Friday, February 18, 2011

Kansas House Bill To Allow Expanded Functions for Hygienists Apprears Dead

— A controversial bill to allow specially trained dental hygienists to provide more tooth care to patients was heard today in the House Health and Human Services Committee.
But that may be the end of it for this year. House Bill 2280 will not be voted upon by the committee, the chairperson said following the hearing, which was split into two sessions, the second ending about 7:30 p.m.
"It's the first year for it. There's lots of questions, lots of concerns," about the proposal, said Rep. Brenda Landwehr, a Wichita Republican.
Her decision to hold the bill is a setback for its proponents because of looming legislative deadlines that limit ways they now can push the measure forward.  The bill, sought by a coalition that includes children's advocates and the state's 39 safety-net clinics, met stiff opposition from Kansas dentists.

New provider class
It would create a new class of dental care provider called a Registered Dental Practitioner. Already licensed hygienists with an additional 18 months of focused training could qualify for the new license, should the bill become law.

Supporters said the new "mid-level practitioners," would...  more

Lawmakers Calling For More Oversight in VA Dental Clinic

If they just would get as passionate about the children being exposed to the exact same issues at the Medicaid Dental mills spread all over Ohio.  While they are at it, REPLACE YOUR DENTAL BOARD AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, they suck!

By Joanne Huist Smith, Staff Writer Updated 10:15 AM Thursday, February 17, 2011
DAYTON — Three Dayton area congressmen are calling for an investigation into the lack of oversight that allowed a dentist at a Dayton VA Medical Center clinic to violate medical standards for nearly two decades, potentially exposing hundreds of veterans to blood-borne pathogens.

On Wednesday, Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio; Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio; and Rep. Mike Turner, R-Centerville, sent a letter to Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki, urging him to order a review of oversight practices at the Dayton VA.

“The fact that our veterans could have been exposed to infection, let alone over the past 18 years, without any intervention from supervisors at the Dayton VA is outrageous,” Turner said.
“Secretary Shinseki must take steps towards righting this wrong.”
The VA has identified at least 535 former patients who may have been exposed to Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV.  more

WHIO-TV Video Report

Dayton ABC Story- Video Included

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Doctors, Nurses, Health Care Company Owners and Executives Among the Defendants Charged; Law Enforcement Agents Execute 16 Search Warrants Oooops

Medicare fraud cost taxpayers $90 Billion a year

video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Fund Raiser To Help Devastated Family With Burial Costs

Marissa Kingery was just 13 years old when she passed away on January 3rd, 2011 after complication from oral surgery.   Marissa slipped into a coma and became unresponsive on December 21, 2010.

I urge everyone to make a donation.  This family is suffering trying to cope with such a loss.  If we can help to remove financial worries, we, at the very least, should do that along with our continued prayers.

Below is information on a fundraiser being organized by her uncle.

WHBrookParkOhioThe Warthogs Motorcycle Club's primary goal is to develop a bond between Law Enforcement Officers, Firefighters and Officers of the court, to assist Officers and Firefighters in their time of need and to assist the orphans and widows of those who lost their lives in the line of duty. 

However on Sunday, March 27, 2011 the Brook Park, Ohio Chapter of the Warthogs is sponsoring  a benefit dinner and fund raiser at The American Legion Post in Brook Park, Ohio.


Date: Sunday March 27, 2011

Time:  2pm to 6pm
50/50 & Chinese Raffle

Location: The American Legion Post 610
19944 Sheldon Rd.
Brook Park, Ohio 44142
Click here for map

You many also make donations at any area:
 Huntington Bank
or mail to:

Warthogs Motorcycle Club
10113 Valley Forge Dr. Parma Hts. Ohio, 44130
Make checks or money orders payable to:

Warthogs Motorcycle Club of Brook Park
in memo area please add
"In Memory of Marissa Kingery"  

You may contact Mark or Dave for further information:

 Mark (Zebra) Zebraski (Marissa's uncle) (216) 408-8194
 Dave (Shiek) Fadil at (440) 785-3832 
Thank you,
Mark (Zebra) Zebraski.

The Warthogs have chapters in the US, Canada and Norway.

Small Smiles Free Screenings In February

I've been watching this all month and it's just a bit ridiculous. 

They announce they are offering free dental screening on February 16 at 7:20 am that will be held on February 16, between 9 and 11am.  Think they really want children to show up for the free screenings?

Of course not.  It's just to have their name out there and the word free attached to give the illusion they are doing something good.

Today's example  KKTV

Mostly it's announced the night before with a foot note to call for an appointment or some stupid thing as that.  No they really don't want to give free screening and it's likely they are booked solid that day anyway and would crap if about 50 people showed up.  Let me say, they are NOT sitting there with no appointments for two hours waiting for parents to bring in their children.

Anyone want to make any bets there will be a clip on the evening news tonight on the wonders of Small Smiles dental in the Springs?

