Something is just not right here. Kentucky suspends 180 dentists licenses for not paying their annual dues, and other states smack very few bad seeds on the wrists for strapping down children and insurance and Medicaid fraud. Don't we need a bit of consistency somewhere? No wonder dentists state hop when they get in deep doo doo in one state.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008Kentucky suspends more than 180 dentists, angers health advocates
Associated Press WriterFRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) -- Oral health advocates in Kentucky are fuming over what they call "a bureaucratic nightmare" that led to the temporary suspensions of more than 180 dentists.
The suspensions are especially troublesome in a state that struggles with poor dental health, said Dea Riley, head of the Appalachian Roundtable, an advocacy group for residents of the state's impoverished mountain region.
"There seems to be very little logic in this maneuver," said Riley, who was angered that dentists in some rural coal towns had to close their offices until paperwork was processed to restore their licenses. "They need to be allowing these doctors to practice dentistry, not make it more difficult for them."
Riley said the move by the Kentucky Board of Dentistry wouldn't have been so irksome if Kentucky didn't already rank among the worst states in the nation in toothlessness. A study by the Kentucky Institute of Medicine last year found that 37 percent of Kentucky adults were missing at least six teeth.
Despite those dismal statistics, the dental board ordered the suspensions of dentists who missed a Dec. 31 deadline to submit paperwork and pay a $230 fee. Lisa Turner, the dental board's interim executive director, said 187 practicing dentists were affected. All have since returned to work.
Turner said the problem arose when the dental board changed the way it notified dentists about the need to renew their licenses.
In past years, letters of reminder were mailed to the state's more than 2,300 practicing dentists to remind them that their licenses were set to expire on Dec. 31. Last year, the dental board simply printed a notice in its fall newsletter.
"Apparently a large percentage failed to read the newsletter," Turner said.
Because so many dentists didn't renew their licenses, the dental board decided to send a postcard reminder in December. It, too, went unheeded, she said.
Turner said the problem coincided with a push by the dental board for all dentists to renew their licenses online.
Dr. Scott Browning, a dentist in Vicco in rural eastern Kentucky, said he was surprised to learn in January that his license had been suspended because of the communications breakdown. He said he initially learned about his suspension when he called an oxygen supplier to place an order. He then called the dental board to verify what the supplier had told him.
"They should have a way of contacting the dentists," Browning said. "All it would have taken was a phone call."
Browning had to close his office for a week, postponing all appointments that he could, while frantically trying to get patients suffering from tooth pain into nearby dental clinics.
"That is what was really making me angry," he said. "I couldn't help my people."
Riley said it's little wonder that Kentucky is the butt of jokes about its poor dental health when the state suspends the men and women responsible for caring for teeth.
"This affects our national reputation," she said
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Never Leave Your Child With Dr. David Moore, DDS

Remember Dr. David Moore, DDS, the dentist in Charlotte , North Carolina who was suspended a mere 6 months in 2006 for physically abusing several children?
“I was struggling because everybody was holding me down-my arms and my shoes- so I kept struggling. He put something inside my tooth and started smacking me with gloves on.”
Tyreese’s mother said police were supposed to follow through on the complaint but she never received a follow up report from police.
I guess the police didn’t take the report about a dentist physically abusing a child very seriously back in 2002 and things haven’t changed much. Same with Keily’s mother who found her child was abused by Dr. Mike Kort in Bull Head, Arizona a few months back as reported and updated on this blog. (link)
Then in January 2006 WCNC TV in Charlotte reported Dr. David Moore had been suspended for 6 measly months for slapping, kicking, shaking, and pinching children. He reportedly banged children’s heads against chairs, pulling kids down on the chair with their ponytails, hit them in the forehead with his fist and grabbed them out of the dental chair by their necks and their upper teeth.
Dr. Moore, signed a consent order with the North Carolina Dental Board agreeing there were factual basis to the claims against him even though his attorney said he denied all the charges.
Few employees testify against Dr. Moore. However, at least two former employees, Tina Cooper and Meta Parsons talked to WCNC TV saying it was like working for Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde.
