Wednesday, December 08, 2010

FORBA's Small Smiles Clinics Playing Catch Up To Kool Smiles In 2011

NCDR's Kool Smiles Dental Chambers pulled ahead of FORBA's Small Smiles Dental Chambers in 2010 but FORBA  is planning on a big come back by April 2011.
FORBA's Small Smiles Washington DC # 2 is now up and running. 


I wonder how many of the bright smiling faces will be there in 60 days? 

I bet by Christmas these two dentists will be crying in that bed they just crawled into.
Not sure which on is the lead dentist, Dr. Siobhain Sprott and which is Dr. Takeisha Presson.

Think either of these two dentists had their credentialing papers forged by Janelle?  Would they even know if they had?

Muncie, Indiana is not far behind this one.  It may  be open already.  Employment ads have been out for a while on these two clinics. (Indiana is a hot bed for Kool Smiles and Small Smiles, Texas as well)

They are already advertising for employees for the Mission, TX Small Smiles clinic set to open the end of January 2011.

By the first of May 2011, plans are to open a second clinic in Hartford, CT, a third and fourth in Baltimore, Maryland, with another Maryland location and two more in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Imagine the number of children to be herded through another 8 more clinics?

New Clinics To Open In:

Muncie, Indiana
Washington DC #2
Mission, Texas
Baltimore, Maryland  #3
Baltimore, Maryland  #4
Indianapolis, Indiana #3
Indianapolis, Indiana #4
Mystery Maryland Location
Merry Christmas, Y'all!

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

This Is What A Tangled Web Really Looks Like

updated 12/27/2010

Monday, December 06, 2010

Massachusetts New Dental Laws and Regulations Have Dentist Concerned

A wonderful letter from a dentist who is very concerned about the state of dentistry in Massachusetts.   I hope they don't mind that I shared this.


Dear Debbie,
I hope this e-mail finds you and your loved ones in good spirits and good health.

Over here in MA the state dental board passed a host of new dental laws and regulations this past August. While there are a few new laws that at least give a nod towards promoting public safety, when I read many of the laws, I saw many regulations written with dollar signs in mind.

Three of the laws (Public health center, dental director, and public health hygienist laws.) will further entrench the unscrupulous Medicaid mills already present in this state. On top of this horror, a host of sedation laws will allow dentists to be, for all intents and purposes, anesthesiologists.

Deep sedation, whether one is working on the heart or in the mouth, functions the same in both patient populations. In other words, although the specific purposes are different (heart surgery vs dental work), the physiological mechanism is the same, and the risks are the same. Unfortunately, these risks involve death and/or brain damage.

Where things are now different in this state, and where things have gone horrifyingly awry, is that with a brief (and expensive, of course.) period of training, some of my colleagues will be able to place patients under deep sedation. In medicine, MD anesthesiologists and nurse anesthesiologists must go through a rigorous residency program lasting for years. (4 years for MDs and 2 years for nurse anesthesiologist practitioners.)

On a functional level, medicine has recognized that it is better to have a specifically-trained person in a proper setting to perform anesthesia. Medicine recognizes that it's not a good idea for the surgeon to try to sedate the patient, monitor the patient's life signs and breathing, and also perform surgery. The only "positive" side to this hypothetical medical scenario is that the surgeon could make out like a bandit by doing everything him/herself.

Debbie, my deep and abiding fear is the day when the new dental mill-enabling laws in this state converge with the new sedation laws in this state. Imagine what Small Smiles would do with a state-sanctioned sedation carte blanche. Now, it's only a matter of time before the carnage starts. Kids shouldn't die for the profit margins of the ruthless. Goddamn them.
Please be well Debbie.

Saturday, December 04, 2010

30 Year Old Describes Trauma From Being Papoosed At 3

Meridith L.
Posted 05/15/2010

As a person who had a root canal done on a papoose board as a 3 year old, please do not have major dental work done on your child without general anesthesia or conscious sedation.  At 30 years old, I still have nightmares about the experience and have to be sedated for even the most routine work.  At 3 years old, I couldn't tell the dentist that the numbing medications were not working and that I could feel every second of the root canal.  They dismissed my crying as fear and not true pain.

