirk) - County Last Updated: 05/20/2008 09:00
Case: CRF-86-00258
Date Filed: 08/19/1986
Date Action: ST GUILTY PLEA Completed : 09/22/1986
Word Mark: SMALL SMILES Good & Services:IC 035. US 100 101 102. G & S: Provision of business management services for dental office development and operations. Serial Number: 78953016 Filing Date: 10-16-2006 Published for Opposition: June 12, 2007 Owner: Sanus Holdings, LLC LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY DELAWARE Suite 201 1114 17th Avenue South Nashville TENNESSEE 37212 Attorney of Record: Robert P. Felber, Jr. Dead/Live: Live ____________________________________________________________________
Word Mark: Small Smiles Goods and Services:
IC 044. US 100 101. G & S: Dentist services. FIRST USE: 20070917. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 20070917
Serial Number: 77295476 Filing Date:October 3, 2007 Published for Opposition: March 18, 2008 Owner: Forba Holdings, LLC LTD LIAB CO DELAWARE Suite 520 618 Church Street Nashville TENNESSEE 37219 Attorney of Record: Robert P. Felber, Jr. Dead/Live: Live ____________________________________________________________________ Word Mark: Small Smiles Good & Services: IC 044. US 100 101. G & S: Dentist services. FIRST USE: 20070917. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 20070917 Serial Number: 77295429 Filing Date: October 3, 2007 Published for Opposition:March 18, 2008 Owner: Forba Holdings, LLC LTD LIAB CO DELAWARE Suite 520 618 Church Street Nashville TENNESSEE 37219 Attorney Of Record: Robert P. Felber, Jr. Dead/Live: Live ______________________________________________________________________
Word Mark: FORBA Goods and Services:IC 035. US 100 101 102. G & S: Personnel recruiting services for dental offices. FIRST USE: 20010500. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 20010500 Serial Number:77156357 Filing Date:April 13, 2007 Published for Opposition: September 4, 2007 Owner:FORBA Holdings, LLC LTD LIAB CO DELAWARE Suite 520 618 Church Street Nashville TENNESSEE 37219 Attorney of Record:Robert P. Felber, Jr. Dead/Live: Live
I tell ya what, that Church Street address in Nashville just keeps showing up again and again. In various documents I personally found at the Colorado SOS website that addess is associated with Sanus, Smile High, FORBA, DeRose Children's Dental Center and more.
I would say Small Smiles and Ocean Dental and apparently Kool Smiles, since it's planning on opening up a clinic as well, in Louisville are walking a fine line according to KAR (Kentucky Administrative Regulations) Title 201.
201 KAR 8:006 prohibits a dentist from using false, misleading, or deceptive advertising and also establishes the rules for dentists to advertise as specialists or as being especially qualified in any area of dentistry.
All dental advertisements shall contain the name of each licensed dentist providing services within that practice.
Further, a dentist shall not use the name of a
dentist who does not have an ownership interest or
any association in the dental practice. A dentist
who purchases the dental practice of another
dentist shall not use the name of the seller for
more than one (1) year after the purchase of the
practice. Also, a dentist shall not use the name of
another dentist who formerly practiced as a
partner, after the termination of that partner’s
ownership interest in the dental practice.
Any licensed Kentucky dentist may submit their
proposed advertising to the Kentucky Board of
Dentistry for written approval prior to using the
Plus according to other rules, a dentist is Kentucky must actively participate, and something tells me the owners of these clinics don't actively participate in the practice of dentistry in Kentucky.
Dr. Jim Allen, DMD moved to disapprove Dr. Tony Quiroa’srequest for Board approval for hygienists from Small Smiles of Louisville to conduct dental screening services at various elementary schools. Dr. Gaskill seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Kudo's to the Kentucky Dental Board but should Small Smiles even be in the state. If they weren't, there would be no need to stop them from sending out a hygienists to patient shop as they have been found to do in other states.
I realize this is was last fall however the Kentucky Dental Board has not issued another newsletter at this time. They meet in Spring and Fall of each year.
It appears Hawaii is doing all it can to protect their citizens from Medicaid dental mills such as Small Smiles, Kool Smiles, Ocean Dental, and Western Dental.