Monday, February 14, 2011

The Smile Center Family Dentistry - San Antonio, Texas

If you or your child suffered at the hands of Dr. Stephen Simpton and The Smile Center contact the Crosley Law firm for a free case review.
For more information on the case click here.
Initial Report - February 7, 2011

Investigative Report by WOAI's Brian Collister -

February 14, 2011
The Smile Center, another dental mill left to run amok, with no one checking, no dental board oversight, and evidently no one giving a damn.  Why has no one questioned this dental mill?  Where are the social workers in this, are they not noticing an increased amount of children with their mouths crammed full of stainless steel crowns. 
The report says the dentist who did this no longer work there, ok, where the hell did they go.  Let's get some names so the public can be warned.  But no, that won't happen, and these, like the thousands of dentists employed by these Medicaid dental mills will just move down the road to the next mill and continue with the substandard treatment they have been trained, coerced and baited with bonuses to deliver.  
The Smile Center's statement, Stephen Simpton, DDS

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Dental Dreams has become a Dental Nightmare for family of Christopher Schutzius

The Reported Facts:

It’s two for two so far for deaths after dental procedures in 2011.  Another routine dental procedure ends with a dead child.  On Wednesday, February 9, 2011,  17 year old, Christopher Schutzius died, of what the Medical Examiner reported as sepsis, a severe blood infection.  Also referred to as blood poisoning, sepsis is very often life threatening, it causes the blood pressure to drop, the patient goes into shock, major systems shut down, such as kidneys, liver, lungs and central nervous system and then death.

On February 1, 2011 Christopher went to Dental Dreams, a corporate dental chain located in the Chicago suburb of Blue Island, Illinois.  This Dental Dreams was the one located at 12200 Western Avenue.  Christopher went there alone to simply have a filling refilled after he lost the previous one while eating a caramel apple.  Instead of replacing the filling, the dentist gave Christopher a root canal and sent him home with no antibiotics or pain medication.

Christopher was a senior at Eisenhower High and had entered the foster case system in 2008.

Dr. Christopher Wenckus of the University of Illinois said it was very rare to die from sepsis after a root canal, going on to say it maybe happens once every 50 years. Dr. Wenckus said he would love to see the x-rays taken before the surgery.

Laying the ground work for some other problem or fault beside negligence on the part of the treating dentist and Dental Dreams, journalist Steve Metsch reports that Dr. Wenckus questioned,  “Was that tooth infected prior to the root canal? If it’s a live tooth, with a functioning nerve, there’s no way in hell this takes place.  Surgery can’t cause it. There’s got to be an underlying condition.”

“If someone has an infected tooth, (their face) is swollen and bad and nasty. That’s the time you use an antibiotic. How do they know the sepsis came from an infected tooth?”

According to Metsch, Dr. Wenckus went on to say if it was infection from a bad tooth there would have been warning signs such as swelling and soreness in the mouth. 

“If someone has an infected tooth, …

Friday, February 11, 2011

DeRose friend and cohort gets 71 counts of fraud dropped like a hot potatoe

Anyone think DeRose cohort Tony Ianne will see one hour of jail time?  

Along with the DeRoses' he's just part of the "family" who owns and runs Pueblo along with the Carleo's, whose dumbass son tried to rob the casino in Las Vegas.  No wonder there is an air of arrogance that shrouds these people.  

We know why this deal had to be made by the DA and everyone involved.  Because God knows everyone in town is involved!  How do you jail an entire city?!  Gag me! 

Posted: Friday, February 11, 2011 12:00 am
The central figure in one of the city's largest mortgage fraud schemes will see nearly all of the charges against him disappear with a single plea.

 Anthony Joseph Ianne, 50, pleaded guilty Thursday to one count of conspiracy to commit a computer crime in exchange for the dismissal of 71 other counts including a violation of the Colorado Organized Crime Act.

The case against Ianne's co-defendant, John Valle, also will be dismissed.  Ianne is scheduled for sentencing in May and faces up to six years in prison, unless District Judge David Crockenberg finds extraordinary aggravating circumstances, in which case the maximum sentence will be 12 years.

But according to the agreement, Crockenberg will have all of the sentencing options available to him, including prison, a community corrections facility or probation.

District Attorney Bill Thiebaut said he stands by the agreement that sweeps away nearly six dozen felony charges as well as two separate indictments alleging witness intimidation.
"The plea agreement speaks for itself," Thiebaut said in a statement Thursday. "I am confident that at sentencing, and after arguments are made by the prosecution and the defendant’s counsel, the court will impose a just sentence that will advance the goals of the safety and economic well-being of our community."

 A Pueblo grand jury indicted Ianne on Dec. 7, 2009.
 He was accused of enlisting others to purchase homes from his inventory of rentals, with guarantees about tenant assistance and rental income.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Statistics Show Dentist May Be Too Old; Marissa Kingery Death

Mazorow says he's not too old, evidently he's wrong!