Cooper worked in Moore ’s office for 10 years and Parsons worked there for five. Parsons reported she has seen him clamp his hand over the mouths and tell the children to shut up. She also said she had seen him pound on the children’s chests!
Both women reported they stayed as long as they did to try and protect the children under their care. Keepers of the child so to speak. Parson’s said her breaking point was when she found Dr. Moore sedating children without her presence and leaving them alone, unmonitored. These children could have died! Never leave your child alone with Dr. Moore!
Cooper left after testifying to the dental board. Both said it was tough for them to leave what they witnessed this doctor do to children behind them after they left his employment.
What ever happened to Dr. Moore, well he’s still in business. Yep, that's right. This dentist can do this, the dental board does little and the police do nothing!
He’s the top dog at Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics with 3 locations:
Billingsley Medical Dental Center
411 Billingsley Rd.
Suite 106
Charlotte , NC 28211
(704) 377-3687
Suite 106
(704) 377-3687
Mallard Creek Medical Park
10320 Mallard Creek Rd.
Suite 150
Charlotte , NC 28262
(704) 547-8438
Suite 150
(704) 547-8438
Suite G
(704) 545-0390
Dr. Moore has a daughter named Ryan, wonder how he would like to have his daughter treated like he treated other children?
The Dental Board is ready and waiting for more reports of abuse by Dr. David Moore that could lead to further disciplinary actions, so if your child has been abused my Dr. Moore, I urge you to contact the police and the dental board as soon as possible.
Dr. David Moore,
Michael G. (Gordon) Lindley
Small Smiles Quota is 25 Converstions Per Day
Small Smiles new budget, at least for some states in the south east is at $11.00 per child. In other words they can spend no more than that to get a child's teeth fixed.
Also currently, the "Conversion Rate" for one particular office is now 25 per day. In other words their currently daily quota is to convert at least 25 children from Hygiene (cleaning) to Operatory (drilling for dollars) is 25 children per day.
So for Small Smiles/FORBA to say they are not under any quota would just be an out right lie. They absolutely do have a quota to meet at least in some of the clinics. So if they are running short today, your child just might get more work done that is needed.
Also currently, the "Conversion Rate" for one particular office is now 25 per day. In other words their currently daily quota is to convert at least 25 children from Hygiene (cleaning) to Operatory (drilling for dollars) is 25 children per day.
So for Small Smiles/FORBA to say they are not under any quota would just be an out right lie. They absolutely do have a quota to meet at least in some of the clinics. So if they are running short today, your child just might get more work done that is needed.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
FORBA Financially Stressed: Maybe A Papoose Board Is In Order
As I suspected, FORBA/Small Smiles is a bit financially challenged and unable to open any more clinics at the present time. According to reports no monies are being paid out during the Medicaid fraud investigation which is really putting a crunch on them financially.
How is this bad? Well that means they need to push their production on who they can when they can and that's spells trouble for the children being tied down in the papoose boards also known as pedo's in the biz, as in pediwraps, not Pedontists.
That means more children are going to have to use the combs, brushes and blow dryers the assistants keep in the back to clean the children up before they give them back to their parents.
How is this bad? Well that means they need to push their production on who they can when they can and that's spells trouble for the children being tied down in the papoose boards also known as pedo's in the biz, as in pediwraps, not Pedontists.
That means more children are going to have to use the combs, brushes and blow dryers the assistants keep in the back to clean the children up before they give them back to their parents.
Blow Dryers,
Financial Problems,
Michael G. (Gordon) Lindley,
papoose boards
Oklahoma Smiles, Topeka Dental, Texas Smiles Dental Clinic, Indian Springs Dental Clinic: More DeRose Dental Torture Chambers? Of Course They Are!
In doing a search for Oklahoma Smiles, a dental chain in Oklahoma I just couldn't help noticing the website address:
OKLAHOMA SMILES DENTAL CENTERS OF SOUTH OKLAHOMA CITY Walker Square Shopping Center — 309 S.W. 59th at Walker 405-631-2700 ... - 11k -
Also as searching for job listings with Oklahoma Smiles Dental Centers I noticed this as:
FRONT OFFICECheck out Oklahoma Smiles Website, logo look familiar?