Hawaii has a law in place that says “a dentist must own, maintain or operate an office for the practice of dentistry.” However the laws as they stand now do leave a “loop hole”, as in other states, that people like Michael DeRose of Small Smiles and Dr. Tran Pham of Kool Smiles seem to find a way to slither through.
Majority Leader Kirk Caldwell's HB 2301 bill to prohibit "interference in the practice of dentistry by an unlicensed person or entity" and prohibit "the practice of dentistry in a commercial or mercantile establishment"
Jeffrey Miyazawa, D.D.S., Chair of the Board of Dental Examiners opposes the bill, no big surprise there, but other dentists of Hawaii fully support it.
Dr. Miyazawa argues that passing this law would not give the board any power to enforce it, and I’m saying to myself, "why the hell not?"
Dr. Miyazawa also says “HRS 448-17(a)(12) provides for sanctioning "any other improper, unprofessional, or dishonorable conduct in the practice of dentistry.”
Provisions like this or something close is on the books in most all states, and it hasn’t done one thing to stop these Medicaid dental mills, slowed them down one bit, or even caused them to pause for a split second despite the hundreds and hundreds of complaints and reports.
Hawaii’s HB 2301 would amend HRS 448-A to include as follows:
(a) No person or entity without a license issued pursuant to this chapter shall direct or interfere with a licensed dentist's judgment and competent practice of dentistry.
(b) No dentist licensed pursuant to this chapter who engages in the practice of dentistry in any form, shall permit a person or entity, other than a dentist licensed pursuant to this chapter, to direct, participate in, or interfere with the licensee's practice of dentistry.
Section B above certainly would limit that quota and bonus system that the dental mills have established in other states now wouldn’t it?
HB 2301 would also add 448-B to read as follows:
No person licensed pursuant to this chapter shall engage in the practice of dentistry in a commercial or mercantile establishment, or advertise, either in person or through any commercial or mercantile establishment, that the person is a licensed practitioner and is practicing or will practice dentistry in a commercial or mercantile establishment.
This section shall not prohibit the rendering of professional services to the officers and employees of any person, firm, or corporation by a dentist, whether or not the compensation for the service is paid by the officers and employees, or by the employer, or jointly by all or any of them. For the purposes of this section, the term "commercial or mercantile establishment" means a business enterprise engaged in the selling of commodities or services unrelated to the practice of dentistry or other healing arts.
I think this is a great beginning to an end of the dental mills and I would suggest everyone who reads this and its language to get with their state law makers and get something like this or close to it passed in their respective states.
One thing that is not addressed in this bill is the use of papoose boards. I understand people think the Dental Board would regulate this since the ADA and the AAPD have "guidelines" however leaving things like this to "Boards" of dentists' own peers simply isn't working.
I’ve already started that quest in my state and I can’t urge my many loyal readers enough to do it in your own.
update 3-2010:
I've written to Rep. Caldwell, who at present is running for Mayor of Honolulu to see what happened to his bill.
I did find this:
HB 2301 HD1, Relating To Dentistry
Majority Leader Kirk Caldwell's bill to prohibit "interference in the practice of dentistry by an unlicensed person or entity" and prohibit "the practice of dentistry in a commercial or mercantile establishment" was characterized on the Floor by Rep. Gene Ward as "the anti-Wal Mart, anti-Big Box bill" who went on to say that it was a premature, misplaced constraint of trade. The bill passed, with Rep. Ward as the only no vote.
If you have had issues with the Kool Smiles in Terra Haute, IN clinic contact me at
Here an ex-employee comment on that clinic:
I just want to say that the same treatment and experiences that have happened in Atlanta are somewhat identical to the office in Terre Haute, Indiana. The CTL isn't x-ray certified, along with the other dental staff are not x-ray certified.(So how can she train those who aren't?) Looks like someone didn't do their homework!! Deadlines for xray certifications is running out!!
The CTL was also caught rough handling a 3 yr child approx. 2 months ago in front of the parent, Office Manager and other dental staff, but nothing was done.The Office Manager loves to lie to HR. Their day will soon come!