Find a dentist and an anesthesiologist who you love and trust and who will let you be there with your child so that it is calm, peaceful, and a good-as-the-dentist-can-be experience for your child.

Bad, painful, and scary experiences now can lead to a lifetime of fear, trauma, and distress, but good experiences can lead to a healthy smile, good oral hygiene, and improved overall health.


To read for yourself click here

Friday, December 03, 2010

New Fool On The Block In Youngstown, OH Small Smiles Clinic

Looks like we have another change of faux ownership for the Youngstown, Ohio clinic.  Yes, it’s true!  I know, amazing, right?  This is the clinic who had the idiot dentist fall asleep during a procedure.

I know, I know, he says he was dozing while the assistant was doing something, but that assistant says that is a total lie!  I believe the assistant.

The latest foolish dentist to add his name to the Secretary of State’s LLC documents as “owner” of this clinic is….

drum roll please….

Dr. Michael Crites! 

Dr. Michael Crites should know better by now, he’s been there for just over two years.  Maybe being “owner” is his reenlistment bonus.  If so, it is NO bonus!  It’s more like putting your head in the guillotine. 

However, Dr. Crites is no stranger to the Ohio dental board.  There are 16 pages of “actions” against him.  That explains why he fits right in at Small Smiles of Youngstown. 

I find it hard to believe (no I don’t) that he has credentials with any state or and especially any company that manages Ohio’s Medicaid Dental Program.  Geez!

History of this clinic

First registered as an LLC in Ohio February 2007, Joseph Bower the authorized representative, (Agent).  Name- Small Smiles of Youngstown, LLC –Kenneth E. Knott, DDS and Robert F. Andrus, DDS.

Knott and Andrus were “fired” because Kallene West (also let go) was taking their CE’s for them.  However FORBA didn’t have a problem with Kallene taking the CE’s for Dr. Bridgett Merritt-Brooks.  Dr. Bridget is still working her little fingers to the bone in South Bend.  In my opinion Dr. Bridgett is practicing without a licenses in Indiana…but heck, who am I to judge right?  More on this a bit later. 

Back to Youngstown:

Apparently Dr. Michael Crites can’t wait to be added to the next lawsuit.

February 2007
- Small Smiles of Youngstown, LLC- Dr. Robert E. Knott and Dr. Kenneth Andrus.

September 2007- Trade Name - Small Smiles Dental Clinic of Youngstown

September 17 2008- Small Smiles of Youngtown, LLC- Jodi Kuhn, DDS and Patricia Nicklas, DDS.

February 4, 2010 - Small Smiles of Youngtown, LLC – Jodi Kuhn and Olivia Croom, DDS

October 4 2010 - Small Smiles of Youngtown, LLC-Michael Crites, DDS

Where are those documents of the sale of this clinic?
Someone needs to send out the “Prove It” letter to Dr. Michael Crites.

Anyone, Bueller, Ohio Dental Board?

Monday, November 29, 2010

Seven Years After First Reports–Dr. Tish Ballance Appears To Still Be Raping Medicaid System in North Carolina

WCNC TV-Stuart Watson's January 2010 report
Link to report

It has been seven years after Stuart Watson first reported on Doctors Tish Balance and Michael DeRose and their chain of dental clinics in North Carolina abusing children for financial gain.  It has been two and a half years since Tish and Meatball Mike settled with the government for $10 million dollars, yet Dr. Tish appears to still be doing her best to rape the medicaid system and abuse children doing it.
Who in North Carolina is NOT doing their job and protecting the children??  Who in North Carolina is turning a blind eye to Tish Ballance stealing your/our tax dollars? 
That is what is happening.  It has been reported right here for three years.  I know the agencies visit this blog.  I'm waiting on an answer.
What is the reason Dr. Tish Ballance is still allowed to steal money from us?  Why is she not been put on the "Exclusion" list; barred from participating in the Medicaid programs?   Meatball Mike finally made it, but not until 2009 and millions and millions of dollars later.
(of course we know there are ways around that little inconvenience don't we)
Here is a warning I received today from a parent:
I live in Hickory, NC.  I had heard about Tish Ballance on the news getting in trouble for Medicaid fraud, but did not remember her name. My son is 6. He went recently for a cleaning to a different dentist and they found a cavity. While I was waiting for his appointment, they did a free screening at his school which also detected a single cavity. When it came time to be filled, our dentist wanted to refer him to another dentist 30 miles away. i decided to find a local dentist that took Medicaid. i found Carolina West Dentist in Conover near my home. I took him there to Tish Ballance's new clinic for children with Medicaid. Just 2 weeks after 2 dentists had diagnosed him with a single cavity, she said he needed caps on 3 molars in addition to the cavity. That's when I checked into her office and found out she had been in trouble before. Beware of this office!!!