Oklahoma Smiles Dental
Centers of Oklahoma City
Join our Dynamic Team! This State-of-the-Art Dental Office provides quality dental care to children and young adults. We offer great benefits and bonus opportunity!
Spanish bilingual a plus!
E-mail resume to:
or fax to 405-942-7753. EOE
now look at an ad for a job with Small Smiles:
DENTAL ASSISTANT Small Smiles of Macon. Join our Dynamic Team! This State-of-the-Art Dental Office provides quality dental care to children and young adults. We offer great benefits and bonus opportunity! Experience preferred and Spanish bilingual a plus! Fax resume to Dr. Dan at 478-781-4331Is it just me or do you think FORBA/DeRose is known as Oklahoma Smiles to the poor unsuspecting citizens of Oklahoma? Maybe it's just me. Maybe I've gotten too paranoid or something, but I don't think so.
AMAZING!! It's the same thing when you look into:
Topeka Dental Clinic
Small Smiles Dental Clinic of Wichita
Indian Springs Dental Clinic of Kansas City
Texas Smiles Dental Clinic
DeRose Disciples Coming To A Dental Clinic Near You
It's come to my attention that Drs. Tran and Pham of Kool Smiles fame broke off from the DeRose's and FORBA during a breakdown in their business relationship. Therefore even though Kool Smiles is strictly modeled after Small Smiles/FORBA they are separate companies. Now this isn't confirmed. But the fact that I can't actually lay my fingers on any documentation showing they are sister companies means I'm going to have to assume they are not. But I'm leaving this one open for a bit longer just in case.
None of this is really the point on this blog entry. What is the point is the fact that it clearly shows the pattern of folks who call them self dentists have ended up breaking off from FORBA/Small Smiles and opening up their own torture chambers calling them dental clinics.
As I've posted before about the hundreds of dentists that have passed through the halls of these dental mills, more and more are taking the fine skills of behavioral management they learned from the DeRose training camps in Colorado and incorporating them into their own practices.
Academy Kids Dental in Colorado Springs is just another example. The owner there, used to be a lead dentist with Small Smiles. Hopefully he left the bad habits at Small Smiles and took their training as what NOT to do to small innocent children and naive parents.
What worries me are the hundreds, maybe thousands, of DeRose Disciples who are stowed away in cities and towns across America tying up children, have little to no patients with them, go straight for the papoose board and come up with a treatment plan more costly and more traumatic than need be. It's disgusting and if I accomplish nothing else in my life time I plan on ending this with laws, rules and/or regulations in every state across this land.
Thank God several states have recognized that dentists are torturing children unnecessarily and already taken steps to stop this legalized form of child abuse, so I don't have to work my way through all 50.
Anytime I become discouraged in my quest all I have to do is watch the video reporter Roberta Baskin was able to obtain of little Miguel struggling and fighting for his life in that papoose board and I'm energized all over again with the vigor of a mother lioness.
I close my eyes and see my small family member who suffered this, if not worse, at the hands of a dentist. Whether my loved ones tooth needed work or not makes no difference to me. The recommended, proper, and acceptable techniques by the dentist was not followed.
I see my loved one's little feet crisscrossing like Miguel's did, panicked, struggling, heart rate going up, sweating, fighting with all his little might, sheer terror in his little heart, mind and soul and I know bringing this to and end is something I will NEVER give up on. Never! Call me nuts, call me whatever but as I see it, I'm simply very passionate about this subject.
None of this is really the point on this blog entry. What is the point is the fact that it clearly shows the pattern of folks who call them self dentists have ended up breaking off from FORBA/Small Smiles and opening up their own torture chambers calling them dental clinics.
As I've posted before about the hundreds of dentists that have passed through the halls of these dental mills, more and more are taking the fine skills of behavioral management they learned from the DeRose training camps in Colorado and incorporating them into their own practices.
Academy Kids Dental in Colorado Springs is just another example. The owner there, used to be a lead dentist with Small Smiles. Hopefully he left the bad habits at Small Smiles and took their training as what NOT to do to small innocent children and naive parents.