December 2009 Report on Dr. Tish and her horror house

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Devore v. Keystone Education and Youth Services, LLC $9.5 Million settlement–January 2011

From UHS Annual Report
Devore, et. al. v. Keystone Education and Youth Services, LLC:
Alicante School (Keystone School Carmichael)  in California was acquired by a subsidiary of ours in October, 2005. Prior to our acquisition, two former employees of the facility filed a false claim act qui tam action and a gender discrimination/whistleblower claim in Sacramento County Superior Court. The plaintiffs allege that the Alicante School improperly billed subdivisions of the state of California based upon services provided at the school and that the plaintiffs were discriminated against based upon their gender and as a result of their objection to these practices. In June, 2008, we entered into an agreement with the former owners of the facility whereby they agreed to defend the case, indemnify us and hold us harmless for any damages that may result from this case. The former owners of the facility had been funding the legal defense of this case since that time. Recently, the court approved the agreed upon $9.5 million settlement of this matter which we paid to the plaintiffs in January, 2011. Since we have made a demand on the former owners of the facility for repayment, and intend to pursue collection of the $9.5 million pursuant to the June, 2008 indemnification agreement (although we can provide no assurance that we will collect the entire $9.5 million), the settlement amount and related receivable is reflected in other current assets and other accrued liabilities on our Consolidated Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2010.
October 2005 8-K
Universal Health Services (UHS)
Below are the companies and the facilities UHS purchased from Harbinger Private Equity Fund I, L.L.C., Keystone Group Kids, Inc., Michael Lindley (“Lindley”), Marty Weber, Ameris Healthcare Investments, LLC, Rainer Twiford, Al Smith (“Smith”), Mike White, Rodney Cawood (“Cawood”), Buddy Turner, Jeff Cross, Gail Debiec, Brad Gardner, Brad Williams, Don Wert, Rob Minor, Mike McCulla, Jim Shaheen, Rod Gaeta

Keystone Nevada, LLC
Keystone Memphis, LLC
Keystone Education Transportation, LLC
Elmira NPS, LLC
Alicante School Elk Grove, LLC
Keystone Savannah, LLC
Keystone Newport News, LLC
Keystone Marion, LLC
Keystone WSNC, L.L.C.
Keystone Oklahoma City, LLC
CCS/Altacare of Arkansas, Inc.
Chad Youth Enhancement Center, Inc.
CCS/Bay County, Inc.
CCS/Meadow Pines, Inc.
Ventures Healthcare of Gainesville, Inc.
CCS/Little Rock, Inc.
CCS/Rivendell of Kentucky, Inc.
CCS/Lansing, Inc.
Associated Child Care Educational Services, Inc.
American Clinical Schools, Inc.
Alabama Clinical Schools, Inc.
Pennsylvania Clinical Schools, Inc.
Tennessee Clinical Schools, Inc.
Keystone NPS, LLC
Keystone Continuum, LLC
Keystone Detention, LLC
Keystone Richland Center, LLC
Keystone DJJ, LLC
Keystone Charlotte, LLC
Keystone JJAEP, LLC
Here are the facilities that each the above companies owned, subsequently now UHS purchases.