What worries me are the hundreds, maybe thousands, of DeRose Disciples who are stowed away in cities and towns across America tying up children, have little to no patients with them, go straight for the papoose board and come up with a treatment plan more costly and more traumatic than need be. It's disgusting and if I accomplish nothing else in my life time I plan on ending this with laws, rules and/or regulations in every state across this land.
Thank God several states have recognized that dentists are torturing children unnecessarily and already taken steps to stop this legalized form of child abuse, so I don't have to work my way through all 50.
Anytime I become discouraged in my quest all I have to do is watch the video reporter Roberta Baskin was able to obtain of little Miguel struggling and fighting for his life in that papoose board and I'm energized all over again with the vigor of a mother lioness.
I close my eyes and see my small family member who suffered this, if not worse, at the hands of a dentist. Whether my loved ones tooth needed work or not makes no difference to me. The recommended, proper, and acceptable techniques by the dentist was not followed.
I see my loved one's little feet crisscrossing like Miguel's did, panicked, struggling, heart rate going up, sweating, fighting with all his little might, sheer terror in his little heart, mind and soul and I know bringing this to and end is something I will NEVER give up on. Never! Call me nuts, call me whatever but as I see it, I'm simply very passionate about this subject.
Why FORBA is a Management Company?
I wonder if this is the reason they have the so called "Management" companies that in reality practice dentistry? FORBA, Western Dental, Heartland etc.
In Colorado for example it's illegal to be part of or a member of a LLC that practices dentistry if you are NOT a dentist. Ask, Diana and Todd Giblette.
Anyway, Dan...are you hearing this! Your name is still on the FORBA documents. But of course, FORBA just "manages" the clinics right! Yeah, whatever!
But think of this, if a person can't be owner of a dental LLC unless they are licensed dentists, then how can companies if the actual company isn't a licensed dentist and I don't think a company can actually work on a person's teeth but I could be wrong.
I might even be understanding all of this wrongly too.
In Colorado for example it's illegal to be part of or a member of a LLC that practices dentistry if you are NOT a dentist. Ask, Diana and Todd Giblette.
Anyway, Dan...are you hearing this! Your name is still on the FORBA documents. But of course, FORBA just "manages" the clinics right! Yeah, whatever!
But think of this, if a person can't be owner of a dental LLC unless they are licensed dentists, then how can companies if the actual company isn't a licensed dentist and I don't think a company can actually work on a person's teeth but I could be wrong.
I might even be understanding all of this wrongly too.
Only The Best Dentists for Small Smiles (sarcasm)
Dr. Troy T. Bates, Peyton, Colorado, a former Small Smiles lead dentist, Colorado license number DEN-8450, had his license suspended a mere 30 days for drug abuse in October 2007. His licenses is now Active-With Conditions. He's now under probation for 5 years and practice monitoring for 2 years.
What they should have also checked into, but guess they didn't since there was no formal complaints, was his treatment of children at the Small Smiles in Colorado Springs. This is where formal complaints to dental boards come in and are so important.
Again, I have to ask parents, employees or anyone, Who Will Save The Children, If Not You, Then Who?
If you are a dentist working for FORBA or any of these places, Kool Smiles whatever....and I've not made it to your name yet, not to worry, I will get there. A good way to stay off this list would be to come forward tell all you know to anyone who will listen and stop abusing the children, otherwise you are open game to me.
What they should have also checked into, but guess they didn't since there was no formal complaints, was his treatment of children at the Small Smiles in Colorado Springs. This is where formal complaints to dental boards come in and are so important.
Again, I have to ask parents, employees or anyone, Who Will Save The Children, If Not You, Then Who?
If you are a dentist working for FORBA or any of these places, Kool Smiles whatever....and I've not made it to your name yet, not to worry, I will get there. A good way to stay off this list would be to come forward tell all you know to anyone who will listen and stop abusing the children, otherwise you are open game to me.
Dr. Troy T. Bates,
Michael G. (Gordon) Lindley,
Small Smiles
Monday, May 26, 2008
DeRose's Keep It "All In The Family"

Meet Brad Padula. Does the last name ring any bells with my regular readers. It should.