Alabama Clinical Schools
Tennessee Valley Juvenile Detention Center
Tuscaloosa Juvenile Detention Center
Bristol Youth Academy
Jacksonville Youth Center
The H.O.P.E. Program
Nueces County Juvenile Justice
Cedar Grove
Chad Youth Enhancement Center
Cherokee Park Youth Center
Compass Intervention Center
Hermitage Hall
McDowell Center for Children
Natchez Trace Youth Academy
Upper East Tennessee
Old Vineyard Youth Services
The Keys of the Carolinas
Keystone Newport News Youth Center
Marion Youth Center
Pennsylvania Clinical Schools
Children’s Comprehensive Services of Ohio
Turning Point Youth Center
Highlander Children’s Services
Keystone Carmichael (Alicante School)
Keystone Desert Hot Springs
Keystone Elmira
Keystone Grand Terrace
Keystone Hemet
Keystone Highlander
Keystone Laguna
Keystone Mar Vista
Keystone Ramona
Keystone Rancho Cucamonga
Keystone Riverside
Keystone Steele Canyon
Keystone Vallejo
Keystone Van Nuys
Keystone Victorville
Keystone Ventura

Monday, November 15, 2010

Is Your Dental Office Prepared For Disaster?


Will another parent going home today without their child? 

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

“Prove It” Letter of Inquiry For Use By State Dental Boards

In an attempt to assist state dental boards I have taken the lead of the Kansas Board of Dentistry and created a form letter.  This letter is available for download and can be customized as needed.

You can download the free “Prove It” document by clicking here.

If any boards need assistance in who should receive these letters, please email me, I would be more than happy to provide that information if available.

You are most welcome,

Debbie Hagan

PS. You may also copy and paste from this blog post:


Here is a form letter designed to assist state dental boards with investigations of corporate owned dental clinics operating under the disguised of being dentist owned clinics. Such as Aspen, Kool Smiles, Small Smiles, Dental Dreams, etc. It can be customized to fit your needs.

[State dental board letter head]

Dear Dr. [dentist name here]

The Dental Board requests [dentist’s name inserted here] provide a written response explaining how your association with [corporation name i.e. FORBA] corporation is not creating a violation of the dental practices act of the state of [enter name of state], specifically, [enter state practice act number and section forbidding or limiting corporate dentistry].

In the written response, we respectively request you provide all of the following:

1.  A copy of your purchase agreement or ownership documents of the clinic.

2.  An employee handbook.

3.  A copy of advertisements published to hire dentists or other employees.

4.  If a PC or LLC provide a list of all member with % of ownership interests. Include address and all contact information for the members and a full copy of your “Operating Agreement”.

5.  An Operating Agreement or Contract between yourself and [enter the name of the corporation in question] showing the services they provide and the cost to your practice.

6.  Attach your personal and business FEDERAL, STATE and LOCAL income tax returns with attachments, including Schedule C with W-2’s or 1099’s.  If you are a PA, PC PLLC or LLC include returns for you personally and for the business entity.

7.  Attach five payment reimbursement forms from Medicaid and five from insurance companies.

8.  Attach copies of promissory notes or loan agreements with amortization schedule used.

9.  Attach a copy of the last 6 bank account statements for the business.

10. Attach a copy of your last three Federal 941 forms and copies of checks included with Federal form 941. Include copies of checks if you made periodic payroll deposits. Include copies of the last three 941-V vouchers, if any.

11. Attach copies of your last three Federal 940 FUTA forms and copies of checks showing payments made.

12. Include copies of checks showing all of the following payments:

· Building and/or Equipment loan or leases

· Employee payroll

· Utilities

· Liability Insurance

· Malpractice Insurance and Workman’s Comp Insurance

· Insurance on building and/or equipment

13.  Do you own the fixtures and equipment?  ___ Yes  ___No

        If “No” state from whom it is leased: 

        Business Name:________________________

        Contact Person: ________________________



If “Yes” include copies of checks showing local/state personal property tax.

14. Do you own the building? _____Yes ____No

       If “No” state from whom it is leased:

       Business Name:_________________________

       Contact Person”_________________________



15.  List dates of employment, names and contact information of all dentists, hygienists, and dental assistants employed by the clinic.

16. Provide a copy of your EIN application.

17.  If you own or operate more than one clinic, provide the legal name and dba name of each clinics, as well as its physical location include ALL states.

Please add the following statement, sign and date:

“I attest the above to be a true and accurate statement including all attachments”

Provide the above information within ten(10) days from the receipt of this letter.


[Signature of Investigator]