Brad is associated with DD Marketing (, Dan DeRose's company that hooks up schools with vendor to put junk food machines in your schools. (fatten up the kids and help rot the teeth...sorry, I was thinking to myself)
Brad is Dan DeRose's cousin, via Brad's dad, Dr. Adolph Padula. Remember Adolph, he's the dentist of record with FORBA/Small Smiles in New York, Ohio and a few other states.
Brad is also the director, executive producer and writer of the documentary Beyond The Metal of Honor. Here is the cast of characters involved in the making of the film:
- Brad Padula - Director Executive Producer Writer
- Peter C. Lemon - Co-Producer and Executive Producer
- Rudy Padula - Co-Producer and Executive Producer
- Dan DeRose - Public Relations and Executive Producer
- Frank Provenza - Co-Producer Writer Narrator
- John Schymos - Director of Photography
Adolph Padula, Michael DeRose, Ed DeRose, William Mueller and Dan DeRose have their names all over documents at the Colorado Secretary of State's office in regards to various dental clinics including Small Smiles, Smile High, DeRose Children's Dental Center and 6th Street of Denver Dental Center.
I will say they sure keep it "All In The Family"
(if you checked out the website, you'll see it's the same address as DD Marketing and this same address shows up on some of those documents I mentioned above.)
Anyone know a thing about Nicole Padula, Pueblo, CO?
Wonder what this is exactly, what are they maintaining? I found it an an announcement in the Colorado Tribune January 2008.
R & R Maintenance, LLC (DLLC, 01/07/08,
Perpetual) Adolph R Padula, 409 N. Grand
Avenue, Pueblo, CO 81003
It's North Grand Street where DD Marketing is located? Hmmm.....
I found it here click
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Is FORBA FORba Sale or Just Needing Money?

1. Unload FORBA to anyone that will take it.
2. FORBA /Small Smiles/DeRose getting their butts sued
3. Are really hurting for cash since they have to be at the top of the "red flag" list in all their billings.
(In fact, I bet a whole army of "color guards" come strolling through the Medicaid billing center)

4. FORBA is gathering up some cash for all the "settlements" and legal fees they are going to make and need.
5. FORBA is robbing from Peter to pay Paul, and that only makes for a sore Peter.

Here is the list of just a few visitors and the "keyword" they used if I know it:
Honigman, Miller, Schwartz & Cohn - Health Law Practice- "Medicaid Dental Center Settlement"
Shearman & Sterling -Law Firm
CIT Financial - Financial advisers for Arcapita
King & Spalding- Law Firm
Navigant Consulting-International Consulting Firm
Houlihan, Lokey, Howard and Zukin-Investment Bank-"FORBA and Child Abuse"
Interlink Advertising-Ad firm-"Michael DeRose"
International Monetary Fund-"DeRose Pueblo"
First Southern National Bank
Omnicom Management Services-Texas Ad Agency-"Dan DeRose"
LA SALLE CAPITAL- Investment Bank-"Forba/Small Smiles MA"
Covington and Burlington Law-Law Firm-"Delta Dental"
Veroxity Technology Partners
FTN Financial Investment bank-Investment Bank
Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP-Law Firm-"Albany Small Smiles and Rochester"
RSM MCGLADREY-Accounting firm
CSC Holding-Holding Company-"Small Smiles Arcapita"
Cratos Capital Partners
Canon Capital Advisors-"Small Smiles Billing"
NCMIC-Insurance and Finance Group-"Medicaid Dental Center"
Forbin Group-"Papoose Board"
Peabody and Arnold, LLP-Law Firm-"Small Smiles"
Poyner & Spurill-Law Firm-"Child In Papoose Dental"
Vestar Capital Partners-Investment Group-"Rafael Rivera, DDS"
Lehman Brothers-Investment Bank-"Forba For Sale"
Wesley Capital
Draper, Fisher and Jurveston-Early Stage Investments-"FORBA"
Wells Fargo-Bank-"Tish Ballance"
Morgan Lucas & Bockius-International Law Firm-"FORBA"
Haynes and Boone, LLP-Internation Law Firm-"came to blog directly"
Deloitte & Touche
Blog Visitors,
Michael G. (Gordon) Lindley,
Small Smiles